Rewle of Sustris Menouresses enclosid
R. W. Chambers, Walter W. Seton

Section 2 [supplied by ed.]

At alle þe houres þey schal first a litel ringe & make a suffisaunt restinge, so þat þe Sustres may make hem redi & assemble in þe chirche wiþ owte tariynge, & þan schal þe belle be rungyn wel lenger, & þis maner ringinge be vsid in alle times, safe [leaf 79r] in dobel Festis. For þan we schal ringe iii tymes longe boþe to euensonge & to matynnis, bi espacis suffisauntis. And at þe tierce twey tymes longe with couenabel espace, & after þe tierce iiii time to þe masse couenabli. Eche day we schal ringe in time longe bifore þe biginninge of þe Inuitatorie. On sundayes, at dobel Festis, & semydobel þey schal ringe, whan þey [supplied by ed.] byginne Te deum laudamus tille soche a verse pleni sunt celi & terra. And on sundayes whan þey syngen þe ix respons, while Gloria patri is asinginge, þan þey schal ringe til þe biginnynge ageyae of þe response. Whan þey been at þe leuacioun, þey schal ringe a litel in þe masse conuentuel withowte more. At þe mete & at þe soper in alle times þey schal sowne þe smale belle, And after [leaf 79v] til þe Sustren haue wasschin here hondis & assembel togyderes bifore þe freytoure, & after here refeccioun þey schalle smyht iiii strokes on þe belle of þe freytoure. And after þis smytinge þe Sustres schullin rise & entre honestli in to þe Freytoure, & after þat þey schal sowne þe belle, bi þe space of seyinge of iiii Aue maries. And after þat þe Chauntresse in sesynge of þe sowninge schal seye Benedicite. And þe Couent schal answere in þe same tune. And þan þe Chauntresse schal bigynne þe verse, & alle þe couent schal sey after. At Iube domne Sche þat schal rede fromme þe ende of þe Couent til sche come in myddis of þe Couent schal sey Iube domne & bowynge schal resseyue þe blessynge. And in þe end of þe mete, þe refreytouresse schal smyte [leaf 80r] iiii strokes on þe smale belle, & anone þe reder schal sey Tu autem. And þe Sustres at þe tabel schul seye Deo gratias. And after anone þe Somenerere schal sowne þe smale belle as longe til þe sustres been fro table, & in renges bifore, one Page  103 Suster ageynis anoþer. And þan þe chaunterere schal biginne þe verse & alle þe couent after, & atte G1oria patri Eche Suster schal turne ageynis oþer. Whan alle is done, þe almoynere schal turne here towarde þe ymage & sey Agimus tibi wiþ Benedictus deus in donis, And after þat þe Chaunterere schal bigynne for to go to þe Mynystre wiþ Miserere mei, deus, & alle þe couent & þan þe quere on þat one syde schal take his verse, & þe Quere on þat oþer syde schal take anoþer verse. And assone as þey [leaf 80v] haue bowid hem to þe ymage reuerentli, þey schul go in to þe chirche singyng þe same note. And at þe entre of þe Quere þey schul bowe towarde þe awter, & whan þey been entrid in here segis þey schul stonde one ageynes anoþer, til þey sey Retribuere. And þanne alle schal bowen at Per dominum, & þanne turne hem te þe auter til me [deleted in MS] sey þ [deleted in MS]þey sey*. ['me' and the þ of 'seyþ' erased and 'þey sey' in later hand in margin.]Fidelium anime. And whan þey haue answerid Amen, þey schul bowe & sey Pater noster, ȝif it be Fest, stondinge; ȝif hit be Feri, knelinge; And after in þe ende smyte þe forme & seye Deus det nobis suam pacem and þe couent answeringe Amen.