Geoffrey Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde
Geoffrey Chaucer
B.A. Windeatt

Stanzas 231 through 240

Answerde of this eche werse of hem than other,
And Poliphete they gonnen thus to warien:
"Anhonged be swich oon, were he my brother,
And so he shal, for it ne may nought varien."
What shold I lenger in this tale tarien?
Pleynliche alle at ones they hire highten
To ben hire help in al that euere they myghten.
Page  238
Spak than Eleyne and seyde, "Pandarus,
Woot ought my lord my brother this matere,
I meene Ector? or woot it Troilus?"
He seyde, "ȝe, but wole ȝe now me here?
Me thynketh this, sith that Troilus is here,
It were good, if that ȝe wolde assente,
She tolde hire self hym al this er she wente.
"ffor he wol haue the more hir grief at herte,
By-cause, lo, that she a lady is,
And, by ȝoure leue, I wol but in right sterte
And do ȝow wyte, and that anon, i-wys,
If that he slepe, or wol ought here of this."
And in he lepte, and seyde hym in his ere,
"God haue thi soule, i-brought haue I thi beere!"
To smylen of this gan tho Troilus,
And Pandarus, withouten rekenyng,
Out wente anon to Eleyne and Deiphebus,
And seyde hem, "so ther be no tarying,
Ne moore prees, he wol wel that ȝe bryng
Criseyda, my lady, that is here,
And as he may enduren, he wol here.
"But wel ȝe woot, the chaumbre is but lite,
And fewe folk may lightly make it warme;
Now loketh ȝe -- for I wol haue no wite,
To brynge in prees that myghte don hym harme,
Or hym disesen, for my bettre arme --
Wher it be bet she bide til eft-sonys?
Now loketh ȝe, that knowen what to doon is.
"I sey for me, best is, as I kan knowe,
That no wight in ne wente but ȝe tweye,
But it were I, for I kan in a throwe
Reherce hire cas vnlik that she kan seye;
And after this she may hym ones preye
To ben good lord, in short, and take hire leue;
This may nought muchel of his ese hym reue-
"And ek for she is straunge, he wol forbere
His ese which that hym thar nought for ȝow;
Ek oother thing that toucheth nought to here
He wol ȝow telle--I woot it wel, right now --
That secret is, and for the townes prow."
And they that nothyng knewe of his entente,
With-outen more, to Troilus in they wente.
Page  240
Eleyne in al hire goodly, softe wyse
Gan hym salue, wommanly to pleye,
And seyde, "I-wys, ȝe moste algate arise;
Now, faire brother, beth al hool, I preye."
And gan hire arm right ouer his shulder leye,
And hym with al hire wit to reconforte;
As she best koude, she gan hym to disporte.
So after this quod she, "we ȝow biseke,
My deere brother, Deiphebus and I,
ffor loue of god, and so doth Pandare eke,
To ben good lord and frend right hertely
Unto Criseyde, which that certeynly
Receyueth wrong, as woot weel here Pandare,
That kan hire cas wel bet than I declare."
This Pandarus gan newe his tong affile,
And al hire cas reherce and that anon.
Whan it was seyd, soone after in a while,
Quod Troilus. "as sone as I may gon,
I wol right fayn with al my myght ben oon,
Haue god my trouthe, hire cause to sustene."
"Good thrift haue ȝe," quod Eleyne the queene."