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Title:  The duetie of a faithfull and wise magistrate, in preseruing and deliuering of the eommon [sic] wealth from infection, in the time of the plague or pestilence two bookes. Written in Latine by Iohn Ewich, ordinary phisition of the woorthie common wealth of Breame, and newlie turned into English by Iohn Stockwood schoolemaister of Tunbridge. ...
Author: Ewich, Johann von, 1525-1588.
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albeit through the singuler wisdom of the magistrate, & the vnweariable care of all de∣grees, trusting vnto the help of God, it ney∣ther continued long, nor tooke away many. The like almost happened not many yeers si∣thens in the countie of Hoyen neere vnto vs,Another exam∣ple. that a womans garment beyng brought in a certayne Village from the Citye of Hamburg, where then the sicknesse was, within a verye shorte time there dyed fiftie: and vnlesse by and by through the grace of God it had bin stayed by the labour and wise∣dome of the rulers, it had doubtles crept fur∣ther, especially through ye rashnes of ye poore countrie people, & for want of counsell what to doe. Vnto these I could adde (vnles some man might thinke thē meeter to be suppres∣sed because of the outragiousnesse of the mat∣ter,Padway. then to be put in story & published) suche thinges as I my selfe haue seene in the citie of Padway, namely, that the infection was wōderfully incresed through certain things infected with the pestilēt ayer, being partly cast priuily into other houses yt were sound, & partly giuē vnto yōg childrē for gifts. Thē the which fact it is yet more wicked, whiche was told me as I was writing this booke, of a certaine famous city in Germany, namely 0