A confutation of a popishe, and sclaunderous libelle in forme of an apologie: geuen out into the courte, and spread abrode in diuerse other places of the realme. VVritten by VVilliam Fulke, Bacheler in Diuinitie, and felowe of S. Ihons Colledge in Cambridge.

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A confutation of a popishe, and sclaunderous libelle in forme of an apologie: geuen out into the courte, and spread abrode in diuerse other places of the realme. VVritten by VVilliam Fulke, Bacheler in Diuinitie, and felowe of S. Ihons Colledge in Cambridge.
Fulke, William, 1538-1589.
Imprinted at London :: By Ihon Kingston, for William Iones, and are to bee solde at the newe long shop, at the west ende of Poules,

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Bible -- English -- Versions -- Early works to 1800.
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"A confutation of a popishe, and sclaunderous libelle in forme of an apologie: geuen out into the courte, and spread abrode in diuerse other places of the realme. VVritten by VVilliam Fulke, Bacheler in Diuinitie, and felowe of S. Ihons Colledge in Cambridge." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A01304.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 20, 2024.


The aunswere.

The Scripture hath determined of all necessarie articles of faithe, and againste all superstitious opinions, and Ceremo∣nies. And these thynges you speake of, we proued to bee suche, therefore in theim by Saincte Augustines rule, neither the cu∣stome of people, nor the decrees of elders muste take place, but the aucthoritie of Goddes woorde. But of suche thynges as bee variable Ceremonies, for edification,

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order, and comelinesse sake, diuers parti∣culer Churches, maie make particuler de∣crees, whiche are nothyng preiuditiall to the vniuersall Churche of Christ, whiche is the principall argumente that saincte Augustine handeleth, in that 86. Epistle to Casulanus, where he defendeth the cu∣stome of the moste parte of the Churche, againste the custome of the Churche of Rome. As I haue touched before, whiche thyng, of you will in no wise bee allowed. And as concernyng the Sacrifice he spea∣keth of, to bee celebrated on Sondaie, he meaneth not the propiciatorie Sacrifice of the Masse, as perhaps you would seme to inferre. But the celebration of the communion, for thus he writeth in the same Epistle against Vrbicus. Dicit cessisse pani pecus, tanquam nesciens & tunc in domini mensa, panes propositionis poni solere, & nunc se de agni immaculati corpore partem sumere, dicit cessisse poculo sanguinem, nō cogitans etiam nunc se accipere in poculo sanguinem. He saith that the Shepe hath giuen place to the breade, as though he were ignoraunt, that then also the Shewbread, was vsed to bée sette on the Lordes boarde, and that now

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also he taketh parte of the bodie of the im∣maculate Lambe: he saieth that bloodde hath giuen place to the Cuppe, not consi∣deryng that now also, he receiueth bloode in the Cuppe. These woordes declare, bothe that the Sacrifice was nothyng but the Communion, and also that the wine is none otherwise called bloodde, then the bread is called a lambe, and that the bread in nature, and substaunce is suche, as was the Shewbreade, in whiche was no tran∣substantiation, and thirdely, the necessitie of the Communion in both kindes, if this analogie of Augustine must stande, wher∣fore sainct Augustine in this Epistle, ma∣keth little for your purpose.

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