Paston letters and papers of the fifteenth century, Part I
Paston family
Norman Davis

TO JOHN PASTON III 1471, 11, 18

Tho my rytgh wurshfull brothere John Paston, jn hast.

Rytgh wurshupful brothere, I recummawnd me to ȝow, prayeng ȝow hartely þat ȝe wyl remembyre soche maters as I wryth to ȝow. I send ȝow now be the brynggare here-of mony, wyche mony I prey ȝow þat ȝe [deleted in MS] be-stowe yt as I wryth to ȝow. I wend a don yt my-sylf, but consyderyng costys and othere dyuers thynggys I maynot bryng yt abowthe; where-fore I pray ȝow hartely to take þe labore vp-on ȝow, and I trust to deservyt. I pray ȝow be-stow thys mony thus: to Crystofyre Hanyngton v s.; to þe Prynspall of Stapyl In v s. in parte of payment; also, I pray ȝow to bye me iij ȝerddys of porpyl schamlet, price þe ȝerd iiij s.; a bonet of depe murry, pryce ij s. iiij d.; an hose clothe of ȝelow carsey of an ellyn, I trow yt wyl cost ij s.; a gyrdyl of plunkket ryban, price vj d.; iiij lacys of sylke, ij of on colore and ij of an othere, price viij d.; iij doseyn poynttys, wythe, red, and ȝelow, price vj d.; iij peyere of pateyns-- I pray ȝow late Wylliam Page  634Mylsant purvey fore þem. I was wonte to pay but ij d. ob. fore a payere, but I pray ȝow late them not be left behynd þow I pay more. They must be lowe pateyns; late them be long j-now and brod vp-on þe hele. Among alle othere I pray ȝow recummawnd me to Masteres Elyzabet Hygouns. I may sey pouerté partys feleschepe; yf þat I had ben so well purveyde as I wend, I trowst to have ben wyth ȝow here thys. Also I pray ȝow recummawnd me to my brothere Ser John. I fere lesse he wyl take a dysplesure wyth me þat I send hym no mony; I pray ȝow excuse me as wel as ȝe can. I trust to send hym sum a-bowth Candylmesse. I had a promyse of Masteres Elyzabet of a typet of welvet [unclear] , but and I myth haue a hatlase I woold thynk me well. I pray ȝow sey thus myche on ȝour owyn hed, and yf ȝe can not spede of þe hatlase I pray ȝow bye me on of xij d. ore xvj d. Also, ser, I send Parkare hys mony be the brynggare hare-of, and I haue desyered hym to lend me a gown of puke, and I haue send hym a typet of welvet to boredyre yt rown [unclear] d a-bowthe; and I pray ȝow be at schesyng there-of. And yf þat he wyl not, be Cryst calkestokke on hys hed! þat is schoryle in Englyshe; yt is a terme new browthe vp wyth my marschandys of Norwyche. Ser, John Pamppyng recummawnd hym to ȝow, and pray ȝow þat ȝe wyl remembyre hys harnes, and yf þat ȝe can get þe mony he pray ȝow to delyuer Parkare x s. þat he howyth hym. Also, ser, my modyre gretys ȝow wel and send ȝow Goddys blyssyng and heres, and prays ȝow þat ȝe wyl bye here a runlet of malmesey owthe of þe galey; and yf ȝe haue no mony sche byd þat ȝe schuld borow of my brothere Ser John ore of sum othere frend of ȝowers, and send he [unclear] re woord as hastely as þe haue yt and sche schale send þow mony. And yf þat ȝe send yt home sche byd þat yt schuld be woond in a canmasse fore brochyng of þe caryars, fore sche sethe þat sche hath knowyn men serued soo be-fore. Also I pray þow, yf ȝe speke wyth Master Rogere, tell hym þat yf he cum in-to thys cuntré thys Crystema [deleted in MS]s he schal haue hys x s., and yf þat he cum not I schal send yt hym be xij day at þe fardest. I pray ȝow hartely remembyre my gere, and þat ȝe wyl desyere Wylliam Mylsant on my behalue to purvey fore þe caryage in as hasty wyse as yt can. Also I pray ȝow þat þe weluet þat levyt of my typet may be send hom a-geyn, fore I woold strype a dobelet there-wyth. As fore Masteres Blakeny, I trow sche be in ȝour quarters. I woold I had þe same entyrepryce vp-on hyre þat John Bramppton of Atylborowe had vp-on Mastere Bryston. Alle þe coorte recummawnddys hem to ȝow. I pray ȝow, and ȝe can get me any profytabyl servyce, a-saye. My brothere Ser John was meved of my Page  635 hawnt Ponynggys to haue ben wyth here. I woold haue rytgh an hesy seruyse tyl I were owthe of detys. God haue ȝow in hys kepyng. Wretyn at Norwyche þe Munday nex be-fore Sen Edmond þe Kyng. Edmond Paston