Le Morte Darthur
Syr Thomas Malory
William Caxton, H. Oskar Sommer

¶ Capitulum Sextum

NOw said that old man to sire Bors goo ye to your cosyn syr Launcelot / and telle hym of this aduenture the whiche had ben most conuenyent for hym of al erthely knyȝtes / but synne is soo foule in hym / he may not encheue suche holy dedes / for had not ben his synne he had past al the knyȝtes that euer were in his dayes / and telle thou sir launcelot of alle wordly aduentures he passeth in manhode & prowesse al other But in this spyrytuel mater he shalle haue many his better/ And thenne sir Bors sawe four gentylwymen come by hym pourely bisene / & he sawe where that they entrid in to a chamber where as grete lyȝte as it were a somer lyghte / & the wymen Page  580 [leaf 290v] kneled doune afore an aulter of syluer with foure pyllowes and as hit had ben a bisshop kneled doune afore that table of syluer / And as sire Bors loked ouer his hede / he sawe a swerd lyke syluer naked houynge ouer his hede / and the clerenes there of smote soo in his eyen that as att that tyme syre Bors was blynde / and there he herd a voys that said go hens thou syre Bors / for as yet thow arte not worthy for to be in this place / and thenne he yede backward to his bedde tyl on the morne / And on the morne kynge Pelles made grete Ioye of sir Bors / and thenne he departed and rode to Camelot / and there he fonde sire launcelot du lake / and told hym of the aduentures that he had sene with kynge Pelles at Corbyn / Soo the noyse sprange in Arthurs Courte that launcelot had geten a childe vpon Elayne the doughter of Kynge Pelles / wherfor Quene Gueneuer was wrothe / and gafe many rebukes to sir launcelot / and called hym fals knyghte / & thenne sire laūcelot told the quene all / & how he was made to lye by her by enchaūtement in lykenes of the Quene / Soo the quene helde sir laūcelot excused / And as the book saith kyng Arthur had ben in Fraunce / and had made warre vpon the myghty kyng Claudas / and had wonne moche of his landes / And whanne the kyng was come ageyne / he lete crye a grete feest that al lordes & ladyes of al Englond shold he there / but yf it were suche as were rebellious ageynst hym