Revisiting Discourse in Deaf Studies in Germany
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Within the framework of Critical Discourse Analysis (see e.g. Wodak & Meyer 2015), the paper examines the positionality of the academic discipline of Deaf Studies in Germany from the point of transformational view. Specifically, the paper critically examines five core aspects:
- Understanding the concept of Deaf Studies in Germany from diachronic perspective (what has been changed since 1990’s?)
- Understanding the concept of Deaf Studies in Germany from synchronic perspective (what are the contemporary issues and priorities in Deaf Studies?)
- Interaction between actors in Deaf Studies, practitioners in Deaf Education and activists in German Deaf communities
- Use of medium in the discourse of Deaf Studies in Germany (which languages and modalities are used? What kind of information has been distributed through which channels?) (v) Interaction between Disability Studies and Deaf Studies in Germany with special focus on positionality
In line with Grounded Theory (Glaser and Strauss 1967, 2017), the first analyses look for indicators for particular concepts which in turn will be expanded into categories. On the basis of these results, further data (in form of expert interviews) will be collected and examined (theoretical sampling). The results then enables us to critically examine the discourse of Deaf Studies in Germany from the transformational perspective.
This conference proceeding was made possible with the financial support of the National Endowment for the Humanities, Digital Humanities Advancement Grants [#HAA-258756-8, 2018]; and Gallaudet University: the Office of the Chief Bilingual Officer, Yeker Anderson Club, and Department of American Sign Language and Deaf Studies.
Patrick Boudreault, Editor
Tawny Hlibok Holmes, Conference Co-Chair, & Assistant Editor
Matthew Malzkuhn, Conference Co-Chair, & Assistant Editor & Video Editor
Ivy Davis, Production Editor
Brianna Keogh, Production Editor
Andrew Biskupiak, Production Assistant
Dirksen Bauman, Advisor
T.S. Writing Services, LLC