Early English versions of the Gesta Romanorum
Sidney J.H. Herrtage


DEre frendes, this Emperoure is oure lorde Ihesu Criste. Thes too childerin̛ beþe chosen̛ creatures, & wickid̛ creatours. the moder is[  .s. ] holie chirche, þe whiche norshithe boþe the goode & the eviƚƚ For god̛ wolle not that hit be certeyne to holye chirche, who is choson̛, and̛ who is not; For yf holye chirche knew it, she wolde love on̛, & hate the oþer, and̛ thenne charite shulde be distroyed̛, and̛ men̛ shulde live in discorde. but in the day of dome hit shalle be declarid̛, who is chose, & who is not chose; and̛ þerfor̛ late vs do so in this worlde, that we mowe be choson̛ vnto the fest that euer is newed̛, and̛ neuer wexithe olde. Ad quod nos perducat Rex vivens in secula! Amen.