¶ Capitulum iij
SOo came syr launcelot and fonde the hors bounden tyl a tree / & a spere lenyng ageynst a tree / & a swerd teyed to the sadel bowe / & thenne sir launcelot lepte in to the sadel & gat that spere in his hand / & thenne he rode after the bore / & thenne syre laūcelot was ware where the bore set his ars to a tree by an hermytage / Thenne sir launcelot ranne atte bore with his spere / & ther with the bore torned hym nemly / & rafe out the longes & the hert of the hors so that launcelot felle to the erthe / & or euer sire launcelot myȝt gete from the hors / the bore rafe hym on the brawne of the thyȝ vp to the houghbone / and thenne sir launcelot was wrothe / & vp he gat vpon his feet / & drewe his swerd / & he smote of the bores hede at one stroke / & there with all came out the heremyte / & sawe hym haue suche a wound / thenne the heremyte came to sir launcelot and bemoned hym / and wold haue had hym home vnto his hermytage / but whan syr launcelot herd hym speke / he was so wroth with his wound that he ranne vpon the heremyte to haue slayne hym / & the heremyte ranne awey / & whan sir laūcelot myght not ouer gete hym / he threwe his swerd after hym / for syr launcelot myght tho no ferther for bledyng / thēne the heremyte torned ageyn / & asked sir launcelot how he was hurte / Felawe said sir launcelot this bore hath bete me sore / Thenne come with me said the heremyte and I shalle hele yow / Goo thy wey said sir launcelot and dele not with me / Thenne the heremyte ranne his way / and there he mette with a good knyghte