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Title:  Certaine plaine, briefe, and comfortable notes vpon euerie chapter of Genesis Gathered and laid downe for the good of them that are not able to vse better helpes, and yet carefull to read the worde, and right heartilie desirous to taste the sweete of it. By the Reuerend Father Geruase Babington, Bishop of Landaph.
Author: Babington, Gervase, 1550-1610.
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yet not so farre, as that they bolster vp one an other in sinne and euil. For true brotherly loue admitteth an orderly complaint of euil,Rom. 1. Last verse. Winking at euil. yea and euen requireth it. Not only they that do such things saith the Apostle, but they that fauour them, &c. Noting it a most greeuous fault to winke at sin and wickednes, and to beare with it. Veritas odium parit, fratrum quoque gratia rara est. Truth gets hatred, and euen brethren to loue togither (if truth be told) is a hard thing. The second cause of the brethrens malice was their fathers loue to Ioseph aboue them al, an vniust cause again. For it is lawfull for a parent to loue one child more then an other, as for a man to loue one man more then an other. Our Sa∣uiour Christ loued Iohn more thn the rest, yet might not the rest therefore haue hated him. Neuertheles Ambrose his coun∣sell is good in this matter, to wit, that parents should beware, Ne quos natura coniunxit paterna gratia dixidat,Note it least whom na∣ture hath ioyned,Children begotten in age, lo∣ued for two causes they by their partiall loue doe seperate and dis∣ioyne. There is a cause laid downe why Iacob loued him more then the rest, because hee begot him in his age, old men either not looking for any moe in such yeares, or receiuing suche as they haue besides expectation, both which are causes of intire loue to∣wardes such as in olde age are borne to them: so was Iacob to∣wards Ioseph. An effect also of this loue in Iacob is laid downe, that he made his sonne a partie coloured coate. A thing likewise lawfull, that parents may attire one childe better then an other, yet stil wisedome and discretion must moderate affection, for feare of such hart burning amongst children, as here we see. Parentes loue shuld not be to childrens losse.2 Yet this childe so beloued, went to the field and kept cat∣tel as his brethren did sometimes, not finding his fathers affection vnto idlenes in him, which is a thing that may greatly profite vs in these dayes: wherein if in any thing we wil make a difference betwixt our children, surely it is in labour and trauel, and mat∣ter of fruitful industry for the time to come. Some shall be put to all hardnes, yea to all drudgery, and others whome wee fauour more, not suffred to do euen good things, wherby hereafter they might bee bettered a great deale, not to learne least they catch cold: not to study, least their wits be dulled: not to do any thing, 0