The deuills banket described in foure sermons [brace], 1. The banket propounded, begunne, 2. The second seruice, 3. The breaking vp of the feast, 4. The shot or reckoning, [and] The sinners passing-bell, together with Phisicke from heauen
Adams, Thomas, fl. 1612-1653.
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TO THE HO∣NOVRABLE AND Vertuous Lady, the Lady Iane Gostwyke, Baronettesse, sauing Health.


I Am bold to adde one Booke more to your Li∣brary, though it be but as a Mite into your Trea∣surie. I that haue found you so euer fauourable to any worke of mine, cannot but confidently hope your acceptance of this. Not for the worth of it, but because it beares your Name (and my dutie to it) in the forehead, and of∣fers it selfe to the world, through your Patro∣nage. Page  [unnumbered] Somewhat you shall finde in it, to harten your loue to Vertue; much to encrease your detestation to Vice. For I haue, to my pow∣er, endeuoured to vnmaske the latter, and to spoile it of the borrowed forme; that sober eyes may see the true proportion of it, and their loathing be no longer with-held. I cannot doubt, therefore, that your approbation of the Booke will be frustrate by the Title. I am content to furnish out Satans Feast, with many speciall Dishes; and to discouer the VVaters of Iniquitie, which hee hath broa∣ched to the World. Not to perswade their Pleasure; but lest Ignorance should surfet on them without mistrust: Lest the peruer∣ted Conscience should securely deuoure them without reprehension. Here you shall see, in a small Abridgement, many actuall breaches of Gods sacred Law; not without liablenes to condigne punishment. You heard it with attention, spoken in your priuate Church: You gaue it approuall: I trust, you will as well owne it written. It is not lesse yours, Page  [unnumbered] though it be made more publike. I need not aduise you, to make your eye an helpe to your soule, as well as your eare. They that know you, know your apprehension quicke, your Iudgement sound; and (that which graceth all the rest) your affections religiously deuoted. Yet since it is no small part of our goodnesse, to know that wee may be better, I presume to present this Booke, and (with it) my owne dutie to your Ladiship, the poore testimonie of my present thankefulnesse, and pledge of my future seruice. The God of Power and Mercie continue his Fauours to you; who haue still continued your fauours to

Your Honours humbly deuoted THOMAS ADAMS.