Three prose versions of the Secreta Secretorum
Robert Steele

Cap. 29. To tryste nogℏt in women.

Alexander, haue þou neuer trist in wirkynges no in seruice of women, ne gyf þou no credence to no wymmen̛, and yf þe nedys of a woman, drawe to þe to here þat þow trowys trewe, and þat þou demys good; ffor yf a woman reule þy persone, þou Page  64 ert als a þinge þat ys layd yn her bandoun̛, and þy lyf ys al yn here hondys*. ['bondys' in MS.]; eschewe þe dedly venyms of women þat not*. ['now' in MS.] of newe bygynnes to venym; kynde þat ys, þat gret multitude of kynges and of lordys er perschyd and deed byfore her tyme stablyd, þurgℏ drynkes of dedly venyms.