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Title:  Pigs' meat; or, lessons for the swinish multitude: Published in weekly penny numbers, collected by the poor man's advocate (an old veteran in the cause of freedom) in the course of his reading for more than twenty years. Intended to promote among the labouring part of mankind proper ideas of their situation, of their importance, and of their rights. And to convince them that their forlorn condition has not been entirely overlooked and forgotten, nor their just cause unpleaded, neither by their maker not by the best and most enlightened of men in all ages. [pt.1]
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trived by angels, and executed by saints, are bands of wickedness, which may cause people to suffer for transgressing, but can never create sin in disobey∣ing.When the Rulers of a Nation, to gratify their own lusts of pride and ambition, impose heavy and oppres∣sive burdens upon the people by legislative authority, they establish iniquity by a law, which in the strictest sense of the words, is a band of iniquity. The lusts of princes and their servants, often create their own wants, and render them necessitous; they then make use of their power and influence to procure laws to oblige others to supply them, whether they are able or not; and what aggravates the evil, when the sub∣jects know and feel that they are not able to answer the heavy demands of power, they are not allowed to be judges of their own abilities. Those that rule over others ought to be sober and temperate, and make the reasonable finances of state serve them in executing their offices. Unnecessary splendor and expence in government are inconsistent with both rea∣son and religion, which teach us, that it is one of the great ends of laws and government to restrain unruly appetites and passions. It is sinful in princes to coin expensive offices to serve their favourites, and oppress their subjects. Nothing can be more audacious, than for men appointed to be guardians of society, with a design to make individuals easy and happy, to pretend to come before the Lord, in the most solemn manner, to ask his aid and assistance to oppress them. Such is undoubtedly the language of the ensuing Fast, and of the conduct of its authors and devisers.The poor, in all parts of Britain, are groaning un∣der a heavy load of taxes, devised for new purposes, and imposed by new statutes. But for what reasons? Where is the necessity? What way are they applied? Are they not intended to carry violence and deso∣lation, fire and sword, among a people, whose only fault is, that they are endowed with principles, and a 0