Ancilla pietatis: or, The hand-maid to priuate deuotion presenting a manuell to furnish her with necessary principles of faith. Forcible motiues to a holy life. Vsefull formes of hymnes and prayers. ... By Daniel Featly, D. in Diuinity.
Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645.
THE PRAYER FOR Thursday euening

consisting, of

  • Petitions sutable to the workes of redemption on this day.
  • Motiues to patience a∣greeable to the pre∣cedent exhortation.

GRacious Lord and Sauiour who this day didst eate the Passeouer, and went eating in thy Supper; Suppe with me in the Eue∣ningPage  436 of this life, and grant that I may Dine with thee in thy day of eternitie. Gracious Redeemer, who this day gauest thy selfe to me in the Sacrament, first insti∣tuted by thee; and the day fol∣lowing gauest thy selfe for mee on the Crosse; giue me a speciall saith to receiue thee, and retaine thee, and applie continually thy feare to embolden me, thine A∣gonie to comfort me, thy naked∣nesse to cloathe me, thy cōdemning to quit me, thy bloud to clense me, thy wounds to heale me, and thy death to quicken me. O let not the worke of thy hands bee plucked out of thy hands. Let not the purchase of thy bloud be morgaged to the diuell. Let not thy teares and bloud bee shed in vaine. Let not thy sighes and groanes be breathed out to no purpose. Let not thine agonie and sweate, let not thy taking and bin∣ding; let not thy arraigning and condemning; let not thy stripping Page  437 and scourging; let not thy buffet∣ting and being spit vpon; let not thy pricking and goaring; let not thy crucifying & dying want their effects in me. What should I not do or suffer for thee, who wert martired in all parts of thy body and faculties of thy soule for me: In thy minde by apprehension of thy Fathers wrath, in thy affecti∣ons by feare and sorrow euen vn∣to death; in thy inward parts by thine agonie: in thy outward by thy torments: in thy head by thornes: in thy cheekes by buffets: in thy face by spettle: in thy eares by blasphemies: in thy smell by the stench of Golgotha: in thy taste by gall and vineger: in thy handes and feete by nailes: in thy bodie by stripes: in thy side by the launce: and in thy ioynts by the crosse. O Lord, who hast called me to the knowledge of thy truth, and by thy Spirit imprin∣ted thy loue in my heart by those nailes which fastened thee to the Page  438Crosse. Let nothing euer be able to separate me from thy loue, not tri∣bulation, nor anguish, nor persecu∣tion, nor height, nor depth, nor things present, nor things to come, nor life, nor death: for I know that all things worke for the best to them that loue thee. I cannot suffer the thousandth part of that for thee, which thou hast suffered for mee. I cannot suffer the least part of that which I deserue for my sins. I cannot suffer any thing which the Apostles and Prophets haue not suffered before me. I cannot suffer so much as may any way counter-ballance the massie crowne of glory prepared for me: for my light and momentarie afflicti∣ons are no way worthy the glorie that shall be reuealed vpon me hereafter. And for the present, what are afflictions, or crosses, or persecutions, or mockes, or disgra∣ces? but the common lot of thy children, the discipline of thy schoole, the physicke for my Page  439 soule, the pledge of thy loue, the badge for my profession, the incen∣tiues of my deuotion, the triall of my faith, the exercise of my patience, the testimonie of my constancie, the marke of my con∣formitie with thee. When I am thus chastened I am iudged of thee that I be not condemned of the world. Shall tribulation therefore, or anguish, or bands, or imprison∣ment, or stripes, or banishment, se∣parate me from thy loue? Nay, sith I know they befall me by thy prouidence, and are mitiga∣ted by thy mercie, and directed by thy loue for my greater good; they shall rather vnite me faster to thee. How shall I denie thee who art the Lord that bought me How should I grieue thy Spirit which comforteth me in all my griefes? How should I set that bloud at nought which was the price of my redemption? How shold I euer willingly offend thee who art my peace, & hast reconciled me Page  440 to thy Father, and payed my ran∣some with thy dearest hearts bloud? How can I euer forget thee who remembrest me at all times in all places; in my iour∣nies by thy conduct; at home by thy safe-guard; in my pray∣ers by thy assistance; in my affli∣ctions by thy comforts, in my board by thy bountie; in my bed by thy protection; and in all my wayes by thy support. To this thy gracious prouidence and care which continually watcheth ouer all thine Elect: I commend my sleepe and rest this night, be∣seeching thee so to order it and me that whether I sleepe or wake, whether I labour or rest, whe∣ther I lye downe or rise vp, all may be done vnder thy prote∣ction, in thy feare, to thy glorie. So be it, Amen.

The close out of Scripture.

TO him that is able to keepe me that I fall not, and to pre∣sent me faultlesse, before the pre∣sencePage  441 of his glory with ioy Iud, 24.

That is, to God onely wise my Sa∣uiour, be glorie, and maiestie, and dominion, and power. &c. ver. 24.