The rules and righte ample documentes, touchinge the vse and practise of the common almanackes, which are named ephemerides A briefe and shorte introduction vpon the iudiciall astrologie, for to prognosticate of thinges to come, by the helpe of the sayde ephemerides. With a treatise added hereunto, touchinge the coniunction of the planets, in euery one of the. 12. signes, and of their prognostications and reuolutions of yeres. The hole faithfully, and clerely translated into Englyshe by Humfrey Baker.
Fine, Oronce, 1494-1555., Baker, Humfrey, fl. 1557-1587.

Here folovveth a singular treatise of Astrologie touching the con∣iunctions of the planettes in euery of the twelue signes, and of theyr Prognostications in the reuolutions of yeares.

Page  [unnumbered]IF you desire to knowe euerye yeare▪ what thinges shalbe deere, and what good cheape, or of a meane price, sie what signe is ascendant aboue youre ho¦rizont, at the hour that the sunne entreth into the firste minute of Aries. For the planet whiche shall be then in the sayde signe. shall be Lorde of the saide yeare.

Let then be made the figure of heuen in the which lette be ordeined the 12 hou¦ses, accordinge vnto the said ascendent, and let be ordeined the 7 planetes in the sayde houses, as by their mouement pre¦cisely iustified they shalbe founde to be then in heauen. And this done, se and cō¦siderduly the natures of the 12 signes▪ & of the sterres beinge in them. And accor¦ding as by the industry of youre spirite you may esteame and inuente, so iudge of thinges to come the same yeare, as hereafter I shall shewe, for you maye iudge to the veritie.

¶ Of the significations of the planetes in euerye of the sayde signes and houses.

FIrst then if Saturne be in the ascen¦dant in the first house or signe, or in the 10. Then all wightie and blacke thinges, as azur, yron, leade, and wollen cloth of black •••er shalbe dear the same Page  [unnumbered] yeare. And if the sayd Saturne be in the fourth, ninth, and twelfth house, the said thinges shalbe somewhat deare, and not muche.

But if he be founde in any of the hou∣ses fallynge, as is the third, six, nynthe, and twelfth, the said thinges shalbe nei∣ther deare nor yet good cheape, but of a meane price.

So saye we and muste iudge of other planets and thinges vppon the whiche they haue their signification, of the whi¦che planetes the significations, for to make short, are such as folowe. Jupiter signifyeth oyle, cotton, hony, and siluer. Mars signifieth pepper, targettes, and all other armours. The sunne signifieth gold that is vnforged, and that hath not bene wrought. Venus signifieth al grea¦ses, oyntmentes, spices, white odoriferāt wood, perles and the ornamentes of wo¦men. Mercury signifieth all small grai∣nes, all maner of silke woorkes, as well tisshues as others, nuttes and thinges of like qualitie. And the mone signifieth swete encence, mylke, cheese, and other lyke thinges.

Of the signification of the coniun∣tion of the planets in the signe of Aries.

Page  [unnumbered]VUhen you shall haue thē made the figure, and found Saturne & Ju∣piter conioyned together in the signe of Aries, or the one of them neare vnto the other, they signifie some newe secte to come. But if in the said signe of Aries are founde to be Jupiter, Uenus, Mercury, the sunne, and the mone, or for the least thre of them, there shalbe greate plentie of all thinges, people shalbe encli¦ned to goodnes, and there shall be great raynes, and hayles, writers and scriue∣ners shall muche profit Cattell shall be at a lowe and vyle price. And the fresshe Riuers and waters shall aboundantle encrease. And if Jupiter and the mone be founde in one like degre of the said signe of Aries, in the orientall or easte parte, it signifieth then that the kinge shal do iu¦stice and right iugement in his realmes and that his kingedome and lordeshippe shall prospere. But if Saturne, & Mars, or Mars and Jupiter, or Mars and Mer¦cury, or the saide Mars and Uenus be founde in the place abouesaide, and ori∣entall parte, there shal be warre, & great effusion of bloude amonge the Arabians in theyr countreis, and they shall be de∣stroyed, & their men of warre taken and seperated into diuers countreis.

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Of the signification of the coniunction of the planets in the signe of Taurus.

If Uenus and Mars be found conioy¦ned in one like degre of the signe of Tau¦rus, then wemen shall moue seditions against men, hopinge to be violated by them, and there shalbe a greate death of catel. But if Mars be in the signe of Tau¦rus, there shall be warre towarde the South parte, and suche vehemente win∣des, that the fruit shal fal from the trees and the most part shal perishe by drouth. And if Mars, Jupiter, Uenus, and the mone, or three of theim be founde in the place and part abouesaide, men shal ligh¦tely make lies, and there shall be greate noyses and tumult among them selues, and that yeare shall die the most beutiful creatures, for Jupiter and Uenus do si∣gnifie the fayrest, and Mars ioyned and abidinge with theim in the saide signe and degree, shall slea them. And besides this there shall be greate raines, and a∣boundaunce of waters as wel of the sea as of the floudes and riuers. And at the sonth part people shall rise and rebel, de∣siringe to slaye their Lorde, but they can not do it. And if Saturne, Jupiter, and Mars, be in the said degree of Taurus, then the emperours and kinges▪ shal los Page  [unnumbered] their realme, or beinge astonied wyth ouermuch feare shal die. And the men of religion, as chanons and monkes, shall leaue their habites, or els shall dye. But if Saturne & Mars be onely in the same place▪ and signe as aboue, women shall haue diseases in their eates, in the throte and in the priuie partes, and the men in the generall partes, and in the bladder.

¶ Of the signification of the cōiunction of the planetes in Gemini.

If the Sunne, Uenus, and the moone are conioyned in the signe of Gemini, the scriueners and writers shall gaine but litle that yere, & seruaunts shal rebel against their Lordes and maisters, but there shalbe great aboūdaunce of corne vpon the earth, and the high wayes il as∣sured, because of the aboūdaunce of the∣ues and robbers. And if Mars and Sa∣turne, or mars and Jupiter be conioy∣ned in the said signe or degre, there shal∣be greate warres in the lande of Arme∣nia in Asia, for their enemies shal runne vpon them, and the moabites shall moue warre, and shall slea their preistes, and they shall go into the mountaynes, tru∣sting in the iudgements of their deuines and prophetes. And from the easte parte shall come a merueilous greate winde.

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¶ Of the signification of the cōiunction of the planetes in Cancer.

If Jupiter, Mars, the sunne and the mone, be conioyned in the signe of Can∣cer, then terrour and feare shal compasse them, who do stir vp & prouoke the other by offences, and amonges the men, the one shal molest and greue the other. And there shalbe sene many signes in heauen as comets, and fiers flienge, in the ayre, with earthquakes, the waters shal waxe drye, the fruites shalbe corrupted & mar∣red, the sailers shal perishe vpon the sea, the cities, castels, and townes being edi∣fied harde or nere to the sea side, shall be troubled with great feare, and the north winde called boreas shall do muche do∣mage the same yeare.

Of the coniunctiō of the planets in Leo.

If Saturne, Jupiter, mars, & the mone be found conioyned in the signe of Leo, the people dwellinge east wardes, shall make warres within them selues, & mē shalbe vexed & greued with paines of the bellye, of the stomack, & of the priuie par¦tes. But if Jupiter, mars, and the sunne be in the said signe, the merchaunts shal feare to haue wronge of their Lorde, the wind shalbe great from the easte parte, & the Arabians shal not be without fear.

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¶ Of the significatiō of the coniunction of the planets in Uirgo.

If Jupiter, Mars, and Mercurye, be conioyned in the signe of Uirgo, all the fruytes of the earth shall perishe, almost all wholy by the greate aboundaunce of Locustes and greshoppers. But if Sa∣turne and the sunne be there founde con¦ioyned and eclipsed, and the heade of the dragon with Mars be there at the same time, or nere therto, then in the lande of the Nubians, and in the South parte, shall be engendred sedicion amonge the poore and riche people. And if Saturne and Jupiter be in the said place, ther shal folow great raine, and the wind shal pro¦cede from the South parte, and all thin∣ges, especially Corne and wine, shall be dere the same yeare.

¶ Of the signification of the coniunctiō of the planets in Libra.

If Mars and Jupiter be conioyned in the signe of Libra, the heuen shalbe sene to be redde, whiche is a signe of diseases to come vpon men, & of effusion of bloud But if the Sunne, Jupiter, & the mone, be in the saide place, there shall folowe mortalitie of wemen, and great raynes. And if Mars & Saturne be in the same place, there shall folowe warres, and the Page  [unnumbered] theues and robbers shall fall vpon men by the waye to robbe them.

¶ Of the signification of the coniunctiō of the planetes in Scorpius.

If Saturne, Mars, and Uenus be con¦ioyned in the signe of Scorpius, they si∣gnifie that the kinge shall die of poison, and the Lords shall vse detractions, and shal haue enuy the one against the other. And if the moone be there, with anye of these thre, there shalbe such great raine, that it shall seme that the worlde woulde perish by water, as in the time of Deu∣calion. But if Jupiter and Saturne be in any degree of the said signe, then it is conuenient to vnderstand generallye in al sortes, that there shall come false pro∣phetes, bringing in new sectes.

¶ Of the signification of the cōiunction of the planets in Sagittarius.

If Mars and Jupiter be conioyned in y signe of Sagittary, there shalbe made warres alonge the sea side. But if Sa∣turne, Jupiter, mercurye, and the mone be there, the sea and floudes by the great inundation of waters shall so encrease, that the whole worlde shall almooste pe¦rishe by a deluge. The scribes, phisitions astrologians, and preistes shalbe multi∣plied and honoured of the people. And yf Page  [unnumbered] Saturne & Mars, be in the said place, the theues shal robbe the rural people, & thē of villages, and the pirates shall robbe the saylers vpon the sea. But if Mars & Uenus be in the place abouesayd: y har∣lottes and strompetes shall rauishe their children & doughters, and shall by force bring them into captiuity.

Of the signification of the coniunction of ye planets in the signe of capriconus.

IF the Sunne Mars & Mercury, be in the signe of capricornus: manye greate lordes shall die, & there shalbe greate in firmities & diseases. The mē shall burne the houses & the barnes with corne, and there shal reigne mereilous great win¦des, in such wise, that smal store of corne shalbe gathered. And if saturne & Mars be in the sayd place: there shall not then folowe so much euel, but the warres shal be great, and mankinde shal much feare god.

Of the signification of the coniunction of the planets in the signe of Aquarius.

If Saturne, Mars, & the moone be in the signe of Aquarius there shall be li∣tle rayne, & great drouth, but yet the wa∣ters of springes and fountaines: shall sufficientlye abounde: the goers by the wayes shall be assayled by theues, the Page  [unnumbered] ayre shalbe sore troubled and cloudye, & yet shall giue no rayne. And then shalbe borne a man of whom the people shall much reioyce, and vnto whom manye nations shall be subiect: The monest a∣ries & monkes shal greatly abound, and shal be men fearing god.

Of the signification of the coniūction of the planets in the signe of Pisces.

If in the signe of Pisces be Jupiter, the religion shalbe greatly obserued amōgs men▪ who then that would giue iudge∣ment of thinges which should come in any yeare it is mete that he do examyne wittey the coninnctions, conplexions, and significations, of the planets, aswel by the thinges here aboue written as al∣so by the subtiltie of his vnderstanding in takinge hede vnto the nature of the signes, in the whiche the sayd planetes shal be. And this doing he may giue cer¦tayne iudgemente of thinges to come by the wil and grace of god.