Early English versions of the Gesta Romanorum
Sidney J.H. Herrtage

[ LVI. ]
Addit. MS. 9066.

[leaf 62 (cont'd)]

Þe ape wil gladly Ete the kyrneƚƚ of the note, for it is swete; but when he sauours the soure barke with oute, for bitternesse he leuyth the swete kyrneƚƚ with in, and̛ Castes away the note with the kyrneƚƚ. So it is of men̛, that ben̛ fooles, for vndir bitternesse of this presente peyne is hidd̛ the Ioye of heuyn̛ life. but this bitternesse the rightwis man̛ forsakes to taste, that is, for to faste, pray, and̛ do oþere [leaf 62, back] werkes of penaunce; And̛ so he castes away the swete kyrneƚƚ, that is, he losith the swetnesse of heuynly life, that is, Euerlastyng̘ Ioye. to þe which bryng̘ vs oure lorde Iesu Criste! Amen̛, &c.