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At the gate towardes the Sea on the left hande.
One demye Cannon of brasse for stones in his Cariage: one Demye Cannon of y∣ron in his Cariage: one Demye Sacar of Fraunce, of brasse, eyght square in his cari∣age. So that there was taken and founde in all the shippes, Forts, and in other places as is sayd 301 peeces of Artilerie.
And after that they had taken the citie, Ca∣stles, Fortes, artilerie, and munitions, and giuen to the souldiers the spoyle for 3 dayes, as it is said. The Marques did ordain that al the dwellers & naturals of the Ilande should returne vnto their houses, & that they should vnderstand in the labour of the field, & tilling of the same, who straight way began to come together, although but a fewe, and the gene∣rall Auditor did proceede agaynste those that were culpable, and did apprehend manye, as hereafter shall bee made mention. In this time the frenchmen were three leagues from the citie of Angra, in a strong cituation, the which they had trenched & made strōg, where they had water & other commodities & were treating, with Don Pedro de Padilla, that he wold let thē depart wt their ensigns & armor, and to carrye with them such Portugals as