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Title:  A parallel: of nevv-old Pelgiarminian error
Author: Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645.
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9 Those who maintaine the Doctrine of Originall sinne, condemne Marriage.10 By Grace is meant Nature endued with Reason and Will.11 Supernaturall grace consisteth in the Doctrine of the Law, and pardon of sinnes.12 Forgiuenesse is not necessary for all. Because all do not sin: or at least, some may be without sinne.13 Those, who haue sinned, may by the power of nature re∣pent, without inward grace from the spirit.14 The grace of Christ is not elsewhere to be sought for, then in the Doctrine, and life, or example of Christ.15 If there bee any inward helpe receiued from the Holy Ghost, the same consisteth onely in the enlightening of the vnderstanding. But as for the Will, that needes no inward grace.16 Man by his naturall inbred faculties is able perfectly to fulfill the Law.17 Grace is profitable for the fulfilling of the Law, but not necessary thereto.18 Man of himselfe is able to resist the strongest temptati∣ons: though indeed, he doth it with more facilitie, if he be helped by grace.19 By the workes of nature man promeriteth (or gayneth) the ayde of grace.20 That which proceedeth from forgetfulnesse, or ignorance, hath not in it the property of sinne.21 In the New Testament all kinde of oathes are forbidden.22 Rich men, vnlesse they fell their goods, and giue them to the poore cannot be saued.23 The well vsing of free will, and of naturall powers is the cause of Predestination.24 Christ dyed not for all men: at least not for Infants; be∣cause they are without sinne.0