The rules and righte ample documentes, touchinge the vse and practise of the common almanackes, which are named ephemerides A briefe and shorte introduction vpon the iudiciall astrologie, for to prognosticate of thinges to come, by the helpe of the sayde ephemerides. With a treatise added hereunto, touchinge the coniunction of the planets, in euery one of the. 12. signes, and of their prognostications and reuolutions of yeres. The hole faithfully, and clerely translated into Englyshe by Humfrey Baker.
Fine, Oronce, 1494-1555., Baker, Humfrey, fl. 1557-1587.
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¶ A declaration of the table whiche is before the Ephemerides, touching the force, dignitie, exaltation, and other termes or boun∣des of the Planetes in euery of the 12 si∣gnes. 24 rule.

FOr so muche that the influences as well of the lightes as of the planets, are augmented, when they be in those signes, in the whiche they haue their force or dignitie as when they be in their propre house, exaltation, triplie∣tie, face, or terme prefixed. There is put in the Ephemerides, after the tables of the 12 houses, a table of the 12 signes, of the dignitie, force, and strengthe of the sayde planetes in euery signe and degree of the Zodiake, of the whiche table, the interpretation is manifest and playne y∣nough by their titles, inscriptions, and subscriptions of the same. For first of all ioyning vnto the degrees of euery signe, you haue towarde the righte hande, the depe degres called in latin putei. noted by the letter P. then the degrees fortunates by this sillable For. and the degrees of weakenes and defection of the humaine body, caled Asemene by this leter A. Then Page  [unnumbered] foloweth the triplicities, faces, & tymes prefixed of the planetes▪ marked by the propre characters of them. Consequent∣ly are noted the degrees masculines, by this lettre M. and the feminines by this letter F. The darke and cloudye by this lettre T. The brighte and cleare by this lettre L. and the voyde or emptye by this lettre V. and laste of all at the ende and righte side of euery signe, are noted the degrees of the dignities, of the lyghtes and planetes by ordre, beginning at Sa¦turne vnto the mone, and vnto the inter¦sections or deuisions of ☊ and ☋, that is to saye, of the heade and of the tayle of the dragon of the same, as well by their proper characters, as by the nombre of the said degrees. And vnderneth euerye signe, is noted the house and the degree of the exaltation & detriment of the sayde lightes and planetes, which are thinges necessary & worthy to be noted of al such as do practise the iugemente of the sters.