The Romish Fisher caught and held in his owne net. Or, A true relation of the Protestant conference and popish difference A iustification of the one, and refutation of the other. In matter of fact. faith. By Daniel Featly, Doctor in Diuinity.
Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645., Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645. Fisher catched in his owne net. aut

The third Assertion.

God hath, and alwaies had, many true seruants and worshippers of him in secret; whose names cannot bee produced nor rehearsed by an exact Catalogue. I sup∣pose, no Papist wil deny this conclusion, because it is grounded on the Oracle of God. When *Eliah complained, The children of Israel haue for∣saken thy Couenant, throwne down thine Altars, and slain thy Prophets with the sword; and I, euen lonely, am left, &c. the Oracle answereth, Yet I haue reser∣ued to my self seuen thousand in Israel, &c. Such were they that sighed for all the abominations Page  [unnumbered] that were in Ierusalem: vpon whose fore-head, God commanded a* marke to bee set. Such were those, who though they remained most of them in the outward communion with the Church of Rome, yet groned vnder that Babylonish yoke, and in heart abhorred the idolatrie and supersti∣tion raigning in that Church; and they desired, with sighes and teares, a reformation before Lu∣ther. Of whom,*Petrus de Aliaco the Cardinall thus writeth: As there were seuen thousand that had not bowed to Baal: so it is to bee hoped, that there are some that desire the Churches reformation. Though*Rainerius speak but of one and fortie schools, and somewhat a lesser number of Chur∣ches of the Waldenses, yet no man will make question, but that there might bee in all the world very many more; especially, ith all those Churches and Schools hee speaketh of, were in one Diocesse. When*Cocleus mentioneth thir∣tie thousand who, at the Castle of Bechnigne, eight miles from Tabor, receiued the Communion vnder both kindes, maugre the decree of the Councel of Constance: will any man doubt, but there were many thousands more, who receiued the Sacra∣ment in like manner at other places? When*D Hallyan reports, that the armie of the Albingen∣ses consisted of about the number of 100 thousand fighting men; euerie mans discretion will adde, that there must needs bee among them a greater number of all sorts, old men, women, and chil∣dren, which were not able to beare Arms. And Page  [unnumbered] thereforedGulielmus Neubrigensis speaking of them, saith, that their number in France, Sapin, Ita∣ly, and Germany, was multiplied aboue the sand of the sea: Rainerius the Popish Inquisitors own words amount to neere as much,eHaec secta generalior est omnibus alijs quae adhuc sunt vel fuerunt: This sect is the most generall or farthest spred of all sects that euer were: fere enim nulla est terra in qua haec secta non sit: for there is almost no sect in all the world, in which this sect hath not a part. I con∣clude therfore this Assertion with the words of fSynesius,〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉: What need we Catalogues? we are to fight with hands, not with names.