The grand sacrilege of the Church of Rome, in taking away the sacred cup from the laiety at the Lords Table: detected, and conuinced by the euidence of holy Scripture, and testimonies of all ages successiuely from the first propagation of the catholike Christian faith to this present: together with two conferences; the former at Paris with D. Smith, now stiled by the Romanists B of Calcedon; the later at London with M Euerard, priest: by Dan. Featly, Doctor in Diuinity.
Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645.
Page  216

SCRIPTVRES. The first Combate: Whether the Scriptures make for, or against the halfe Communion?

    The Antagonists.
  • Thom. Harding, and Gerardus Lorichius.
  • Ioan. Maldonate, Iesuit. and Widford.
  • Stanislaus Hosius, and Laur. Iustinianus.
  • Ioan. Cochlaeus, and Ioan. Lorinus, Iesuita.
  • Ioan. Gerson, and Ruardus Tapperus.

*Harding the Assay∣lant.

THE wordes of Christ, Drinke yee all of this, pertaine to the Apostles, and their successors. For to them onely hee gaue com∣mandement to do that which hee did, saying, Doe this in remembrance of me. By which words hee ordained them Priests of the new Te∣stament. Wherefore Page  217 this commandement belongeth not at all to the Lay people, nei∣ther can it be iustly ga∣thered by this place, that they are bound of necessity to receiue the Sacrament vnder both kinds.

Lorichius the Defen∣dant.

THey bee false Ca∣tholikes, who say, that Christ said onely to his Apostles, Drinke yee all of this. For the words of the Canon be these, Take, and eate yee all of this. Here I be∣seech them to tell me, whether they wil haue these words also, onely to appertaine to the Apostles, then must Page  217 the Laiety abstaine from the other kind of bread also: which thing to say is heresie: where∣fore it followeth, that each of the words are spoken to the whole Church. Gerard. Loric. de missa. part. 7. in praef.

xMaldonate Assay∣lant.

I doubt not, and I maruell, that any other doubt, but that this place where Christ tooke bread, blest it, and brake it, and gaue it to the two Disciples, of whom hee was knowne in the break∣ing of bread, must bee vnderstood of the Sa∣crament of the Lords Supper. I am induced hereunto by the whole forme of the action, which I know not what Christian can de∣ny to bee the action of the Eucharist. Wee Page  218 reade of the breaking of the bread, blessing it, distributing it, and a miracle insuing vpon it, and shall wee not be∣leeue it to bee the Eu∣charist?

Widford Defen∣dant.

I say, that it appea∣reth not in the Text, nor in the Glosse, Luk. 24. nor by the ancient Fathers, that the bread which Christ brake, and gaue to his Disci∣ples, was consecrated bread, that it was sacra∣mētall bread, or turned into his body; with whō Carthusiā accords. It came to passe, saith he, that as Christ sate downe, he took bread, and blessed it, yet hee turned it not into his body, as in his last Sup∣per; but as the manner Page  218 is, hee blest the meate he eate; thereby teach∣ing vs to say Grace be∣fore meales. Wid. cont. Wicklif. & Carthus. in Luk. 24. Vid. Iustinian. supr. c. 12.

yGerson the Assay∣lant.

Christ our Lord in the sixth of Iohn, speak∣ing of the fruit of the Lords Supper, teach∣eth one kind to be suf∣ficient to saluation; saying, he that eateth this bread, shall liue for euer. And if any man eate of this bread, he shall liue for euer.

Tapperus the Defen∣dant.

Ruardus Tapp. In this Chapter, Iohn 6. Christ speaketh not of the sacramental eating and drinking of his bo∣dy and blood. Tap. in expli. art. Louaniens. art. 15. Idem habet Gabriel Biel. lec. 84. super Canone Missae. Cusanus epist. 7. ad Bohemos. Caiet. in 3. part. quest. 80. Ions. c. 59. concordiae. Wald. & alij.

Hosius the Assay∣lant.

Iames in the Church of Ierusalem deliuered and kept the Commu∣nion in one kind. For Page  219 in the second of the Acts, in the descripti∣on of the exercises of the Church of Ierusa∣lem, there is rehearsed breaking of bread, and no mention at all made of wine.

Iustinianus the Defen∣dant.

Iustin. on the first to the Corinthians, vers. 10. The Apostle by breaking of bread, vn Page  219 derstandeth not the ordinary breaking of bread, such as that was, whereof S. Luke maketh mention, Acts the second; whereby the necessity of the hungry was prouided for.

Cochlaeus the Assay∣lant.

Acts 27. Saint Paul taking bread, gaue thanks to God in the sight of all, and when hee had broken it, he began to eate. Here is an example of the Communion in one kind, for there is no mention made of wine.

Lorinus the Defen∣dant.

S. Chrysostome, Oecu∣menius, Beda, & others, expounders of this place, by bread vnder∣stand vsuall and com∣mon bread. And I am also of the same mind. For I cannot beleeue, that this mysterie, be∣ing the greatest of all other, was celebrated in the sight of profane persons. Lor. in Act. 27.