Lincoln diocese documents, 1450-1544
Andrew Clark

XLVI: Orders, 1535, by John Longland, bishop of Lincoln, for the publication throughout the diocese of Lincoln of Henry VIII's repudiation of the Pope's Supremacy in the Church of England.

* From bishop John Longland's Register of Memoranda at Lincoln, lf. 260 bk. and lf. 261.

A 'locus exemptus' was a parish, or religious house, which was not subject to the ordinary jurisdictions of the Bishop of the Diocese and the Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry in which it lay, but was under the jurisdiction of an external authority. Thus, in Essex, certain parishes were not subject to the Bishop of London (the diocesan), or to the Archdeacon of Essex (or Colchester), but to the Archbishop of Canterbury; others, to the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, London. Such places were also called 'Peculiars'. Occasionally, in virtue of special orders issued by the Crown or the Primate, the Diocesan assumed authority, for some definite purpose, over these loci exempti, or 'Peculiars', and so here.

[leaf 260 bk.]

[I. Directions contained in bishop John Longland's covering letter.]
declaratio expulsionis vsurpate iurisdiccionis episcopi Romani.

Iohannes, permissione diuina Lincolniensis Episcopus, Vniuersis et singulis Abbatibus, Prioribus, Decanis, Prepositis, Gardianis, Rectoribus, Vicariis, Capellanis, Curatis, et alijs quibuscunque Ecclesiasticis personis, vbilibet intra Diocesim et Iurisdiccionem nostras existentibus, tam in locis exemptis quam non exemptis, Salutem graciam et benedictionem.

Acceptis litteris serenissimi, illustrissimi, et potentissimi principis et domini nostri, domini Henrici octaui, dei gracia Anglie et ffrancie Regis, fidei Defensoris, et Domini hibernie, Ac in terris supremi ecclesie anglicane capitis, nobis directis ac eiusdem regie maiestatis ad infrascripta exequenda mandata continentibus.

Vobis ex parte eiusdem regie maiestatis mandantes, quibus etiam nos firmiter iniungendo mandamus, quatenus singulis diebus dominicis et solempnibus festis proxime post intimacionem presentium sequentibus, intra missarum aut vesperarum officia, dum maior affuerit populi multitudo, in Ecclesijs vestris publicetis seu publicari faciatis populo, Verbis anglicanis, integrum et perfectum tenorem verborum sequentium:

[II. Form of English Declaration to be publicly read in all churches.]

Ye shall vnderstande that the vnlaufull Iurisdiccion, powre, and aucthoryte, of longe tyme vsurped by the bisshope of rome in this realme, who then was called 'pope', is nowe by gods lawe, iustely, laufully, and vpon good groundes, reasons, and causes, by aucthorite of parliament, and by and with the hole consent and agrement of all the bisshops, prelates, and bothe the vniuersities of oxforth & Cambridge, and also the hole clergie of this realme, extincte and ceased for euer and of [no] strenghe, value, or effecte, in this realme of England.

In wiche realme the sayd hole clergie, Bisshops, prelates, and either of the convocacions of bothe provinces, with also the vniuersities of oxforthe and Cambridge, haue, accordyng to godes lawes, and vpon good and laufull reasons and groundes, knowleged the kynge's highnes to be supreme hede in erthe immedyatly vndre god of the chirche of Englande;

whiche there knowlege confessed, beyng nowe by parliament establisshed and by gods lawes Iustifiable to be iustely executed, Soo ought euery true christen subiecte of this realme not oonly to knowlege and obedyently to recognise the kynges highnes to be supreme hede in erthe of the churche of England, but also to speke, publisshe, and teache there children and seruauntes the same, and to shewe vnto them howe that the sayd bisshope of Rome hath heretofore vsurped not onlye vpon god, but also vpon princes of this realme and there progenitors;

Wherfore, and to thentent ye shold the better beleue me, andPage  190 and take [leaf 261] and receue the truthe as ye ought to do: I declare this vnto you, not onely of my selffe, whiche I knowe to be true, but also declare vnto you tha[t] the same is certified to me ffrom the mowthe of myn ordinary the bisshope of Lincoln vndre his seale, Whiche I haue here redy to shewe you.

[III. Latin order to all Schoolmasters to teach the King's Supremacy.]

Mandamus preterea, quatenus singulis ludi-Magistris in vestris Abbatijs, prioratibus, aut parochijs existentibus, et alijs qui pueritiam docent grammaticam, nomine nostro, similiter mandetis, vt de premissis pueritiam instruant quatenus captus ingenij patiatur.

[IV. Latin order to correct all Church books, and reduce them to obedience to this mandate.]

Mandamus insuper, vt, in quibuscumque libris, sacris siue prophanis, intra Ecclesias vestras existentibus, et in quacumque earundem parte textu siue rubrica, nomen 'pape' nominatum aut signatum vt nominetur reperiatis,

et quicquid in publicis secretisve collectis et oracionibus, sentenciaque generali quotannis quater declarari solita, legi dici aut commemorari solet aut posset, quo ad potestatis, Iurisdiccionis, aut authoritatis eiusdem conseruacionem aut ampli[fi]cacionem pertinere, siue iurisdiccioni sacratissime regie maiestatis predicte quouis pacto derogare posse videatur, id omne, quam celerrime, omni cum diligentia, expungatis ac deleatis, aut expungi et deleri faciatis,

Omniaque et singula predicta vt superius explicauimus, facere non omittatis, sub pena contemptus.

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Datum nostro sub Sigillo, In Manerio nostro de wooborn, Decimo nono die mensis Iunij, Anno domini Millesimo Quingentesimo Tricesimo quinto, Et nostre Consecracionis Anno decimo quinto.