Fidelitas. A distinct declaratio[n] of the requiring of the Lorde and of the godlie testimonies of the holie spirit of the loue of Iesu Christ. Set-fourth by Fidelitas, a fellowe-elder with HN, in the famelie of the loue. Translated out of Base-almayne
Fidelitas., Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579., Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580?
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VNto the Louers of the Trueth and of the vpright Righteousnes, and vnto all which shall reade or heare this distinct Declaration of the Requiringe of the Lorde, Health and Saluation.

2. This-daye through our faithfull Elder FIDELITAS {reversed ;}a Fellowe-elder with HN, in ye Famelie of the Loue of Iesu Christ; ther becō∣eth {reversed ;}out of God-his Grace; distinctlie expres∣sed and declared vnto you all {reversed ;}O yee Louers of the Trueth; with thissame Declaration of the Requiringe of the Lorde, what the Will and Requiringe of the Lorde is, and how yee all should enter, rightlie and accordinge to the Trueth, into the a Wayes of the Lorde & his Requiringe, for to liue vprightlie in God-his true b Righteousnes, and to inherit c the eter∣nall Life, according to the Promises of God ye Father and his Christ.

3. Ther is likewise expressed and declared vnto you in the same, from whence the wicked Thing proceedeth, wher-through the whole Worlde is d so full of Falshod: and how that ye Man is lett or hindered by the same, that hee doth not rightlie vnderstand nor obey the Re∣quiring of the gratious Woorde of the Lorde: and wherthrough also the same wicked Thing and his Lett or Hinderinge, may be remoued and depressed or vtterlie brought-to-nothing: with other-moe groundlie Instructions, to the Mans Preseruation in the Godlines, & euident Page  [unnumbered] or distinct Admonitions, for the auoydinge of his Destruction.

4. With which Declaration of the Requi∣ringe of the Lorde, the Lorde likewise calleth and biddeth {reversed ;}through the fore-named Elder FIDELITAS; all People, to ye e Gratious-stoole of his Loue: and that they should all willingly applie them, vnto the f Obedience of the Re∣quiring of his gratious Woord and Seruice of Loue.

5. To the Preseruation of them all in hys Godlynes, and to an Admonitiō for the auoy∣ding of their Destruction, in the g Estraunging or Seperation from his godlie Beeing and true God seruice vnder the Obedience of his Loue.

6. Therfore {reversed ;}O yee Louers of the Trueth; when yee now this-daye, heare this Voyce & proffered Grace to the Entraunce of your Sal∣uatiō, h so hardē not {reversed ;}in any-case; your Heartes, as to be disobedient vnto ye Requiringe of this Declaration, To thende that yee remaine not with-out the Rest of the Childrē of God, which God now in the last time, de∣clareth-fourth out of ye Famelie of his Loue, & wher-vn∣to Hee also calleth and biddeth all People.

Take it to heart.