The grand sacrilege of the Church of Rome, in taking away the sacred cup from the laiety at the Lords Table: detected, and conuinced by the euidence of holy Scripture, and testimonies of all ages successiuely from the first propagation of the catholike Christian faith to this present: together with two conferences; the former at Paris with D. Smith, now stiled by the Romanists B of Calcedon; the later at London with M Euerard, priest: by Dan. Featly, Doctor in Diuinity.
Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645.
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CHAP. XVI. The contradictions of our aduersaries in this Questi∣on noted, and the whole Truth for vs deliuered out of their owne mouthes.

IT was the manner of the Roman Emperors in their Triumphs amongst other spectacles, to exhibite to the people ludos gladiatorios Fencers playing their Prizes, fighting not with foiles, but at sharpe, till they had killed one a∣nother. In like manner, in the conclusion of this Discourse, for the better adorning and setting forth of the Tryumph of Truth, I haue thought not vnfitting to present vnto the Readers view, Quaedam Gladiatorū paria some certaine couples of the professed Champions, and defenders of the Romane cause, bickering one with another in such manner, that by their sharpe weapons of euident contradictions, they must needes wound on another, euen to the death of their cause.