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Title:  Certaine plaine, briefe, and comfortable notes vpon euerie chapter of Genesis Gathered and laid downe for the good of them that are not able to vse better helpes, and yet carefull to read the worde, and right heartilie desirous to taste the sweete of it. By the Reuerend Father Geruase Babington, Bishop of Landaph.
Author: Babington, Gervase, 1550-1610.
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hardnesse. Their confession of the trueth, though it might verie iustlie haue wrought them blame, yet most swéetelie it woulde haue refreshed the mourning heart of their aged father. But sée our nature how it abhorreth truth, if it may ought hurt vs, and how obstinate Nature standes in a sinne to face it out, and kéepe it close. Such is our mould, and such is our great corruption. They comfort their father and yet cause his wo, much like our Vsurers that speake so kinde, and cut so déepe into a mans estate till he be vndone. O miserable comforters, and so I ende. Chap. 38. The generall heads are these chiefly. The mariage of Iudah, to the 12. verse.The incest, to the 24. verse.The manifestation of the same, frō thence to the end. TOuching particulars, it is to be obser∣ued, first, how Iudah tooke to wife the daughter of a Cananite, which affinitie by God was vtterly condemned. And the children that hee had by such mari∣age prospered not. Euen therefore as it should séeme the mariage of the father being mentioned,God pla∣gueth vn∣godly ma∣riages. that we might know how iust cause there was why God should detract his mercie and grace from the issue. Let men then looke vpon this exam∣ple, and call to remembrance with it their owne experiences. Hath not God euer hated vngodlie matches? Hath not God sundrie wayes plagued them euen in our dayes? by deniall of issue either to such as so marrie, or to the next children of such marriage, or by withdrawing his grace from them that 0