The temple of fame: a vision. By Mr. Pope.
- Title
- The temple of fame: a vision. By Mr. Pope.
- Author
- Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744.
- Publication
- London :: printed for Bernard Lintott,
- 1715.
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"The temple of fame: a vision. By Mr. Pope." In the digital collection Eighteenth Century Collections Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed December 4, 2024.
- half title
- frontispiece
- title page
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Pag. II.ver. 3.So Zembla 's Rocks,&c. -
P. 12.ver. 1.Four Faces had the Dome, &c. -
Pag. 13.ver. 3.There great Alcides, &c. -
Pag. 14.ver. 4.And the great Founder of the Persian Name. -
Pag. 15.ver. 2.Egypt 's Priests,&c. -
Pag. 15.ver. 11.Of Gothick Structure was the Northern Side. -
Pag. 16.ver. 5.Druids and Bards,&c. -
Pag. 17.ver. ult.The Youth that all things but himself subdu'd. -
Pag. 18.ver. 10.Timoleon glorious in his Bro|ther's Blood. -
Pag. 19.ver. 3.—He whom Athens did expel,In all things just, but when he sign'd the Shell. -
Pag. 19.ver. 9.But in the Center of the hallow'd Quire, &c. -
Pag. 21.ver. 13.Four Swans sustain, &c. -
Pag. 22.ver. 13.Pleas'd with Alcaeus Man|ly Rage t' infuseThe softer Spirit of the Sapphick Muse.
BOOKS printed for
Bernard Lintott.