Of the Russe common wealth. Or, Maner of gouernement of the Russe emperour, (commonly called the Emperour of Moskouia) with the manners, and fashions of the people of that countrey.
Fletcher, Giles, 1549?-1611.

Of the Tartars, and other borderers to the Countrie of Russia, with whome they haue most to doo in warre, and peace.

The 19. Chapter.

THeir neighbours with whom they haue greatest dealings & intercourse, both in peace & warre, are first the Tartar: Secondly the Polonian whom the Russe calleth Laches,* no∣ting the first author or founder of the Na∣tion, Page  [unnumbered] who was called Laches or Leches, wher∣vnto is added Po, which signifieth People, & so is made Polaches, that is, the People or poste∣ritie of Laches: which the Latines after their manner of writing call Polanos. The third are the Swedens. The Polonians and Swedens are better knowen to these partes of Europe then are the Tartars, that are farther of from vs (as being of Asia) and diuided in∣to many tribes, different both in name, and gouernment one from another. The greatest and mightiest of them is the Chrim Tartar,* (whom some call the Great Cham) that lieth South, and Southeastward from Russia, and doth most annoy the Countrie by often in∣uasions, commonly once euery yeare, some∣times entring very farre within the inland parts. In the yeare 1571. he came as farre as the citie of Mosko, with an armie of 200000. men, without any battaile, or resistance at all, for that the Russe Emperour (then Iuan Vasilowich) leading foorth his armie to en∣counter with him, marched a wrong way: but as it was thought of very purpose, as not daring to aduenture the fielde, by reason that hee doubted his nobilitie, and chiefe Captaines, of a meaning to betray him to the Tartar.

The citie he tooke not, but fired the Sub∣burbs, which by reason of the buildinges Page  66 (which is all of wood without any stone,* brick, or lime, saue certein out roomes) kind∣led so quickly, and went on with such rage as that it cōsumed the greatest part of the citie almost within the space of foure houres, be∣ing of 30. miles or more of compasse. Then might you haue seene a lamētable spectacle: besides the huge & mighty flame of the citie all on light fire, the people burning in their houses and streates, but most of all of such as laboured to passe out of the gates far∣thest from the enemie, where meeting toge∣ther in a mightie throng, and so pressing e∣uery man to preuent another, wedged them∣selues so fast within the gate, and streates neare vnto it, as that three ranks walked one vpon the others head, the vppermost trea∣ding downe those that were lower: so that there perished at that time (as was sayd) by the fire & the presse, the number of 800000 people, or more.

The Chrim thus hauing fired the Citie, and fedde his eyes with the sight of it all on a light flame, returned with his armie, and sent to the Russe Emperour a knife (as was sayd) to sticke himselfe withall: obbraiding this losse, & his desperate case, as not daring either to meet his enimy in the fielde, nor to trust his friends, or subiects at home. The principall cause of this continual quarell be∣twixt Page  [unnumbered] the Russe and the Chrim, is for the right of certeine border parts claimed by the Tar∣tar, but possessed by the Russe. The Tartar al∣leageth that besides Astracan, & Cazan (that are the ancient posessiō of the East Tartar) the whole countrie from his bounds North and Westward, so farre as the citie of Mosko, and Mosko it selfe, perteineth to his right. Which seemeth to haue bene true by the re∣port of the Russes thēselues,* that tell of a cer∣teine homage that was done by the Russe Em∣perour euery yeare, to the Great Chrim or Cham, the Russe Emperour standing on foote & feeding the Chrims horse, (himselfe sitting on his back) with oates out of his owne cap, in stead of a boule or maunger, & that within the castle of Mosko. And this homage (they say) was done til the time of Basileus grandfa∣ther to this man. Who surprising the Chrim Emperor by a stratagem, done by one of his Nobilitie (called Iuan Demetrowich Belschey) was content with this raunsome, vz: with the chaunging of this homage into a tribute of furres: which afterwards also was denied to be paied, by this Emperours father.

Hereupon they continue the quarrell, the Russe defending his countrie, and that which he hath wonne, the Chrim Tartar in∣uading him once or twise euery yeare, some∣time about Whitsontide, but oftener in Har∣uest. Page  67 What time if the great Cham or Chrim come in his owne person, he bringeth with him a great armie of 100000. or 200000. men. Otherwise they make shorte, and sud∣den roads into the countrie with lesser num∣bers, running about the list of the border as wild geese flie, inuading and retiring where they see aduantage.

Their common practise (being very popu∣lous) is to make diuers armies,* & so drawing the Russe to one, or two places of the fron∣tiers, to inuade at some other place, that is left without defence. Their manner of fight, or ordering of their forces, is much after the Russe manner (spoken of before) saue that they are all horsemen, and carrie nothing els but a bow, a sheafe of arrowes, and a falcon sword after the Turkish fashion. They are very expert horsmē, & vse to shoot as readily back∣ward, as forward. Some wil haue a horsmans staffe like to a bore speare, besides their o∣ther weapons. The cōmon souldier hath no other armour then his ordinary apparel, vz: a blacke sheeps skin with the wooll side out∣ward in the day time, & inward in the night time, with a cap of the same. But their Morseys or Noblemen imitate the Turke both in ap∣parel, & armour. When they are to passe ouer a riuer with their armie, they tie three or foure horses together, & taking long poles Page  [unnumbered] or pieces of wood, bind them fast to the tails of their horse: so sitting on the poles they driue their horse ouer. At handie strokes (when they come to ioyne battaile) they are accounted farre better men then the Russe people, fearse by nature, but more hardie & blouddy by continuall practise of warre: as men knowing no artes of peace, nor any ci∣uill practise.

Yet their subtiltie is more then may seeme to agree with their barbarous con∣dition.* By reason they are practised to in∣uade continually, and to robbe their neigh∣bours that border about them, they are very pregnant, and ready witted to deuise strata∣geams vpō the suddaine for their better ad∣uantage. As in their warre against Beala the fourth king of Hungarie, whome they inua∣ded with 500000. men, & obteined against him a great victorie. Where among other, hauing slaine his Chauncellor, called Nicho∣las Schinick, they founde about him the Kings priuie seale. Whereupon they deui∣sed presently to counterfait letters in the Kings name, to the cities and townes next a∣bout the place, where the field was foughtt with charge that in no case they should conuey themselues, and their goods out of their dwellings, where they might abide safely without all feare of daunger, and not Page  68 leaue the coūtrie desolate to the possession of so vile & barbarous an enimie, as was the Tartar nation, terming themselues in all re∣prochfull manner. For notwithstanding he had lost his carriages, with some fewe strag∣lers that had marched disorderly, yet hee doubted not but to recouer that losse, with the accesse of a notable victorie, if the sa∣uage Tartar durst abide him in the fielde. To this purpose hauing written their letters in the Polish character, by certaine young men whom they tooke in the field, & signed them with the Kings seale, they dispatched them foorth to all the quarters of Hunga∣rie, that lay neare about the place. Where∣upon the Vngarians, that were now flying a∣way with their goods, wiues, & children vpō the rumour of the Kings ouerthrow, taking comfort of these counterfait letters, stayed at home. And so were made a pray, being surprised on the suddaine by this huge num∣ber of these Tartars, that had cōpassed them about before they were aware.

When they besiege a towne or fort, they offer much parle, and sende many flattering messages to perswade a surrendry: promi∣sing all things that the inhabitants will re∣quire: but beyng once possessed of the place, they vse all manner of hostilitie, and eru∣eltie. This they doo vppon a rule they Page  [unnumbered] haue, vz: that Iustice is to be practised but towardes their owne. They encounter not lightly, but they haue some ambush, where∣vnto (hauing once shewed themselues, and made some short cōflict, they retire as repul∣fed for feare, and so draw the enimie into it if they can. But the Russe being wel acquain∣ted with their practise, is more warie of them. When they come a rouing with some small number, they set on horsebacke counterfait shapes of men, that their number may seeme greater.

When they make any onset, their man∣ner is to make a great shoote, crying all out together Olla Billa, Olla Billa, God helpe vs, God helpe vs. They contemne death so much, as that they chuse rather to die, then to yeeld to their enimie, and are seene when they are slaine to bite the very weapon, when they are past striking, or helping of themselues. Wherein appeareth how different the Tar∣tar is in his desperate courage from the Russe, and Turke. For the Russe Souldier if he begin once to retire putteth all his safety in his speedie flight. And if once he be taken by his enemie, he neyther defendeth him∣selfe, nor intreateth for his life, as recko∣ning straight to die. The Turke commonly when he is past hope of escaping, falleth to intreatie, and casteth awaie his weapon, Page  69 offereth both his handes, and holdeth them vp, as it were to be tyed: hoping to saue his life, by offering himselfe bondslaue.

The chiefe bootie the Tartars seeke for in all their warres, is to get store of captiues, specially yong boyes, and girls, whom they sell to the Turkes, or other their neighbors. To this purpose they take with them great baskets made like bakers panniers to carrie them tenderly, and if any of them happen to tyer, or to be sicke on the way, they dash him against the ground, or some tree, and so leaue him dead: The souldiers are not troubled with keeping the captiues, and the other bootie, for hindering the execution of their warres, but they haue certein bands that intend nothing els, appointed of pur∣pose to receiue, and keepe the captiues and the other praye.

The Russe borders (being vsed to their in∣uasions lightly euery yeere in the sommer) keepe fewe other cattel on the border parts,* saue swine onely, which the Tartar will not touch, nor driue away with him: for that he is of the Turkish religion, and will eate no swines flesh. Of Christ our Sauiour they con∣fesse asmuch as doeth the Turke in his Alka∣ron, vz. that hee came of the Angell Gabriel, and the Virgin Marie, that hee was a great Prophet, and shalbe the Iudge of the world Page  [unnumbered] at the last day. In other matters likewise, they are much ordered after the manner and di∣rection of the Turke: hauing felt the Tur∣kish forces when hee wonne from them A∣zou, & Caffa, with some other townes about the Euxine, or Blacke sea, that were before tributaries to the Chrim Tartar. So that now the Emperour of the Chrims for the most part is chosen some one of the Nobilitie whom the Turke doeth commend: whereby it is brought nowe to that passe, that the Chrim Tartar giueth to the Turke the tenth part of the spoyle, which hee getteth in his warres against the Christians.

Herein they differ from the Turkish reli∣gion, for that they haue certeine idole pup∣pets made of silke, or like stuffe, of the fashi∣on of a man, which they fasten to the doore of their walking houses, to be as Ianusses or keepers of their house. And these idols are made not by all, but by certeine religious women, which they haue among them for that, & like vses. They haue besides the image of their King or great Cham, of an huge big∣nes which they erect at euery stage: when the army marcheth: & this euery one must bend and bowe vnto as hee passeth by it, bee he Tartar, or stranger. They are much giuen to witchcraft, & ominous coniectures, vpon euery accident which they heare, or see.

Page  70 In making of mariages they haue no regard of alliance or consanguinitie. Onely with his mother, sister, and daughter a man may not marrie, and though hee take the woman into his house, and accompany with her, yet hee accounteth her not for his wife, till he haue a childe by her. Then he begin∣neth to take a dowrie of her friendes of horse, sheepe, kyne, &c. If she be barren after a certeine time, he turneth her home againe.

Vnder the Emperour they haue certeine Dukes,* whome they call Morseis or Diuoy∣morseis: that rule ouer a certeine number of 10000. 20000. or 40000. a piece, which they call hoords. When the Emperour hath any vse of them to serue in his warres, they are bound to come, & to bring with them their souldiers to a certeine nomber, euery man with his two horse at the least, the one to ride on, the other to kill, when it commeth to his turne to haue his his horse eate. For their chiefe vittaile is horse flesh,* which they eate without bread, or any other thing with it. So that if a Tartar be taken by a Russe, he shall be sure lightly to finde a horse legge, or some other part of him at his saddle bow.

This last yeere when I was at the Mosko, came in one Kiriach Morsey, nephewe to the Emperour of the Chrims that now is (whose father was Emperour before) accompanied Page  [unnumbered] with 300. Tartars, and his two wiues, where∣of one was his brothers widdow. Where be∣ing intertained in very good sort after the Russe manner; hee had sent vnto his lodging for his welcome, to bee made ready for his supper and his companies, two very large and fatte horses, ready flawed in a sledde. They preferre it before other flesh, be∣cause the meate is stronger (as they say) then beefe, mutton, and such like. And yet (which is marueile) though they serue all as horsemen in the warres, and eate all of horse flesh, there are brought yeerely to the Mosko to be exchanged for other cōmodi∣ties 30. or 40. thousand Tartar horse, which they call Cones. They keepe also great heards of kine, and flockes of blacke sheepe, rather for the skins and milke (which they carry with them in great bottels) then for the vse of the flesh, though sometimes they eate of it. Some vse they haue of ryse figs, and other fruites. They drinke milke or warme blood, and for the most part carde them both to∣gether. They vse sometimes as they traueile by the way, to let their horse blood in a vain, and to drinke it warme, as it commeth from his body.

Townes they plant none,* nor other stan∣ding buildings, but haue walking houses which the Latines call Veij, built vpon Page  71 wheeles like a shepheards cottage. These they drawe with them whithersoeur they goe, driuing their cattaile with them. And when they come to their stage, or stan∣ding place, they plant their cart houses very orderly in a ranke: and so make the forme of streetes, and of a large towne. And this is the manner of the Emperour himselfe, who hath no other seat of his Empire but an Agora, or towne of wood, that moueth with him whi∣thersoeuer hee goeth. As for the fixed and standing building vsed in other countreys, they say they are vnwholsome and vn∣pleasant.

They beginne to mooue their houses and cattaile in the spring time from the South part of their Countrey towards the North parts. And so driuing on til they haue grased all vp to the farthest part Northwarde, they returne backe againe towardes their South countrey (where they continue all the win∣ter) by ten or twelue miles a stage: in the meane while the grasse being sprung vp a∣gaine, to serue for their cattaile as they re∣turne. From the border of the Shalcan to∣wards the Caspian sea, to the Russe frontiers, they haue a goodly Countrey, specially on the South and Southeast partes, but lost for lacke of tillage.

Of money they haue no vse at all, and Page  [unnumbered] therefore preferre brasse and steele before other mettals, specially bullate, which they vse for swords, kniues, and other necessaries. As for golde and siluer they neglect it of ve∣ry purpose, (as they doe all tillage of their ground) to be more free for their wandring kinde of life, and to keepe their Countrey lesse subiect to inuasiōs. Which giueth them great aduantage against all their neighbors, euer inuading, & neuer being inuaded. Such as haue taken vpon them to inuade their Countrey (as of olde time Cyrus and Darius Hystaspis, on the East and Southeast side) haue done it with very ill successe: as we find in the stories written of those times. For their manner is when any will inuade them, to allure and drawe them on by flying and reculing (as if they were afraide) till they haue drawen them some good way within their countrey. Then when they beginne to want vittaile and other necessaries (as needs they must where nothing is to bee had) to stoppe vp the passages, and inclose them with multitudes. By which stratagem (as we reade in Laonicus Chalcacondylas in his Tur∣kish storie) they had welnigh surprised the great aud huge armie of Tamerlan, but that hee retyred with all speede hee coulde, to∣wardes the riuer Tanais, or Don, not with∣out great losse of his men, and carriages.

Page  72 In the storie of Pachymerius the Greeke (which he wrote of the Emperours of Con∣stantinople from the beginning of the reigne of Michael Palaeologus to the time of Andro∣nicus the elder) I remember hee telleth to the same pourpose of one Nogas a Tartari∣an captaine vnder Cazan the Emperour of the East Tartars (of whome the Citie and kingdome of Cazan may seeme to haue ta∣ken the denomination) who refused a pre∣sent of Pearle and other iewels sent vnto him from Michael Palaeologus: asking with∣all, for what vse they serued, and whither they were good to keepe away sicknesse, death, or other misfortunes of this life, or no. So that it seemeth they haue, euer or long time bene of that minde to value things no further, then by the vse, and necessitie for which they serue.

For person and complexion they haue broad and flatte visages, of a tanned colour into yellowe and blacke, fearse and cruell lookes, thin haired vpon the vpper lippe, and pitte of the chinne, light and nimble bodied, with short legges, as if they were made naturally for horsemen: whereto they practise themselues from their childehood, seldome going afoote about any businesse. Their speach is very suddaine and loude, speaking as it were out of a deepe hollowe Page  [unnumbered] throate. When they sing you woulde thinke a kowe lowed, or some great bandogge howled. Their greatest exercise is shooting, wherein they traine vp their children from their very infancie, not suffering them to eate, til they haue shot neere the marke with∣in a certein scātling. They are the very same that sometimes were called Scythae Noma∣des, or the Scythian Shepheards, by the Greeks and Latines. Some thinke that the Turkes tooke their beginning from the nation of the Chrim Tartars. Of which opinion is Lao∣nicus Chalcocondylas the Greeke Historio∣grapher, in his first booke of his Tur∣kish storie. Wherein hee followeth diuers very probable coniectures: The first ta∣ken from the very name it selfe, for that the worde Turke signifieth a shepheard, or one that foloweth a vagrant and wilde kinde of life By which name these Scythian Tartars haue euer bene noted, being called by the Greekes〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, or the Scythian shep∣heards. His second reason, because the Turks (in his time) that dwelt in Asia the lesse, to wit, in Lydia, Coria, Phrygia, and Cappadocia, spake the very same language that these Tar∣tars did, that dwelt betwixt the riuer Tanais or Don. and the countrey of Sarmatia, which (as is well knowen) are these Tartars called Chrims. At this time also the whole nation Page  73 of the Turkes differ not much in their com∣mon speach from the Tartar lāguage, Third∣ly because the Turke and the Chrim Tartar agree so well together, aswell in religion, as in matter of traffique neuer inuading, or iniurying one another: saue that the Turke (since Laonicus his time) hath encroached vp∣on some Townes vpon the Euxin sea, that before perteined to the Chrim Tartar. Fourthly, because Ortogules sonne to Ogu∣zalpes, & (father to Otoman the first of name of the Turkish nation) made his first roads out of those partes of Asia, vpon the next borderers, till he came towardes the coun∣treys about the hill Taurus, where hee ouer∣came the Greeks that inhabited there: and so enlarged the name and territorie of the Turkish nation, til he came to Eubaa and At∣tica, and other partes of Greece. This is the opinion of Laonicus, who liued among the Turks in the time of Amurat the sixt Turkish Emperour, about the yeere 1400. when the memorie of their originall was more fresh: and therefore the likelier hee was to hit the trueth.

There are diuers other Tartars that bor∣der vpon Russia, as the Nagaies, the Chere∣missens, the Mordwites, the Chircasses, and the Shalcans, which all differ in name more then in regiment, or other condition, from Page  [unnumbered] the Chrim Tartar except the Chircasses that border Southwest,* towardes Lituania, and are farre more ciuil then the rest of the Tar∣tars,* of a comely person, and of a stately be∣hauiour, as applying themselues to the fashion of the Polonian. Some of them haue subiected themselues to the kings of Poland, & professe Christianitie. The Nagay lyeth Eastwarde, and is reckoned for the best man of warre among all the Tartars, but verie sa∣uage,* and cruell aboue all the rest. The Che∣remifrn Tartar, that lieth betwixt the Russe & the Nagay, are of two sorts, the Lugauoy (that is of the valley) and the Nagornay, or of the hillie countrey. These haue much troubled the Emperours of Russia. And therfore they are content now to buy peace of thē, vnder pretence of giuing a yeerely pension of Russe commodities, to their Morseis, or Diuoymor∣seis, that are chiefe of their tribes For which also they are boūd to serue thē in their wars, vnder certeine conditions. They are saide to be iust & true in their dealings: and for that cause they hate the Russe people, whom they account to be double, & false in all their dea∣ling. And therfore the common sort are very vnwilling to keep agreement with them, but that they are kept in by their Morseis, or Dukes for their pensions sake.

The most rude & barbarous is coūted the Page  74Mordwit Tartar,* that hath many self fashiōs, & strange kinds of behauiour, differing frō the rest. For his religiō, thogh he acknowlege one god, yet his maner is to worship for god, that liuing thing, that he first meeteth in the morning & to sweare by it al that whole day whether it be horse, dogge, catte, or whatso∣euer els it be. When his friend dieth, he kil∣leth his best horse, and hauing flayed off the skin he carrieth it on high vpon a long pole, before the corpes to the place of buriall. This hee doeth (as the Russe sayeth) that his friend may haue a good horse to carie him to heauen: but it is likelier to declare his loue towardes his dead friende, in that hee will haue to die with him the best thing that hee hath.

Next to the kingdome of Asiracan, that is the farthest part Southeastward of the Russe dominion, lyeth the Shalcan, and the countrey of Midia: whither the Russe mar∣chants trade for raw silks, syndon, saphion, skins, and other commodities. The chiefe townes of Media where the Russe tradeth, are, Derbent (built by Alexander the great, as the inhabitauntes saye) and Zamachie where the staple is kept for rawe silkes. Their manner is in the Spring time to re∣uiue the silke-wormes (that lye dead all the Winter) by laying them in the warme Page  [unnumbered] sunne, and (to hasten their quickening that they may sooner goe to worke) to put them into bags, and so to hang them vnder their childrens armes. As for the worme called Chrinisin (as we call it chrymson) that maketh coloured silke, it is bred not in Media, but in Assyria. This trade to Derbent and Sama∣chie for rawe silkes, and other commodi∣ties, of that countrey, as also into Persia, and Bougharia, downe the riuer Volgha, and through the Caspian sea, is permitted aswell to the English, as to the Russe marchants, by the Emperours last Graunt at my being there. Which hee accounteth for a very spe∣ciall fauour, and might prooue in deede ve∣ry beneficiall to our English marchants, if the trade were wel, and orderly vsed.

The whole nation of the Tartars are vt∣terly voyde of all learning, and without written Lawe. Yet certeine rules they haue which they holde by tradition, common to all the Hoords for the practise of their life. Which are of this sort. First, To obey their Emperour and other Magistrates, whatsoeuer they commaunde about the publique seruice. 2. Except for the publique behoofe, euery man to be free and out of controlement. 3. No pri∣uate man to possesse any lands, but the whole countrey to be as a common. 4. To neglect all daintinesse and varietie of meates, and to content Page  75 themselues with that which commeth next to hand, for more hardnesse, and readinesse in the executing of their affaires. 5. To weare any base attire, and to patch their clothes, whether there bee anie neede or not: that when there is neede, it bee no shame to weare a patcht coate. 6 To take, or steale from anie stranger whatsoe∣uer they can gette, as beeyng enemies to all men, saue to such as will subiect themselues to them. 7. Towardes their owne hoorde and na∣tion to be true in word, and deede. 8. To suffer no stranger to come within the Realme, If any doe, the same to bee bondslaue to him that first taketh him, ex∣cept such marchants and other as haue the Tar∣tar Bull, or past∣port about them.