Speculum ægrotorum. The sicke-mens glasse or, A plaine introduction wherby one may giue a true, and infallible iudgement, of the life or death of a sicke bodie, the originall cause of the griefe, how he is tormented and afflicted, what thinges are medicinable to the diseased person: and the day and houre in which he shall recouer, or surrender his vitall breath. Whereunto is annexed a treatise of the foure humors, and how they are ingendered and distributed in our humane bodies: with certaine and manifest signes to discerne of what complexion any man is: and the operation that eating, drinking rest and exercise, worketh in euery person: with certaine speciall preseruatiues for the eye-sight. Composed by Iohn Fage, student in phisicke, and practitioner in astrologie.
Fage, John, student in phisicke.

The Moone in ♓ of ♂ afflicted.

FInally if the Moone be in Pisces afflicted of Mars, (either cor∣porally, or radiationally and increasing in light and motion (at the decumbiture of any person) then shall arise a griefe proceed∣ing of much ingurgitation of wine or strong drinkes, and of plen∣titude and cepleasion oppressing the sicke with octurnall intensi∣ons, with head-ache doting and phrensie, with burning Feauers, vehement thirst, and desire of coud drinke. The healing of such is first by opening of a veine, and the vsage of those thinges that re∣presse the cause.

And if the Moone be not succored by the fortunes, but is in do∣maged also by lowring Saturne, then on the next interficient day that the Moone rūneth with Saturne or Mars the sicke shall depart.

But if Iupier or Venus regard the Moone (with friendly aspect) then on the next criticall, iudiciall, or mortall day, that the Moone pertranceth with the bodies or amiable beames of the fortunes, the violence of the rebellious humors shall be vtterly extinguished.

Note heere that the Moone apply to any of the distroyers of na∣ture in what signe soeuer she be, either by coniunction, application, or any aspect: although it be only by the vniting and adioyning of their semidiameters, yet it will worke the like operation in dis∣eased Page  [unnumbered] persons: but not so grieuously nor mortally, as the Coniun∣ction, Quartile, or Opposition. For if the ill fortunes behold the Moone (with Sextile, or Trine aspects) the disease shall not be le∣thall: neither also in vnperfect applications, Quartile, or Op∣position: whereas she is elonged, and separated from their beams (especially if the moone be augmenting in light and motion) and aided by the beames of the fortunes.

Also according to some mens opinions, it profiteth much the diseased person, if the fortunes or good starres are scituated in the Meridian or Horizon (at the decombiture or lying downe of the sicke body) and so contrary wise it hindreth the grieued person, if the ill fortunes occupy the said places.