To my faythfull bretheren now affycted ...
Whittingham, William, d. 1579, attrib. name.
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¶ A Godly Prayer.

OH Lord God and heauenly Father, which art a iust Judge to punishe all them, that do contynewe to of∣fende the, as thou art a Father most pyty∣full to receaue to mercy all those, whiche geue ouer themselues to please the, shewe me thy grace and fauour, so that I may be truly touchid withe inward displeasure of my synnes; and that in the place of flatte∣ring my self to slepe in synne, I may be so cast downe in hart, that the rather I may truly with mouthe confesse most humbly to geue the, the honour, glory, and prayse, dew vnto thy holy name, and that as thou of thy greate mercy doste instruct vs the∣revnto by thy holy word, so (for thy na∣mes sake) make that ye same may so ligh∣ten and cleare our conscience, that in dew examination of all our hole lyste, we may truly learne to be angry & displeasid with all our former, and corrupte lyning. Oh that it may please the to drawe nere vnto vs, in addressyng and guydyng our foot∣steppes in the true and perfect may of obe∣dyence to thy holy lawes and cōmaunde∣mentes. Send thy holye Angel to pitche his tentes round about us, that Sathan & Page  [unnumbered] is internall army, neuer preuayse against vs, but allways with strong faith we may thorough Jesus Christ withstand all his crafty engins and snares, knowynge vn∣doubtedly that thou neuer forsakest them that put their trust in the. Oh let vs not be led by the infirmytie of our vntowarde fleshe, but strenghten vs by the vertue of the holy spiryte. Suffer vs not to lye vn∣der thy heuy wrathe & vengeaunce throu∣ghe I pocrysye, but rather touche vs so in∣wardly, that we may without ceasyng, sy∣ghe, and grone vnto the, by true and vn∣fayned repentaunce. And althoughe we be not allwayes so wel disposyd to aske & praye, as we ought to do, yet (good Lord) for thy names sake, stretche out thy migh∣tie hande, that by the gratious workyng of thy holy Spirite, our myndes and har∣tes may be drawen from all erthly and cor¦ruptible thinges, so that our prayers may procede of an ernest and inward affection, so that we neuer presume to cōme before y with a dobell hart, knowing that who∣soeuer askethe and prayeth for anye thing of the, not asking in faith, can not obtey∣ne. Increace our faithe therfore (oh mer∣cyfull Father) that we presently may ly∣uely feele the benefit of remission and par∣don Page  [unnumbered] of all our synnes, thoroughe the me∣rytes and death of Christ Jesus our Sa∣uiour, and so work in vs foreuer hereafter to lyue in thy feare, and to stand in awe of thy displeasure, that thou mayst contynew our mercyfull Fa¦ther world without end. God graunt yt.