Ancilla pietatis: or, The hand-maid to priuate deuotion presenting a manuell to furnish her with necessary principles of faith. Forcible motiues to a holy life. Vsefull formes of hymnes and prayers. ... By Daniel Featly, D. in Diuinity.
Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645.
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The Hymne for Tuesday-morning.

SIng vnto the Lord a new song; sing cheerefully with a loud voice, Psal. 33. 3.

For the Word of the Lord is true, and all his workes are faithfull, ver. 4.

He loueth righteousnesse and iudgement; all the earth is full of the goodnesse of the Lord, ver. 5.

Hee gathereth the waters of the Sea together, as it were vpon an heape, and layeth vp the deepe, as in a Treasure-house, ver. 7.

Let the Earth feare the Lord; stand in awe of him all yee that dwell in the world, ver. 8.

For hee spake and it was done; hee commanded, and it Page  344 stood fast, ver. 9.

He so layed the Foundations, that it should not moue at any time, Psal. 104. 5.

He watereth the hills from aboue; the earth is filled with the fruits of his workes, ver. 3.

Hee bringeth forth grasse for the Cattle, and greene herbes for the vse of men, ver. 14.

That he may bring food out of the Earth, and Wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and Oyle to make him a cheer∣full countenance, and Bread to strengthen mans heart, ver. 15.

The Trees of the Lord also are full of sap, euen as the Ce∣dars of Lebanon which hee hath planted, ver. 16.

Hee couereth the Heauens with Clouds, and prepareth raine for the earth, and maketh Page  345 the grasse to grow vpon the mountaines, Psal. 147. 8.

Which giueth to the beasts their foode, and to the young Rauens that cry, ver. 9.

Praise the Lord vpon earth yee Dragons and all deepes, Psal. 148. 7.

Mountaines and all Hills, fruitfull Trees and all Cedars, ver. 9.

Euery day will I giue thanks vnto the Lord, and praise his Name for euer, Psal. 145. 2.

Thou hast giuen me more ioy of heart, then they whose Corn and Wine, and Oyle increa∣sed, Psal. 4. 8.

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The Admonition for Tuesday morning: being an exhorta∣tion to godly sorrow.

We must desire & pray for godly sorrow, because it is

  • 1 A speciall duty requi∣red in the
    • Law.
    • Gospel.
  • 2 The Saints conti∣nuall practise.
  • 3 A necessary dispo∣sition to make vs ca∣pable of the Gospel.
  • 4 A Sacrifice well plea∣sing to God.
  • 5 An effect of true conuersion.
  • 6 An efficient cause of many diuine vertues.
  • 7 An assurance of e∣ternall ioy and com∣fort.
  • 8 The want of it, a fearefull signe of a reprobate sense.

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TVrne ye vnto me with all your heart,* with fasting, weeping and mourning, Ioel 2. 12.

And rent your hearts and not your garments, &c. ver. 13.

And in that day did the Lord God of hosts call to weeping and mourning, and to baldnesse, and girding with Sackcloth, Isa. 22. 12.

Now I reioyce, not that yee were made sorry, but that yee sorrowed to repentance, 2 Cor. 7. 9.

For ye were made sorry after a godly manner, that ye might re∣ceiue damage in nothing.

Weepe not for me, but weepe for your selues, Luk. 23. 28.

Ye shall weepe and lament, &c. Io. 16. 20.

Howle and lament, &c. Iames 5. 1.

I abhorre my selfe,* and repent in dust and ashes, Iob. 42. 6.

Page  348 I fainted in my mourning; I cause my bed euery night to swimme, and water my couch with my teares, Psal. 6. 6.

I will confesse my wickednesse, and be sorry for my sin Ps. 38. 18.*

Hezekiah humbled himselfe for the pride of his heart, he and the inhabitants of Ierusalem, and therefore the wrath of the Lord came not in the dayes of Heze∣kiah,* 2 Cro. 33. 12.

And when he was in affliction he besought the Lord his God, & humbled himselfe greatly before the God of his fathers, 2 Cr. 33. 12

And prayed vnto him, and was intreated of him, ver. 13.

Now when Ezra had prayed,* and had confessed weeping and casting himselfe downe before the house of God, there assembled vnto him, out of Israel, a very great congregation of men, and women, and children; for the people wept very sore, Ezr. 10. 1.

And Peter remembred the Page  349 words which Iesus said vnto him,* Before the Cocke crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice; and he went out, and wept bit∣terly, Mat. 26. 75.

Come vnto me all ye that are heauy laden,* and I will ease you, Mat. 11. 28.

He hath anointed me to preach the Gospell to the poore, hee hath sent me to heale the broken hearted, Luke 4. 18.

The Sacrifice of God is a con∣trite spirit;* a broken and a con∣trite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. Psal. 51. 17.

Put my teares in thy bottle; are not these things noted in thy booke? Psal. 56. 8.

The Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping, Psal. 6. 8.

Tell Hezekiah, the Captaine of my people, saying; I haue heard thy prayer, I haue seene thy teares, I will heale thee, 2 Kings 30. 5.

And when they heard thesePage  350 things,* they were pricked in their hearts, and said vnto Peter, Men and Brethren, what shall we doe? Act. 2. 37.

Godly sorrow causeth repen∣tance not to be repented of;* but worldly sorrow causeth death, 2. Cor. 7. 10.

For behold this selfe same thing that yee sorrowed after a godly sort, what carefulnesse it wrought in you, yea what clee∣ring of your selues, yea what in∣dignation, yea what feare, yea what vehement desire, yea what zeale, yea what reuenge, ver. 11.

They that sow in teares,* shall reape in ioy, Psal. 126. 7.

I dwell with him that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to re∣uiue the spirit of the humble, and to reuiue the heart of the contrite, Isa. 57. 15.

Ye shall be sorrowfull but your sorrow shall bee turned into ioy; Ioh. 16. 20.

Blessed are they that mourne,Page  351 for they shall bee comforted, Mat. 5. 4.

Wee haue mourned vnto you,* and yee haue not wept, Luke 7. 32.

And yee are puffed vp, and haue not sorrowed, 1 Cor. 5. 2.

Woe bee vnto thee Corazin, woe vnto thee Rethsaida, &c. for they, &c. in sack cloth, Mat. 11. 21.

And I gaue her time to repent, and shee would not repent, Reuel. 2. 21.

After thy hard and impenitent heart treasurest vp to thy selfe wrath in the day of wrath, Rom. 2. 3.

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THE PRAYER FOR Tuesday morning; composed of
  • 1. Petitions sutable to the worke of the day.
  • 2. Motiues to godly sor∣row, agreeable to the precedent exhortati∣on.

O That my head were water, and mine eyes were a spring of teares, that I might weepe day and night, for the deluge of sinne ouerflowing the whole world; but especially, for the in∣undation therof in this our I••nd. We are ouerwhelmed in this Tor∣rent, and should be drowned, but that the gales of thy Spirit driue it somewhat backe, and thy re∣straining Grace with the publike discipline of our Lawes and Ca∣nons set some bounds to it. What hearts can vent sight e∣nough, what eyes yeeld suffici∣ent Page  353teares to bewaile those pub∣like sinnes, vnder the burthen whereof the Land sinketh; be∣sides those priuate which lye as heauy on each of vs in particu∣lar? Sinnes of omission, sinnes of commission; sinnes of birth, sinnes of life; sinnes of youth, sinnes of age; sinnes of frailty, sinnes of ilfulnesse; sinnes of act sinnes of habit and custome; sinnes of se∣cret taint, sinnes of open stin; Sinnes of infirmity committed a∣gainst the power of the Father; sinnes of ignoranc against the wisdome of the Sonne; and sinnes of malice against the grace of thy holy Spirit. If I should goe about to extenuate my sinne, euen that would aggrauate them: if to ex∣cuse them, my conscience would condemne me. For I must con∣fesse to thy glory, and my owne shame, that by my Originall and Actuall, secret and open, sudden and aduised, ignorant an•••i∣cious sinnes, I haue dishonoured Page  354 thy Name, prophaned thy Word, defaced thine Image, grie∣ued thy▪ Spirit, despighted thy Grace, wounded my owne con∣science, stained my good name, scandalized my profession▪ de∣priued my selfe of the comforts of the Gospell, of the protection of Angells, of the sweet fellow∣ship of thy Spirit, and drawne vpon me many heauy iudge∣ments, and treasured vp wrath a∣gainst the day of wrath. Yet be∣cause I mourne (with Dauid) in my prayers, I weepe bitterly with Peter, I abhorre my selfe in dust and ashes with Iob, I am ashamed and confounded with Ezra, Lord let thy mercy preuaile against thy iustice; my sighs and teares against my sinfull ioyes, and thy Sonnes bloud euen against my crimson sinnes. Lord who on this day madest dry Land, and firme ground to appeare, dry vp my •••res with the beames of thy mercy, and giue me firme groundPage  355 of comfort in thy Word. Lord, who on this day createdst all kinde of seedes, sow in my heart the in∣corruptible seede of thy Word, that I may thereby be regenera∣ted to a liuely hope. Lord, who on this day createdst all kindes of fruitfull Trees, make mee like a good Tree to bring forth good fruit here, that I may hereafter eate of the Tree of Life which is in the middest of the Paradise of God. So be it. Amen.

The close out of Scripture.

GOd, the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, grant mee, ac∣cording to the riches of his glory, that I may be strengthened by his spirit in the inner man, Ephes. 3. 16. That Christ may dwell in my heart by faith, that I being rooted and grounded in loue, ver. 17.

May be able to comprehend with all Saints, what is the bredth, and length, and depth, and height, v. 8.

Page  356 And to know the loue of Christ which passeth knowledge, that I may bee filled with the fulnesse of God, verse 19.