This presentation builds on our April 2010 talk on framing Deaf Theory (Deaf Studies Today, Utah Valley University, Orem Utah) as we continue to draw from patterns found in literary works, life histories and epistemologies. We propose that the human yearn and drive for communication are central to the development of Deaf Theory. Evidences and insights range from the role gestures play towards the foundation of human language to literary works, organization priorities/agendas, legislative actions, and technological extensions as data enables how we think and talk about communication as being central to Deaf epistemology and theory building. The root and recurrent theme/cultural value of: ‘Com’ will be scrutinized throughout our discussions.

Lastly we aim to extend our theoretical framework into a critical analysis of The Great Gatsby (as done by Lois Tyson (2006) in Critical Theory Today: A User Friendly Guide by Routledge) magnifying on communication issues that have long been undervalued or less emphasized by our society.


This conference proceeding was made possible with the financial support of the National Endowment for the Humanities, Digital Humanities Advancement Grants [#HAA-258756-8, 2018]; and Gallaudet University: the Office of the Chief Bilingual Officer, Yeker Anderson Club, and Department of American Sign Language and Deaf Studies.


Patrick Boudreault, Editor
Tawny Hlibok Holmes, Conference Co-Chair, & Assistant Editor
Matthew Malzkuhn, Conference Co-Chair, & Assistant Editor & Video Editor
Ivy Davis, Production Editor
Brianna Keogh, Production Editor
Andrew Biskupiak, Production Assistant
Dirksen Bauman, Advisor
T.S. Writing Services, LLC