The poetical works: of Edward Moore. With the life of the author.

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The poetical works: of Edward Moore. With the life of the author.
Moore, Edward, 1712-1757.
Edinburg :: at the Apollo Press, by the Martins. Anno,
1781 [1782]

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"The poetical works: of Edward Moore. With the life of the author." In the digital collection Eighteenth Century Collections Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed December 4, 2024.



TO make the wife kind and to keep the house still You must be of her mind let her say what she will; In all that she does you must give her her way, For tell her she 's wrong and you lead her astray.Line 4
Then Husbands! take care, of suspicion beware, Your wives may be true if you fancy they are; With confidence trust them, and be not such elves As to make by your jealousy horns for yourselves.Line 8
Abroad all the day if she chuses to roam Seem pleas'd with her absence, she 'll sigh to come home; The man she likes best and longs most to get at Be sure to commend, and she 'll hate him for that.Line 12

Page 168

Then Husbands! &c.
What virtues she has you may safely oppose; Whatever her follies are praise her for those: Applaud all her schemes that she lays for a man, For accuse her of vice and she 'll sin if she can.Line 17
Then Husbands! take care, of suspicion beware, Your wives may be true if you fancy they are; With confidence trust them, and be not such elves As to make by your jealousy horns for yourselves.Line 21
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