Three prose versions of the Secreta Secretorum
Robert Steele

Cap. 106. To teche a Messagere.

Wete ouer aƚƚ þinges þat þe Messager, whedyr þou sendys hym, shewys þe wyt of þe, þat sendys hym, and he ys þyn eghen, yn þat þat þou seest nogℏt, and þyn ere, yn þat þat þou heryst nogℏt, and þy tonge, where þou art absent. Þanne þe nedys to chese þe most worthy to sweche a seruyce, of hem þat er in þy presence, wys and willynge, honourablyte, vnderstondynge, lele, and eschewand oþer, fleand aƚƚ velanye and blame. And ȝif þou fynde sweche oon, clepe hym to þe, and speke with hym of þinges þat he knowys nogℏt of þy wyl, And þou shaƚƚ sone persayue, if it be yn him þat þou enquerys, ffor aƚƚ sone as þinges ffonden̛ he ys to be enhyed; And if he be nogℏt in þis determinyng, at þe leste be he to þe trewe secretary, no þinge addand, no letiland, in þinges þat þou sendys hym, and þat he kepe wel þy comandement, & þat he gyf good entent of þat þat he berys of answers þat men makys hym. And if þou [folio 36b] fynde non swylke, be he noþeles a trew berere of þy lettres to hem þat þou sendyst hem, bryngand and telland þe answers aȝeyn. And if þou persayue any of þy Messagers corious, and besy to gete hauynge, and to geder hem yn þe places þat þou sendys hym, Refuse hym vtterly. And also if þou see any Messager dronkelew, for þai er nogℏt sent to þy profyt, ffor þe Persiens whenne any Messager come to hem, bare oon of hem to drynkyn mekyƚƚ wyn; And if he dranke as surfete, þanne wyste þey wel þat his lord was þe lesse wys. And kepe þe wel, þat þou sende nogℏt þy gretest conseiller in þy message, ne soffre him nogℏt ferre froo þe, ffor þat ys distruccion̛ of a kyngdome. Now haue y shewyd to þe qualyteȝ, and þe louynges and þe repreuynges of Messagers, and þaire ordinance, & how þay er knowyn in vntreutℏ & in good treutℏ; þanne, whenne a Messager ys nogℏt swyche, and castys hym to giftes and rewardes, & tretys witℏ þe of þinges þat þou hauys enIoyned hym, yn þy gouernayƚƚ make him lesse. Page  108