A second parallel together with a vvrit of error sued against the appealer.
Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645.
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APpeale, pa. 159. Ezek. 18. 24, 26. If the righ∣teous t turne away from his righteousnesse, and commit iniquitie, and doe according vn∣to all the abominations that the wicked man doth, shall he liue? All his righteousnesse, that he hath done, shall not be remem∣bred: but in his transgression that he hath committed, and in his sinne that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.

Ibid. Ezek. 33. 13. If hee commit iniquity, all his righte∣ousnesse shal be no more remem∣bred: but for his iniquitie that he hath committed, he shall die for the same. Therefore the righteous may lose his righteous∣nesse, abandon his faith, die in his sinne, &c.

Ibid. pag. 159. The vncleane spirit eiected, returneth vnto his former residence, entreth, pos∣sedeth Page  26 his former state, and the case of that man is worse than the beginning, Matth. 12. 44. u Satan is not eiected, but where the partie is in the state of grace with God, being regenerate by faith. Reposseding is not but by relapse into sinne: nor a worse state, but where a man dieth in sinne.

Ibid. pag. 159. Luke 8. 13. * They on the rock are they, who, when they heare, receiue the Word with ioy, who for a while beleeue, and in time of tempta∣tion fall away.