The rules and righte ample documentes, touchinge the vse and practise of the common almanackes, which are named ephemerides A briefe and shorte introduction vpon the iudiciall astrologie, for to prognosticate of thinges to come, by the helpe of the sayde ephemerides. With a treatise added hereunto, touchinge the coniunction of the planets, in euery one of the. 12. signes, and of their prognostications and reuolutions of yeres. The hole faithfully, and clerely translated into Englyshe by Humfrey Baker.
Fine, Oronce, 1494-1555., Baker, Humfrey, fl. 1557-1587.

¶ When the planets are oriental or oc∣cidental. 15. rule.

Page  [unnumbered]FInally is noted ouer the head of eue¦ry columpne of the. 5. planets, vnder their propre charecters, when the sayd planets are orientall or occidentall by these sillables. or. and. oc. and it is to be noted that saturne, Iupiter and mars, are orientall whiles the sunne departeth frō them after the couiunction of him and of the sayd planets, comminge vnto the opposition and occidentall, from the said opposition in approchinge him selfe nere vnto them, vntill the coniunction nexte ensuing. But Venus and mercury are cal∣led orientall, when they do precede▪ the sunne from the east parte, and are seene before the sunne rising and occidentall, when they do folowe the sunne from the west parte, and are seene after the sunne is sette.