¶ Capitulum lij
THenne la Beale Isoud and sire Tristram took their vessel / and came by water in to this land / and so they were not in this land four dayes / but there came a crye of a Iustes and turnement that Kynge Arthur lete make / Whanne sire Tristram herd telle of that turnement he desguysed hym self / and la Beale Isoud / and rode vnto that turnement And whan he came there he sawe many Knyghtes Iuste and turneye / and so syr Tristram dressid hym to the raunge / and to make short conclusion / he ouerthrewe fourten Knyghtes of the round table / Whanne sir Launcelot sawe these Knyghtes thus ouerthrowen / sire launcelot dressid hym to sir Tristram / That sawe la Beale Isoud how sire launcelot was come in to the felde /
¶ Thenne la Beale Isoud sente vnto sire Launcelot a rynge / and badde hym wete that it was sir Tristram de lyones Whanne sir launcelot vnderstood that there was syre Tristram he was ful gladde / and wold not Iuste / thēne sire Launcelot