Le Morte Darthur
Syr Thomas Malory
William Caxton, H. Oskar Sommer

¶ Capitulum xxj

Page  246 [leaf 123v]

ANd thenne came forth Dame Lyones arayed lyke a pryncesse / and there she made hym passyng good chere and he her ageyne / and they had goodely langage & louely countenaunce to gyder / And syre Gareth thought many tymes Ihesu wold that the lady of the castel perillous were so fayre as she was / there were al maner of games & playes of dauncyng and syngynge / And euer the more syre Gareth bihelde that lady / the more he loued her / and so he brenned in loue that he was past hym self in his reason / and forth toward nyghte they yede vnto souper / and syre Gareth myghte not ete for his loue was soo hote / that he wist not where he was Alle these lokes aspyed syr Gryngamor / and thenne at after souper he callid his syster Dame Lyones vnto a chamber / and sayd / fair syster I haue wel aspyed your coūtenaūce betwixe you and this knyght / And I wil syster that ye wete he is a ful nobel knyȝt / & yf ye can make hym to abyde here I wil do hym all the pleasyr þt I can / for & ye were better than ye ar ye were wel bywaryd vpon hym / Fayre broder said Dame lyones I vnderstande wel that the knyghte is good & come he is of a noble hous / Notwithstandyng I wille assaye hym better how be it I am moost beholdyng to hym of ony erthely mā for he hath had grete labour for my loue / and passid many a daungerous passage / Ryght soo syr Gryngamor wente vnto syr Gareth and said syre make ye good chere / for ye shal haue none other cause / for this lady my syster is yours at al tymes her worship saued / for wete ye wel she loueth you as wel as ye doo her and better / yf better may be / And I wist that said syr Gareth / ther lyued not a gladder man than I wold be Vpon my worship said syr Gryngamor trust vnto my promyse And as long as it lyketh you ye shal soiourne with me and this lady shal be with vs dayly and nyghtly to make yow alle the chere that she can / I wille wel said syre Gareth / For I haue promysed to be nyghe this countrey this twelue moneth / And wel I am sure kynge Arthur and other noble knyghtes wille fynde me where that I am within this twelfe moneth / For I shal be soughte and founden yf that I be on lyue

¶ And thenne the noble knyghte syre Gareth wente vnto the dame Lyones whiche he thēne moche loued / & kyst her Page  247 [leaf 124r] many tymes / and eyther made grete Ioye of other / And there she promysed hym her loue certaynly to loue hym and none other the dayes of hyr lyf / Thenne this lady dame Lyones by the assente of her broder told syr Gareth alle the trouth what she was / And how she was the same lady that he dyd batail for / and how she was lady of the castel peryllous / and there she told hym how she caused her broder to take awey his dwerf