William Langland's The vision of Piers Plowman

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William Langland's The vision of Piers Plowman
Langland, William, 1330?-1400?
London and New York: J.M. Dent and E.P. Dutton

Oxford Text Archive number: U-1687-A

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"William Langland's The vision of Piers Plowman." In the digital collection Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/PPlLan. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 6, 2024.


Passus 15

Ac after my wakynge it was wonder longe Line 15.001 Er I koude kyndely knowe what was Dowel. Line 15.002 And so my wit weex and wanyed til I a fool weere; Line 15.003 And some lakked my lif--allowed it fewe-- Line 15.004 And leten me for a lorel and looth to reverencen Line 15.005 Lordes or ladies or any lif ellis-- Line 15.006 As persons in pelure with pendaunts of silver; Line 15.007 To sergeaunts ne to swiche seide noght ones, Line 15.008 " God loke yow, lordes!'--ne loutede faire, Line 15.009 That folk helden me a fool; and in that folie I raved, Line 15.010 Til reson hadde ruthe on me and rokked me aslepe, Line 15.011 Til I seigh, as it sorcerie were, a sotil thyng withalle-- Line 15.012 Oon withouten tonge and teeth, tolde me whider I sholde Line 15.013 And wherof I cam and of what kynde. I conjured hym at the laste, Line 15.014 If he were Cristes creature for Cristes love me to tellen. Line 15.015 " I am Cristes creature,' quod he, "and Cristene in many a place, Line 15.016 In Cristes court yknowe wel, and of his kyn a party. Line 15.017 Is neither Peter the Porter, ne Poul with the fauchon, Line 15.018 That wole defende me the dore, dynge I never so late. Line 15.019 At mydnyght, at mydday, my vois is so yknowe Line 15.020 That ech a creature of his court welcometh me faire.' Line 15.021 "What are ye called?' quod I, "in that court among Cristes peple?' Line 15.022 "The whiles I quykne the cors,' quod he, "called am I Anima; Line 15.023 And whan I wilne and wolde, Animus ich hatte; Line 15.024 And for that I kan and knowe, called am I Mens; Line 15.025 And whan I make mone to God, Memoria is my name; Line 15.026 And whan I deme domes and do as truthe techeth, Line 15.027 Thanne is Racio my righte name--""reson'" on Englissh; Line 15.028 And whan I feele that folk telleth, my firste name is Sensus-- Line 15.029 And that is wit and wisdom, the welle of alle craftes; Line 15.030 And whan I chalange or chalange noght, chepe or refuse, Line 15.031

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Line 15.031 Thanne am I Conseience ycalled, Goddes clerk and his notarie; Line 15.032 And whan I love leelly Oure Lord and alle othere, Line 15.033 Thanne is ""lele Love'' my name, and in Latyn Amor; Line 15.034 And whan I flee fro the flessh and forsake the careyne, Line 15.035 Thanne am I spirit spechelees--and Spiritus thanne ich hatte. Line 15.036 Austyn and Ysodorus, either of hem bothe Line 15.037 Nempnede me thus to name--now thow myght chese Line 15.038 How thow coveitest to calle me, now thow knowest alle my names. Line 15.039 Anima pro diversis accionibus diversa nomina sortitur: dum Line 15.039 vivificat corpus, anima est; dum vult, animus est; dum seit, Line 15.039 mens est; dum recoIit, memoria est; dum iudicat, racio est; Line 15.039 dum sentit, sensus est; dum amat, Amor est ; dum negat vel Line 15.039 consentit, consciencia est; dum spirat, spiritus est.' Line 15.039 "Ye ben as a bisshop,' quod I, al bourdynge that tyme, Line 15.040 " For bisshopes yblessed, thei bereth manye names-- Line 15.041 Presul and Pontifex and Metropolitanus, Line 15.042 And othere names an heep, Episcopus and Pastor.' Line 15.043 "That is sooth,' seide he, "now I se thi wille! Line 15.044 Thow woldest knowe and konne the cause of alle hire names, Line 15.045 And of myne, if thow myghtest, me thynketh by thi speche!' Line 15.046 " Ye, sire,' I seide, "by so no man were greved, Line 15.047 Alle the sciences under sonne and alle the sotile craftes Line 15.048 I wolde I knewe and kouthe kyndely in myn herte!" Line 15.049 "Thanne artow inparfit,' quod he, "and oon of Prides knyghtes! Line 15.050 For swich a lust and likyng Lucifer fel from hevene: Line 15.051 Ponam pedem meum in aquilone et simiiis ero Altissimo. Line 15.051 "It were ayeins kynde,' quod he, "and alle kynnes reson Line 15.052 That any creature sholde konne al, except Crist oone. Line 15.053 Ayein swiche Salomon speketh, and despiseth hir wittes, Line 15.054 And seith, Sicut qui mel comedit multum non est ei bonum, Line 15.055 Sic qui scrutator est maiestatis opprimitur a gloria. Line 15.055 "To Englisshe men this is to mene, that mowen speke and here, Line 15.056

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Line 15.056 The man that muche hony eteth his mawe it engleymeth, Line 15.057 And the moore that a man of good matere hereth, Line 15.058 But he do therafter it dooth hym doubie scathe. Line 15.059 "" Beatus est,' seith Seint Bernard, "" qui scripturas iegit Line 15.060 Et verba vertit in opera fulliche to his power." Line 15.061 Coveitise to konne and to knowe science Line 15.062 Putte out of Paridis Adam and Eve: Line 15.063 Sciencic appetitus hominem inmortalitatis gloriam spoliavit. Line 15.063 "And right as hony is yvel to defie and engleymeth the mawe, Line 15.064 Right so that thorugh reson wolde the roote knowe Line 15.065 Of God and of hise grete myghtes--hise graces it letteth. Line 15.066 For in the likynge lith a pride and licames coveitise Line 15.067 Ayein Cristes counseil and alle clerkes techynge-- Line 15.068 That is Non plus sapere quam oportet sapere. Line 15.069 " Freres and fele othere maistres that to the lewed men prechen, Line 15.070 Ye moeven materes unmesurable to tellen of the Trinite, Line 15.071 That oftetymes the lewed peple of hir bileve doute. Line 15.072 Bettre it were by many doctours to bileven swich techyng Line 15.073 And tellen men of the ten comaundements, and touchen the sevene synnes, Line 15.074 And of the braunches that burjoneth of hem and bryngen men to helle, Line 15.075 And how that folk in folies mysspenden hir fyve wittes-- Line 15.076 As wel freres as oother folk, foliliche spenden Line 15.077 In housynge, in haterynge, in to heigh clergie shewynge Line 15.078 Moore for pompe than for pure charite--the peple woot the sothe! Line 15.079 That I lye noght, loo!--for lordes ye plesen, Line 15.080 And reverencen the riche the rather for hir silver: Line 15.081 Confundantur omines qui adorant sculptilia. Et alibi, Line 15.081 Ut quid diligitis vanitatem, et queritis mendam? Line 15.081 "Goeth to the glose of the vers, ye grete clerkes; Line 15.082

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Line 15.082 If I lye on yow to my lewed wit, ledeth me to brennyng! Line 15.083 For as it semeth ye forsaketh no mannes almesse-- Line 15.084 Of usurers, of hoores, of varouse chapmen-- Line 15.085 And louten to thise lordes that mowen lene yow nobles Line 15.086 Aye in youre rule and religion--I take record at Jesus, Line 15.087 That seide to hise disciples, "" Ne sitis acceptores personarum.'' Line 15.088 Of this matere I myghte make a long bible; Line 15.089 Ac of curatours of Cristen peple, as clerkes bereth witnesse, Line 15.090 I shal tellen it for truthes sake--take hede whoso liketh! Line 15.091 "As holynesse and honeste out of Holy Chirche spredeth Line 15.092 Thorugh lele libbynge men that Goddes lawe techen, Line 15.093 Right so out of Holy Chirche alle yveles spredeth Line 15.094 There inparfit preesthode is, prechours and techeris. Line 15.095 And se it by ensaumple in somer tyme on trowes: Line 15.096 Ther some bowes ben leved and some bereth none, Line 15.097 Ther is a meschief in the more of swiche manere bowes. Line 15.098 Right so persons and preestes and prechours of Holi Chirche Line 15.099 Is the roote of the right feith to rule the peple; Line 15.100 Ac ther the roote is roten, reson woot the sothe, Line 15.101 Shal nevere fiour ne fruyt, ne fair leef be grene. Line 15.102 "Forthi wolde ye lettrede leve the lecherie of clothyng, Line 15.103 And be kynde as bifel for clerkes and curteise of Cristes goodes, Line 15.104 Trewe of youre tonge and of youre tail bothe, Line 15.105 And hatien to here harlotrie, and aught to underfonge Line 15.106 Tithes of untrewe thyng ytilied or chaffared-- Line 15.107 Lothe were lewed men but thei youre loore folwede Line 15.108 And amenden hem that thei mysdoon, moore for youre ensaumples Line 15.109 Than for to prechen and to preven it noght--ypocrisie it semeth! Line 15.110 For ypocrisie in Latyn is likned to a dongehill Line 15.111 That were bisnewed with snow, and snakes withinne, Line 15.112

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Line 15.112 Or to a wal that were whitlymed and were foul withinne. Line 15.113 Right so manye preestes, prechours and prelates-- Line 15.114 Ye [b]en enblaunched with bele paroles and with clothes, Line 15.115 Ac youre werkes and wordes therunder aren ful w[o]lveliche. Line 15.116 Johannes Crisostomus of clerkes speketh and preestes: Line 15.117 Sicut de templo omne bonum progreditur, sic de templo omne Line 15.117 malum procedit. Si sacerdocium integrum fuerit, tota floret Line 15.117 ecclesia; si autem corruptum fuerit, omnium fides marcida est. Line 15.117 Si sacerdocium fuerit in peccatis, totus populus con vertitur Line 15.117 ad peccandum. Sicut cum videris arborem pallidam et marcidam Line 15.117 intelligis quod vicium habet in radice, ita cum videris Line 15.117 populum inaisciplinatum et irreligiosum, sine dubio Line 15.117 sacerdocium eius non est sanum. Line 15.117 "If lewed men wiste what this Latyn meneth, Line 15.118 And who was myn auctour, muche wonder me thinketh Line 15.120 But if many preest beere, for hir baselardes and hir broches, Line 15.121 A peire of bedes in hir hand and a book under hir arme. Line 15.122 Sire Johan and Sire Geffrey hath a girdel of silver, Line 15.123 A baselard or a ballok-knyf with botons overgilte. Line 15.124 Ac a porthors that sholde be his plow, Placebo to sigge, Line 15.125 Hadde he nevere, [his] service to [h]ave, Line 15.126 [And save he have] silver therto, seith it with ydel wille. Line 15.127 "Allas, ye lewed men, muche lese ye on preestes! Line 15.128 Ac thing that wikkedly is wonne, and with false sleightes, Line 15.129 Wolde nevere the wit of witty God but wikkede men it hadde-- Line 15.130

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Line 15.130 The whiche arn preestes inparfite and prechours after silver, Line 15.131 Executours and sodenes, somonours and hir lemmannes. Line 15.132 This that with gile was geten, ungraciousliche is spended. Line 15.133 So harlotes and hores arn holpe with swiche goodes, Line 15.134 Ac Goddes folk for defaute therof forfaren and spillen. Line 15.135 "Curatours of Holy Kirke, and clerkes that ben avarouse, Line 15.136 Lightliche that thei leven, losels it habbeth, Line 15.137 Or deieth intestate, and thanne [entreth the bisshop] Line 15.138 And maketh murthe therwith, and hise meyne both, Line 15.139 And seyen, ""He was a nygard, that no good myghte aspare Line 15.140 To frend ne to fremmed--the fend have his soule! Line 15.141 For a wrecehede hous he held al his lif tyme, Line 15.142 And that he spared and bispered, spende we in murthe!'' Line 15.143 "By lered, by lewed, that looth is to spende-- Line 15.144 Thus goon hire goodes, be the goost faren. Line 15.145 Ac for goode men, God woot, greet doel men maken, Line 15.146 And bymeneth goode meteyyveres, and in mynde haveth Line 15.147 In preieres and in penaunces and in parfit charite.' Line 15.148 " What is charite?' quod I tho. "A childissh thyng,' he seide-- Line 15.149 " Nisi efficiamini sicut parvuli, non intrabitis in regnum celorum-- Line 15.149 Withouten fauntelte or folie a fre liberal wille.' Line 15.150 "Where sholde men fynde swich a frend with so fre an herte? Line 15.151 I have lyved in londe,' quod I, "my name is Longe Wille-- Line 15.152 And fond I nevere ful charite, bifore ne bihynde. Line 15.153 Men beth merciable to mendinaunts and to poore, Line 15.154 And wollen lenc ther thei leve lelly to ben paied. Line 15.155 Ac charite that Poul preiseth best and moost plesaunt to Oure Saveour-- Line 15.156 As Non inflatur, non est ambiciosa, non querit que sua sunt-- Line 15.157 I seigh nevere swich a man, so me God helpe, Line 15.158

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Line 15.158 That he ne wolde aske after his, and outherwhile coveite Line 15.159 Thyng that neded hym noght--and nyme it, if he myghte! Line 15.160 "Clerkes kenne me that Crist is in alle places; Line 15.161 Ac I seigh hym nevere soothly but as myself in a mirour: Line 15.162 Hic in enigmate, tunc facie ad faciem. Line 15.162 And so I trowe trewely, by that men telleth of charite, Line 15.163 It is noght chaumpions fight, ne chaffare, as I trowe.' Line 15.164 "Charite,' quod he, "ne chaffareth noght, ne chalangeth, ne craveth; Line 15.165 As proud of a peny as of a pound df golde, Line 15.166 And is as glad of a gowne of a gray russet Line 15.167 As of a tunycle of Tarse of of trie scarlet. Line 15.168 He is glad with alle glade and good til alle wikkede, Line 15.169 And leneth and loveth alle that Oure Lord made. Line 15.170 Corseth he no creature, ne he kan bere no wrathe, Line 15.171 Ne no likynge hath to lye ne laughe men to scorne. Line 15.172 Al that men seyn, he leet it sooth, and in solace taketh, Line 15.173 And alle manere meschiefs in myldenesse he suffreth. Line 15.174 Coveiteth he noon erthely good but heveneriche blisse.' Line 15.175 "Hath he any rentes or richesse, or any riche frendes?' Line 15.176 "Of rentes ne of richesse rekketh he nevere, Line 15.177 For a frend that fyndeth hym, failed hym nevere at nede: Line 15.178 Fiat voluntas tua fynt hym everemoore, Line 15.179 And if he soupeth, eteth but a sop of Spera in Deo. Line 15.180 He kan portreye wel the Paternoster and peynte it with Aves, Line 15.181 And outherwhile he is woned to wenden on pilgrymages Line 15.182 Ther poore men and prisons liggeth, hir pardon to have; Line 15.183 Though he bere hem no breed, he bereth hem swetter liflode, Line 15.184 Loveth hem as Oure Lord biddeth and loketh how thei fare. Line 15.185 "And whan he is wery of that werk than wole he som tyme Line 15.186 Labouren in a lavendrye wel the lengthe of a mile, Line 15.187 And yerne into youthe, and yepeliche seche Line 15.188 Pride, with al the appurtenaunces, and pakken hem togideres, Line 15.189 And bouken hem at his brest and beten hern clene, Line 15.190 And leggen on longe with Laboravi in gemitu memo, Line 15.191

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Line 15.191 And with warm water at hise eighen wasshen hem after. Line 15.192 Thanne he syngeth whan he doth so, and som tyme seith wepynge, Line 15.193 Cor contritum et humiliatum, Deus, non despicies.' Line 15.193 "By Crist! I wolde that I knewe hym,' quod I, "no creature levere!' Line 15.195 "Withouten help of Piers Plowman,' quod he, "his persone sestow nevere.' Line 15.196 "Wheither clerkes knowen hym,' quod I, "that kepen Holi Kirke?' Line 15.197 "Clerkes have no knowyng,' quod he, "but by werkes and by wordes. Line 15.198 Ac Piers the Plowman parceyveth moore depper Line 15.199 What is the wille, and wherfore that many wight suffreth: Line 15.200 Et vidit Deus cogitaciones eorum. Line 15.200 For ther are ful proude herted men, pacient of tonge Line 15.201 And buxome as of berynge to burgeises and to lordes, Line 15.202 And to poore peple han pepir in the nose, Line 15.203 And as a lyoun he loketh ther men lakken hise werkes. Line 15.204 " For ther are beggeris and bidderis, bedemen as it were, Line 15.205 Loken as lambren and semen lif-holy-- Line 15.206 Ac it is moore to have hir mete on swich an esy manere Line 15.207 Than for penaunce and parfitnesse, the poverte that swiche taketh. Line 15.208 "Therfore by colour ne by clergie knowe shaltow hym nevere, Line 15.209 Neither thorugh wordes ne werkes, but thorugh wil oone, Line 15.210 And that knoweth no clerk ne creature on erthe Line 15.211 But Piers the Plowman--Petrus, id est, Christus. Line 15.212 For he nys noght in lolleris ne in londleperis heremytes, Line 15.213 Ne at ancres there a box hangeth--alle swiche thei faiten. Line 15.214 Fy on faitours and infautores suos! Line 15.215 For Charite is Goddes champion, and as a good child hende, Line 15.216 And the murieste of mouth at mete where he sitteth. Line 15.217 The 1ove that lith in his herte maketh hym light of speche, Line 15.218 And is compaignable and confortatif, as Crist bit hymselve: Line 15.219 Nolite fieri sicut ypocrite tristes &c. Line 15.219 For I have seyen hym in silk and som tyme in russet, Line 15.220 Bothe in grey, and in grys, and in gilt harneis-- Line 15.221 And as gladliche he it gaf to gomes that it neded. Line 15.222 " Edmund and Edward, either were kynges Line 15.223

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Line 15.223 And seintes yset--[s]til[le] charite hem folwede. Line 15.224 "I have yseyen charite also syngen and reden, Line 15.225 Riden, and rennen in raggede wedes; Line 15.226 Ac biddynge as beggeris biheld I hym nevere. Line 15.227 Ac in riche robes rathest he walketh, Line 15.228 Ycalled and ycrymyled and his crowne yshave. Line 15.229 And in a freres frokke he was yfounden ones-- Line 15.230 Ac it is fern ago, in Seint Fraunceis tyme; Line 15.231 In that secte siththe to selde hath he ben knowen. Line 15.232 " Riche men he recomendeth, and of hir robes taketh Line 15.233 That withouten wiles ledeth hir lyves: Line 15.234 Beatus est dives qui, &c. Line 15.234 "In kynges court he cometh ofte, ther the counseil is trewe; Line 15.235 Ac if coveitise be of the counseil he wol noght come therinne. Line 15.236 In court amonges japeris he cometh but selde, Line 15.237 For braulynge and bakbitynge and berynge of fals witnesse. Line 15.238 "In the consistorie bifore the commissarie he corneth noght ful ofte, Line 15.239 For hir lawe dureth overlonge but if thei lacchen silver, Line 15.240 And matrimoyne for moneie maken and unmaken, Line 15.241 And that conseience and Crist hath yknyt faste, Line 15.242 Thei undoon it un[digne]ly, tho doctours of lawe. Line 15.243 "Amonges erchebisshopes and other bisshopes and prelates of Holy Chirche, Line 15.244 For to wonye with hem his wone was som tyme, Line 15.245 And Cristes patrimonye to the poore parcelmele dele. Line 15.246 Ac avarice hath the keyes now and kepeth for his kynnesmen Line 15.247 And for his seketoures and his servaunts, and som for hir children. Line 15.248 "Ac I ne lakke no lif, but, Lord, amende us alle. Line 15.249 And gyve us grace, goode God, charite to folwe! Line 15.250 For whoso myghte meete with hym, swiche maneres hym eileth-- Line 15.251

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Line 15.251 Neither he blameth ne banneth, bosteth ne preiseth, Line 15.252 Lakketh, ne loseth, ne loketh up sterne, Line 15.253 Craveth, ne coveiteth, ne crieth after moore: Line 15.254 In pace in idipsum dormiam &c. Line 15.254 The mooste liflode that he lyveth by is love in Goddes passion; Line 15.255 Neither he biddeth, ne beggeth, ne borweth to yelde; Line 15.256 Misdooth he no man, ne with his mouth greveth. Line 15.257 "Amonges Cristene men this myldenesse sholde laste, Line 15.258 In alle manere angres have this at herte-- Line 15.259 That theigh thei suffrede al this, God suffrede for us moore Line 15.260 In ensample we sholde do so, and take no vengeaunce Line 15.261 Of oure foes that dooth us falsnesse--that is oure fadres wille. Line 15.262 For wel may every man wite, if God hadde wold hymselve, Line 15.263 Sholde nevere Judas ne Jew have Jesu doon on roode, Line 15.264 Ne han martired Peter ne Poul, ne in prison holden. Line 15.265 Ac he suffre in ensample that we sholde suffren also, Line 15.266 And seide to swiche that suffre wolde that Pacientes vincunt. Line 15.267 " Verbi gratia,' quod he--and verred ensamples manye. Line 15.268 "In Legenda Sanctorum, the lif of holy seintes, Line 15.269 What penaunce and poverte and passion thei suffrede-- Line 15.270 In hunger, in hete, in alle manere angres. Line 15.271 "Antony and Egidie and othere holy fadres Line 15.272 Woneden in wildernesse among wilde beestes; Line 15.273 Monkes and mendinaunts. men by hemselve Line 15.274 In spekes and in spelonkes, selde speken togideres. Line 15.275 Ac neither Antony ne Egidie ne heremyte that tyme Line 15.276 Of leons ne of leopardes no liflode ne toke, Line 15.277 But of foweles that fleeth--thus fyndeth men in bokes-- Line 15.278 Except that Egidie after an hynde cride, Line 15.279 And thorugh the mylk of that mylde beest the man was sustened; Line 15.280 And day bi day hadde he hire noght his hunger for to slake, Line 15.281 But selden and sondry tymes, as seith the book and techeth. Line 15.282 Antony adayes aboute noon tyme Line 15.283 Hadde a brid that broughte hym breed that he by lyvede; Line 15.284 And though the gome hadde a gest, God fond hem bothe. Line 15.285 "Poul primus heremita hadde parroked hymselve, Line 15.286

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Line 15.286 That no man myghte hym se for mosse and for leves. Line 15.287 Foweles hym fedde fele wyntres with alle Line 15.288 Til he foundede freres of Austynes ordre. Line 15.289 Poul, after his prechyng, paniers he made, Line 15.290 And wan with hise hondes that his wornbe neded. Line 15.291 Peter fisshed for his foode, and his felawe Andrew: Line 15.292 Som thei solde and som thei soden, and so thei lyved bothe. Line 15.293 And also Marie Maudeleyne by mores lyvede and dewes, Line 15.294 Ac moost thorugh devocion and mynde of God Almyghty. Line 15.295 I sholde noght thise seven daies siggen hem alle Line 15.296 That lyveden thus for Oure Lordes love many longe yeres. Line 15.297 "Ac ther ne was leoun ne leopard that on laundes wenten, Line 15.298 Neither bere, ne boor, ne oother beest wilde Line 15.299 That ne fil to hir feet and fawned with the tailles; Line 15.300 And if thei kouthe han ycarped, by Crist, as I trowe, Line 15.301 Thei wolde have yfed that folk bifore wilde foweles. Line 15.302 For al the curteisie that beestes konne, thei kidde that folk ofte, Line 15.303 In likkyng and in lowynge, there thei on laundes yede. Line 15.304 Ac God sente hem foode by foweles, and by no fierse beestes, Line 15.305 In menynge that meke thyng mylde thyng sholde fede. Line 15.306 As who seith religious rightfulle men sholde fynde, Line 15.307 And lawefulle men to lif-holy rnen liflode brynge; Line 15.308 And thanne wolde lordes and ladies be looth to agulte, Line 15.309 And to taken of hir tenaunts more than trouthe wolde, Line 15.310 Founde thei that freres wolde forsake hir almesses, Line 15.311 And bidden hem bere it there it was yborwed. Line 15.312 For we ben Goddes foles and abiden alwey, Line 15.313 Til briddes brynge us that we sholde [by lyve]. Line 15.314 For hadde ye potage and payn ynogh, and peny ale to drynke, Line 15.315 And a mees thermyd of o maner kynde, Line 15.316

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Line 15.316 Ye hadde right ynogh ye religiouse--and so youre rule me tolde. Line 15.317 Numquid, dicit Job rugiet onager cum habuerit herbam ? Line 15.317 Aut mugiet bos cum ante plenum presepe steterit ? Brutorum Line 15.317 animalium natura te condempnat, quia cum eis pabulum commune Line 15.317 sufficiat; ex adipe prodiit iniquitas tua. Line 15.317 "If lewed men knewe this Latyn, thei wolde loke whom thei yeve, Line 15.318 And avisen hem bifore a fyve dayes or sixe Line 15.319 Er thei amortisede [moore] to monkes or chanons hir rentes. Line 15.320 Allas! lordes and ladies, lewed counseil have ye Line 15.321 To yyve from youre heires that youre aiels you lefte, Line 15.322 And yyveth to bidde for yow to swiche that ben riche, Line 15.323 And ben founded and feffed ek to bidde for othere! Line 15.324 "Who parfourneth this prophecie, of the peple that now libbeth-- Line 15.325 Dispersit, dedit pauperibus ? Line 15.326 If any peple parfourne that tent, it are thise poore freres: Line 15.327 For that thei beggen aboute, in buyldynge thei spende, Line 15.328 And on hemself som, and swiche as ben hir laborers; Line 15.329 And of hem that habbeth thei taken, and yyveth hem that ne habbeth! Line 15.330 "Ac clerkes and knyghtes, and communers that ben riche, Line 15.331 Fele of yow fareth as if I a forest hadde Line 15.332 That were ful of faire trees, and I fondede and caste Line 15.333 How I myghte mo therinne amonges hem sette. Line 15.334 Right so ye riche--ye robeth that ben riche, Line 15.335 And helpeth hem that helpeth yow, and yyveth ther no nede is; Line 15.336 As whoso filled a tonne ful of a fressh ryver, Line 15.337 And wente forth with that water to woke with Themese. Line 15.338 Right so ye riche, ye robeth and fedeth Line 15.339

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Line 15.339 Hem that han as ye han--hem ye make at ese. Line 15.340 "Ac religiouse that riche ben sholde rather feeste beggeris Line 15.341 Than burgeises that riche ben, as the book techeth: Line 15.342 Quia sacrilegium est res pauperum non pauperibus dare. Line 15.342 Item: peccatoribus dare est demonibus immolare. Line 15.342 Item: monache, si indiges et accipis, pocius das quam accipis; Line 15.342 Si autem non eges et accipis, rapis. Line 15.342 Porro non indiget monachus, si habeat quod nature sufficit. Line 15.342 " Forthi I counseille alle Cristene to conformen hem to charite-- Line 15.343 For charite withouten chalangynge unchargeth the soule, Line 15.344 And many a prison fram purgatorie thorugh hise preieres he delivereth. Line 15.345 Ac ther is a defaute in the folk that the feith kepeth, Line 15.346 Wherfore folk is the febler, and noght ferm of bileve. Line 15.347 As in lussheburwes is a luther alay, and yet loketh he lik a sterlyng: Line 15.348 The merk of that monee is good, ac the metal is feble. Line 15.349 And so it fareth by som folk now: thci han a fair speche, Line 15.350 Crowne and Cristendom, the kynges mark of hevene, Line 15.351 Ac the metal, that is mannes soule, with [many] synne is foule[d]. Line 15.352 Bothe lettred and lewed beth alayed now with synne, Line 15.353 That no lif loveth oother, ne Oure Lord, as it semeth. Line 15.354 For what thorugh werre and wikkede werkes and wederes unresonable, Line 15.355 Wederwise shipmen and witty clerkes also Line 15.356 Have no bileve to the lifte, ne to the loore of philosophres. Line 15.357 "Astronomiens alday in hir art faillen Line 15.358 That whilom warned bifore what sholde falle after; Line 15.359 Shipmen and shepherdes, that with ship and sheep wenten, Line 15.360 Wisten by the walkne what sholde bitide, Line 15.361 Tilieris that tiled the erthe tolden hir maistres Line 15.362 By the seed that thei sewe whit thei selle myghte, Line 15.363 And what to leve and to lyve by, the lond was so trewe; Line 15.364

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Line 15.364 Now failleth the folk of the flood and of the lond bothe-- Line 15.365 Shepherdes and shipmen, and so do thise tilieris: Line 15.366 Neither thei konneth ne knoweth oon cours bifore another. Line 15.367 "Astronomyens also aren at hir wittes ende: Line 15.368 Of that was calculed of the clem[a]t, the contrarie thei fynde. Line 15.369 Grammer, the ground of al, bigileth now children: Line 15.370 For is noon of thise newe clerkes--whoso nymeth hede-- Line 15.371 That kan versifye faire ne formaliche enditen, Line 15.372 Ne naught oon among an hundred that an auctour kan construwe, Line 15.373 Ne rede a lettre in any langage but in Latyn or in Englissh. Line 15.374 "Go now to any degree, and but if gile be maister, Line 15.375 And flaterere his felawe [to fourmen under hym], Line 15.376 Muche wonder me thynketh amonges us alle! Line 15.377 Doctours of decrees and of divinite maistres, Line 15.378 That sholde konne and knowe alle kynnes clergie, Line 15.379 And answere to arguments and a1so to a quodlibet-- Line 15.380 I dar noght siggen it for shame--if swiche were apposed, Line 15.381 Thei sholde faillen of hir Philosophie, and in Phisik bothe. Line 15.382 "Wherfore I am afered of folk of Holy Kirke, Line 15.383 Lest thei overhuppen, as oothere doon, in Office and in Houres. Line 15.384 Ac if thei overhuppe--as I hope noght--oure bileve suffiseth; Line 15.385 As clerkes in Corpus Christi feeste syngen and reden Line 15.386 That sola fides sufficit to save with lewed peple-- Line 15.387 And so may Sarsens be saved, scribes and Jewes. Line 15.388 "Allas thanne! but oure looresmen lyve as thei leren us, Line 15.389 And for hir lyvynge that lewed men be the lother God agulten. Line 15.390 For Sarsens han somwhat semynge to oure bileve, Line 15.391 For thei love and bileve in o [Lede] almyghty, Line 15.392 And we, lered and lewed, [bileveth in oon God]-- Line 15.393 Cristene and uncristene on oon [creatour] bileveth. Line 15.394

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Line 15.394 Ac oon Makometh, a man, in mysbileve Line 15.395 Broughte Sarsens of Surree--and see in what manere. Line 15.396 "This Makometh was a Cristene man and for he moste noght ben a pope, Line 15.397 Into Surrie he soughte. and thorugh hise sotile wittes Line 15.398 Daunted a dowve, and day and nyght hire fedde. Line 15.399 The corn that she croppede, he caste it in his ere; Line 15.400 And if he among the peple preched, or in places come, Line 15.401 Thanne wolde the colvere come to the clerkes ere Line 15.402 Menynge as after mete--thus Makometh hire enchauntede, Line 15.403 And dide folk thanne falle on knees, for he swoor in his prechyng Line 15.404 That the colvere that com so com from God of hevene Line 15.405 As messager to Makometh, men for to teche. Line 15.406 And thus thorugh wiles of his wit and a whit dowve Line 15.407 Makometh in mysbileve men and wommen broughte, Line 15.408 That lered there and lewed yit leeven on hise lawes. Line 15.409 "And siththe Oure Saveour suffred the Sarsens so bigiled Line 15.410 Thorugh a Cristene clerk acorsed in his soule-- Line 15.411 Ac for drede of the deeth I dar noght telle truthe, Line 15.412 How Englisshe clerkes a colvere fede that Coveitise highte, Line 15.413 And ben manered after Makometh, that no man useth trouthe. Line 15.414 "Ancres and heremytes, and monkes and freres Line 15.415 Peeren to Apostles thorugh hire parfit lyvynge. Line 15.416 Wolde nevere the feithful Fader that hise ministres sholde Line 15.417 Of tiraunts that teneth trewe men taken any almesse, Line 15.418 But doon as Antony dide, Dominyk and Fraunceys, Line 15.419 Beneit and Bernard [bo]the, whiche hem first taughte Line 15.420 To lyve by litel and in lowe houses by lele mennes almesse. Line 15.421 Grace sholde growe and be grene thorugh hir goode lyvynge, Line 15.422 And folkes sholden fynde, that ben in diverse siknesse, Line 15.423 The bettre for hir biddynges in body and in soule. Line 15.424 Hir preieres and hir penaunces to pees sholde brynge Line 15.425 Alle that ben at debaat, and bedemen were trewe: Line 15.426 Petite et accipietis &c. Line 15.426

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Line 15.426 " Salt saveth catel,' siggen thise wyves ; Line 15.427 Vos estis sal terre &c. Line 15.427 The hevedes of Holy Chirche--and thei holy were-- Line 15.428 Crist calleth hem salt for Cristene soules, Line 15.429 Et si sal evanuerit, in quo salietur ? Line 15.429 Ac fressh flessh outher fissh, whan it salt failleth, Line 15.430 It is unsavory, for sothe, ysoden or ybake; Line 15.431 So is mannes soule, soothly, that seeth no good ensample Line 15.432 Of hem of Holi Chirche that the heighe wey sholde teche Line 15.433 And be gide, and go bifore as a good banyer, Line 15.434 And hardie hem that bihynde ben, and yyve hem good evidence. Line 15.435 " Ellevene holy men al the world tornede Line 15.436 Into lele bileve; the lightloker, me thynketh. Line 15.437 Sholde alle maner men, we han so manye maistres- Line 15.438 Preestes and prechours, and a pope above, Line 15.439 That Goddes salt sholde be, to save mannes soule. Line 15.440 "Al was hethynesse som tyme Engelond and Walis, Line 15.441 Til Gregory garte clerkes to go here and preche. Line 15.442 Austyn [cristnede the kyng at Caunterbury], Line 15.443 And thorugh miracles, as men mow rede, al that marche he tornede Line 15.444 To Crist and to Cristendom, and cros to honoure, Line 15.445 And follede folk faste, and the feith taughte Line 15.446 Moore thorugh miracles than thorugh muche prechyng, Line 15.447 As wel thorugh hise werkes as with hise holy wordes, Line 15.448 And [fourmed] what fullynge and feith was to mene. Line 15.449 "Clooth that cometh fro the wevyng is noght comly to were Line 15.450 Til it be fulled under foot or in fullyng stokkes, Line 15.451 Wasshen wel with water and with taseles cracched, Line 15.452 Ytouked and yteynted and under taillours hande; Line 15.453 And so it fareth by a barn that born is of wombe: Line 15.454 Til it be cristned in Cristes name and confermed of the bisshop, Line 15.455 It is hethene as to heveneward, and helplees to the soule. Line 15.456 " Hethen' is to mene after heeth and untiled erthe-- Line 15.457 As In wilde wildernesse wexeth wilde beess, Line 15.458

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Line 15.458 Rude and unresonable, rennynge withouten keperes. Line 15.459 "Ye mynnen wel how Mathew seith, how a man made a feste: Line 15.460 He fedde hem with no venyson, ne fesaunts ybake, Line 15.461 But with foweles that fram hym nolde, but folwede his whistlyng: Line 15.462 Ecce altilia mea et omnia parata sunt-- Line 15.462 And with calves flessh he fedde the folk that he lovede. Line 15.463 "The calf bitokneth clennesse in hem that kepeth lawes; Line 15.464 For as the cow thorugh kynde mylk the calf norisseth til an oxe, Line 15.465 So love and leaute lele men susteneth; Line 15.466 And maidenes and mylde men mercy desiren Line 15.467 Right as the cow-calf coveiteth swete melk-- Line 15.468 So [muche] don rightfulle men mercy and truthe. Line 15.469 And by the hond-fedde foweles his folk understonde Line 15.470 That looth ben to lovye withouten lernynge of ensaumples. Line 15.471 Right as capons in a court cometh to mennes whistlynge-- Line 15.472 In menynge after mete folweth men that whistlen-- Line 15.473 Right so rude men that litel reson konneth Line 15.474 Loven and bileven by lettred mennes doynges, Line 15.475 And by hire wordes and werkes wenen and trowen: Line 15.476 And as tho foweles to fynde foode after whistlynge, Line 15.477 So hope thei to have hevene thorugh hir [wiss]ynge. Line 15.478 And the man that made the feste the mageste bymeneth-- Line 15.479 That is God, of his grace gyveth alle men blisse. Line 15.480 With wederes and with wondres he warneth us with a whistlere Line 15.481 Where that his wil is, to worshipen us alle, Line 15.482 And feden us and festen us for everemoore at oones. Line 15.483 "Ac who beth that excuseth hem that arn persons and preestes Line 15.484 (That hevedes of Holy Chirche ben) that han hir wil here Line 15.485 Withouten travaille the tithe deel that trewe men biswynken-- Line 15.486 Thei wol be wrooth for I write thus-ac to witnesse I take Line 15.487

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Line 15.487 Bothe Mathew and Mark and Memento Domine David: Line 15.488 Ecce auaivimus e[a]m in Effrata &c. Line 15.488 What pope or prelate now parfourneth that Crist highte- Line 15.489 Ite in universum mundum et predicate &c? Line 15.489 "Allas, that men so longe on Makometh sholde bileve! Line 15.490 So manye prelates to preche as the Pope maketh-- Line 15.491 Of Nazareth, of Nynyve, of Neptalym and Damaske. Line 15.492 That thei ne wente as Crist wisseth--sithen thei wilne a name-- Line 15.493 To be pastours and preche the passion of Jesus, Line 15.494 And as hymself seide, so to lyve and dye: Line 15.495 Bonus pastor animam suam ponit &c, Line 15.496 And seide it in salvacion of Sarsens and othere-- Line 15.497 For Cristene and uncristene, Crist seide to prechours, Line 15.498 Ite vos in vineam meam &c. Line 15.498 "And sith that thise Sarsens, scribes and Jewes Line 15.499 Han a lippe of oure bileve, the lightloker, me thynketh, . Line 15.500 Thei sholde turne, whoso travaile wolde to teche hem of the Trinite: Line 15.501 Querite et invenietis &c. Line 15.501 For alle paynymes preieth and parfitly bileweth Line 15.502 In the [grete holy] God, and his grace asken, Line 15.503 And make hir mone to Makometh, hir message to shewe. Line 15.504 Thus in a feith leveth that folk, and in a fals mene, Line 15.505 And that is routhe for rightful men that in the reawme wonyen, Line 15.506 And a peril to the Pope and prelates that he maketh, Line 15.507 That bere bisshopes names of Bethleem and Babiloigne. Line 15.508

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Line 15.508 "Whan the hye kyng of hevene sente his sone to erthe, Line 15.509 Many miracles he wroughte man for to turne, Line 15.510 In ensaumple that men sholde se by sadde reson Line 15.511 Men myghte noght be saved but thorugh mercy and grace, Line 15.512 And thorugh penaunce, and passion, and parfit byleve; Line 15.513 And bicam man of a mayde, and metropolitanus, Line 15.514 And baptised and bishined with the blode of his herte Line 15.515 Alle that wilned and wolde with inwit bileve it. Line 15.516 Many a seynt siththen hath suffred to deye, Line 15.517 Al for to enforme the feith in fele contrees deyeden-- Line 15.518 In Inde, and in Alisaundre, in Ermonye and in Spayne, Line 15.519 In doelful deth deyeden for hir feith sake. Line 15.520 In savacion of the feith Seint Thomas was ymartired: Line 15.521 Amonges unkynde Cristene for Cristes love he deyede, Line 15.522 And for the right of al this reume and alle reumes Cristene. Line 15.523 Holy Chirche is honoured heighliche thorugh his deying; Line 15.524 He is a forbisene to alle bisshopes and a bright myrour, Line 15.525 And sovereynliche to swiche that of Surrye bereth the name, Line 15.526 And naught to huppe aboute in Engelond to halwe mennes auteres, Line 15.527 And crepe in amonges curatours and confessen ageyn the lawe: Line 15.528 Nolite mitterefalsem in messem alienam &c. Line 15.528 Many man for Cristes love was martired amonges Romaynes Line 15.529 Er Cristendom were knowe ther or any cros honoured. Line 15.530 "It is ruthe to rede how rihtwise men lyved-- Line 15.531

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Line 15.531 How thei defouled hir flessh, forsoke hir owene wille, Line 15.532 Fer fro kyth and fro kyn yvele yclothed yeden, Line 15.533 Baddely ybedded, no book but conscience, Line 15.534 Ne no richesse but the roode to rejoisse hem inne: Line 15.535 Absit nobis gloriari nisi in cruce Domini nostri &c. Line 15.535 "And tho was plentee and pees amonges poore and riche; Line 15.536 And now is routhe to rede how the rede noble Line 15.537 Is reverenced er the roode, receyved for the worthier Line 15.538 Than Cristes cros that overcam deeth and dedly synne. Line 15.539 And now is werre and wo, and whoso why asketh-- Line 15.540 For coveitise after cros; the croune stant in golde. Line 15.541 Bothe richc and religious, that roode thei honoure Line 15.542 That in grotes is ygrave and in gold nobles. Line 15.543 For coveitise of that cros [clerkes] of Holy Kirke Line 15.544 Shul torne as Templers dide--the tyme approcheth faste. Line 15.545 " [Mynne] ye noght, wise men, how tho men honoured Line 15.546 Moore tresor than trouthe? I dar noght telle the sothe; Line 15.547 Reson and rightful doom tho religious demede. Line 15.548 Right so, ye clerkes, for youre coveitise, er [come aught] longe, Line 15.549 Shal thei demen dos ecclesie, and [depose youre pride]: Line 15.550 Deposuit potentes de sede &c. Line 15.550 "If knyghthod and kynde wit, and the commune and conscience Line 15.551 Togideres love leelly, leveth it wel, ye bisshopes-- Line 15.552 The lordshipe of londes [lese ye shul for evere], Line 15.553 And lyven as Levitici, as Oure Lord yow techeth: Line 15.554 Per primicias et decimas &c. Line 15.554 "Whan Costantyn of curteisie Holy Kirke dowed Line 15.555 With londes and ledes, lordshipes and rentes, Line 15.556 An aungel men herden an heigh at Rome crye, Line 15.557

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Line 15.557 " Dos ecclesie this day hath ydronke venym, Line 15.558 And tho that han Petres power arn apoisoned alle!' Line 15.559 A medicyne moot therto that may amende prelates, Line 15.560 That sholden preie for the pees; possession hem letteth. Line 15.561 Taketh hire landes, ye lordes, and leteth hem lyve by dymes; Line 15.562 If possession be poison, and inparfite hem make, Line 15.563 Good were to deschargen hem for Holy Chirehes sake, Line 15.564 And purgen hem of poison, er moore peril falle. Line 15.565 If preesthode were parfit, the peple sholde amende, Line 15.566 That contrarien Cristes lawe, and Cristendom dispise. Line 15.567 "Every bisshop that bereth cros, by that he is holden Line 15.568 Thorugh his province to passe, and to his peple to shewe hym, Line 15.569 Tellen hem and techen hem on the Trinite to bileve, Line 15.570 And feden hem with goostly foode, and nedy folk to fynden. Line 15.571 Ac Ysaie of yow speketh and Osias bothe, Line 15.572 That no man sholde be bisshop but if he hadde bothe Line 15.573 Bodily foode and goostly foode to gyve there it nedeth: Line 15.574 In domo mea non est panis neque vestimentum, et ideo nolite constituere me re Line 15.575 Osias seith for swiche that sike ben and feble, Line 15.575 Inferte omnes decimas in orreum meum, ut sit cibus in domo mea. Line 15.575 "Ac we Cristene creatures, that on the cros bileven, Line 15.576 Arn ferme as in the feith-Goddes forbode ellis!-- Line 15.577 And han clerkes to kepen us therinne, and hem that shul come after us. Line 15.578 And Jewes lyven in lele lawe-0ure Lord wroot it hymselve Line 15.580 In stoon, for it stedefast was, and stonde sholde evere-- Line 15.581 Dilige Deum et proximum, is parfit Jewen lawe-- Line 15.582 And teok it Moyses to teche men, til Messie coom Line 15.583 And on that lawe thei leve, and leten it for the beste. Line 15.584

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Line 15.584 And yit knewe thei Crist, that Cristendom taughte, Line 15.585 And for a parfit prophete that muche peple savede Line 15.586 Of selkouthe sores; thei seighen it ofte-- Line 15.587 Bothe of miracles and merveilles, and how he men festede, Line 15.588 With two fisshes and fyve loves fyve thousand peple-- Line 15.589 And by that mangerie thei myghte wel se that Messie he semede; Line 15.590 And whan he lifte up Lazar, that leid was in grave, Line 15.591 And under stoon deed and stank, with stif vois hym callede, Line 15.592 Lazare, veniforas, Line 15.592 Dide hym rise and rome right bifore the Jewes. Line 15.593 Ac thei seiden and sworen, with sorcerie he wroughte, Line 15.594 And studieden to struyen hym--and struyden hemselve, Line 15.595 And thorugh his pacience hir power to pure noght he broughte: Line 15.596 Pacientes vincunt. Line 15.596 "Daniel of hire undoynge devyned and seide, Line 15.597 Cum sanctus sanctorum veniat cessabit unxio vestra. Line 15.598 And yit wenen tho wrecches that he were pseudo-propheta Line 15.599 And that his loore be lesynges, and lakken it alle, Line 15.600 And hopen that he be to come that shal hem releve-- Line 15.601 Moyses eft or Messie hir maistres devyneth. Line 15.602 "Ac pharisees and sarsens, scribes and Jewes Line 15.603 Arn folk of oon feith--the fader God thei honouren. Line 15.604 And sithen that the Sarsens and also the Jewes Line 15.605 Konne the firste clause of oure bileve, Credo in Deum patrem omnipotentem, Line 15.606 Prelates of Cristene provinces sholde preve, if thei myghte, Line 15.607 Lere hem litlum and litlum Et in Jesum Chrisium filium, Line 15.608 Til thei kouthe speke and spelle Et in Spiritum santum, Line 15.609 And rendren it and recorden it with remissionem peccatorum, Line 15.610 Carnis resurreccionem et vitam eternam. Amen.' Line 15.610
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