Octovian (Cambridge, University Library, MS Ff.2.38)

Lines 1401 through 1500

as thogh y them neuyr knewe
and syth ye wolde me wedde to wyfe
i wolde leue yn crysten lyfe
my yoye were euyr newe
lady he seyde wythowt fayle
how were beste yowre counsayle
that y yow wynne myght
certys ye neuyr wynne me may
but hyt were on that ylke day
that ye haue take to fyght
that ye wolde sende be the flode
wyth men þat crafty were and gode
a schyppe þat well were dyght
whyll þat men are at þat dere dede
that whyle myȝt men me awey lede
to yowre cyte ryght Page  162
my fadur hath a noble stede
in the worlde ys noon so gode at nede
in turnament ne yn fyght
yn hys hedd he hath an horne
schapon as an vnycorne
that selkowth ys be syght
syr yf þat ye hym myght wynne
there were no man yn hethyn kynne
that hym wythstonde myght
florent kyste that feyre maye
and seyde lady haue gode day
holde that ye haue hyght
florent ynto the sadull nome
and ouyr the reuer soon he come
to parys he toke the way
he ne stynt ne he ne blanne
to clementys hows tyll þat he came
hys auenturs to say
he tolde hym of the noble stede
that gode was at euery nede
and of that feyre maye
sone seyde clement be doghty of dede
and certys þou schalt haue þat stede
tomorne yf that y may
on the morne when hyt was daylyȝt
clement can hymselfe dyght
as an onfrely feere
he dud hym ynto þe hethen ooste
there þe prees was althermoost
a sarsyn as thogh he were
to the pauylown he can hym wynne
there þe sowdon hymselfe lay ynne
and breuely can he bere
full well he cowde þer speche speke
and askyd þem some of ther mete
the sowdon can hym here Page  164
grete dole þe sowdon of hym þoght
and soon he was before hym broght
and wyth hym can he speke
he seyde he was a sarsyn stronge
that yn hys oost had be longe
and had defawte of mete
lorde þer ys noon hethyn lede
that so well cowde kepe a ryche stede
or othur horsys full grete
the sowdon seyde þat ylke tyde
yf þou can a stede well ryde
wyth me thou schalt be lete
they horsyd clement on a stede
he sprang owt as sperkull on glede
into a feyre fylde
all that stodyn on ylke syde
had yoye to see hym ryde
before the sowdon they tolde
when he had redyn coursys iii
that all had yoye þat can hym see
the sowdon hym behelde
downe he lyght full soon
and on a bettur was he done
full feyre he can hym welde
grete yoye þe sowdon of hym þoȝt
and bad hys feyre stede forþe be broȝt
and clement shall hym ryde
when clement was on þat stede
he rode away a full gode spede
no lenger wolde he byde
when he was redy forþe to founde
beleue þere he seyde ye heþen hounde
for ye haue lorne yowre pryde
clement toke the ryght way
into parys as hyt lay
full blyþe was he that tyde Page  166
florent sone where art thou
that y þe hyght y haue hyt now
i haue broght thy stede
florent blythe was that day
and seyde fadur yf y leue may
i wyll the quyte thy mede
but to the emperour of rome
therwyth y wyll hym present sone
to þe pales ye schall hym lede
for euyr me thynkyth yn my mode
that y am of hys own blode
yf hyt so pouerly myght sprede