Paston letters and papers of the fifteenth century, Part I
Paston family
Norman Davis


Paston recomaund hym to your good lordeship, willyng with all his herte to doo yow seruise to his symple power. And as touchyng þe maner of Walsham he seyth þat at your comaundement he wille be redy to shewe yow and preve þat þe seid maner and all þe vesture and crop þer-of þis yeer by trewe title in lawe and conscience is his owen, trewly bowth and Page  15in gret partye payed for, and þat John Roys never hadde non estate in þe seid maner but oonly occupied it by suffraunce of þe seid Paston and other feffés in þe seid maner, and þat by þe bargayn of þe seid maner þ'estate þat þe seid Roys shuld have hadde in þe seid maner and in stoor ther-of shul have be condicionel to be voide and nought for defaute of payement, and þat þe seid John Roys ne kept not his dayes of þe payementz, &c., and þat þe seid Will Paston, in þe lyve of þe seid John Roys, for defaute [unclear] of payment entred in þe seid maner with þe seid crop and þe vesture of þis yeer þer-of þan þer-vpon, and þat þe seid John Roys never at noo tyme payed to þe seid John Baxtere sith þe seid bargeyn, nether for þe seid bargayn ne for þe dette he aught to hym, more þanne an c and xl marcz, wher-of he borwed ageyn of þe seid John Baxtere xl li. and over þat he oweth; and beforn þe seid bargeyn aught by his obligacion to þe seid John Baxtere of trewe dette of mony borwed other xl li., and hath hadde and taken þe profitz of þe seid maner by iij hool yeer beforn his deth to þe value of xxx li. and more, and he receyved in his seid bargayn of þe seid John Baxtere xl marcz worth of stoor, the which iiijxx li. of dette and xxx li. of þe profitz of þe seid maner and xl marcz worth of stoor maketh þe somme of cxxxvj li. xiij s. iiij d. Wher-of, thogh þe lawe wille it not, were abated, if conscience required it, cxl marcz payed by þe seid John Roys and x li. for þe value of þe seid crop ouer þe value of þe verray ferme of the seid maner for þis yeer; yet remaigneth dwe to þe executoures of þe seid John Baxter liij li. vj s. viij d., and all þe title and interesse of þe seid John Roys, his heires and assignes, in þe seid maner lawfully and in conscience extincted and adnulled. Wher-vpon þe seid Paston lowly besecheth your good lordeship þat if it may be preved þis mater be trewe þat ye wille not be displesed þogh he desire to have his fre disposicion of þe seid maner. Page  16