The grand sacrilege of the Church of Rome, in taking away the sacred cup from the laiety at the Lords Table: detected, and conuinced by the euidence of holy Scripture, and testimonies of all ages successiuely from the first propagation of the catholike Christian faith to this present: together with two conferences; the former at Paris with D. Smith, now stiled by the Romanists B of Calcedon; the later at London with M Euerard, priest: by Dan. Featly, Doctor in Diuinity.
Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645.

Andreas Dudithius the Defendant.

What good could be done in that Coun∣cell, wherein voyces were numbred, but not wayed? If the merits of the cause (hee spea∣keth of the Communi∣on in both kindes) or reason might haue car∣ried it, or if but a few had ioyned with vs, wee had won the day. But when the number onely could beare sway, in which wee came short, though our cause was excee∣ding good, wee were faine to sit downe by the losse, &c. In summe the matter came to that passe, through the wickednesse of those hungrie Bishops, that hung vpon the Popes sleeue, and were crea∣ted on the sudden by Page  224 the Pope for the pur∣pose, that that Coun∣cell seemed to be an as∣sembly not of Bishops, but of Hobgoblins; not of men, but of Ima∣ges, moued like the statues of Dedalus, by the sinewes of others. Dudith. Quinque-Eccles. episc. ad Maximilianum 2. Caes.