Search Results / The poets vvillow: or, The passionate shepheard with sundry delightfull, and no lesse passionate sonnets: describing the passions of a discontented and perplexed louer. Diuers compositions of verses concording as well with the lyricke, as the Anacreonticke measures; neuer before published ...

Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673.
Imprinted at London :: By Iohn Beale, for Samuel Rand, and are to be sold at his shop at Holborne bridge,
Early English Books Online

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  1. Vpon the illustrate Prince Henrie, the Authors long meditated teares: Draigned from a fresh renewing spring euer distilling: Some whereof the passionate Elegiake offers to His neuer dying monument.
...y griefe / Excepted, which the measure of reliefe / Could neuer compasse: yet there would be fault / In my conueiance, for my spring is salt / And mixt with briny vapors which dist / ...
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