Three prose versions of the Secreta Secretorum
Robert Steele

Of thyngis that makyth the body fat, moisti, and wel dysposyd̛. Capitulum Lxxm.

tHe body of man and al that is y-makyd of the foure elementis, bene gouernyd aftyr the mevynges of heuyn̄, and aftyr the same mevynges the tyme dyuersyth, and therfor in dyuers tymes hit behouyth to haue dyuers kepyngis. Noght for than, sum thyngis that in euery day of the yere hath his effecte more and lasse, as slepynge nurshith the body euery tyme of the yere, and myche wakynge makyth the body lene, and hit destrueth. Therfore, gracious lorde, like as wryttyn y fynde, I shall you say shortely What thynges makyth the body fat, moiste, and well dysposid; and what thynges done the contrary. The body makyth fat, moiste, and wel [folio 83bL] disposyd, good mettis and drynkis accordynge to manys complexcion̄ aftyr the tyme of the yere and the houre of the day y-custumet or vset as is afor-sayde; aboue al thynge reste of body, gladnys of herte, yoyful fellochippe or company, mettis hote and moiste, drynkes of good Wyne and rype, swete mylke, and hote drynke makyd wyth Hoony, tendyr brede makyd of the floure of Whete, Slepe mesurable aftyr mette vpon a nessℏ [folio 72] Bedde and in a place tempure, colde Bathis in Watyr temprure colde; and Shorte tyme sitte in bathe that the nature ne be nat enfebelit; Vsynge of honementys aftyr the tyme and complexcione, fflaurynge of Swete odures accordynge to the tyme. In wyntyr the hodure of hote thynges, as is aloynge and suche otheris; In somer odure of colde thynges, as of rose and vyolet: a vomyte in euery monthe atte alerleste, for vomyte Purgyth the stomake of ill humours aboue, as a medecyne laxatyfe benethe; and whan the ill humours bene Putte away, the kyndly hette shal be y-confortid, to defie the mette. To this thynges hit vaillyth moche to haue richesse and glory, victorie vpon enemys, and haue asperaunce and truste in the Pepill, wyche bene vndyr youre gouernaunce. Delite in honeste Play, and hit beholde, as to see horsyn rynne, yonglyngges to skyrme, bestis to chase in venurie, and abow al thynge, fayre thynges oft-tymes to beholde, Fayre Workys to make and dyuyse, delytabill songes to hyre and synge, good bokys to rede and study, wyth lefe and welbelowid Pepill lagh and Play, to solace in dyuers instrumentes of musike, as harpis and Suche otheres, clothynge of Page  248 dyuers clothis, goode and fayre and of dyuers colours, and ofte-tymes ham chaunge. Thes bene the thynges Wyche confortyth the herte, the body makyt fatte, hole, and wel dysposyd.