Early English versions of the Gesta Romanorum
Sidney J.H. Herrtage
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Frendes, this Emperour̛ is oure lorde Ihesu crist; The Casteƚƚ is paradise; The Steward̛ is Adam, the first man, that lost the Casteƚƚ of Paradise. The iij. knyghtes, one stronge, another wise, the third̛ amerous, are iij. maner of men, the whiche that god wille that thei werken̛ and labour̛ somwhat, for to recover and wynne paradise. ¶ By the stronge knyght we shaƚƚ vndirstond̛ myghty men of this world̛, that beren̛ a golden̛ sheld̛, that is, shynyng witℏ out; So shyne they witℏ out, and stynken̛ witℏ in. thei bere a lyon̛ in the myddes of her sheld̛; and wele they may bere a lyon̛, for a lyon̛ is kyng of bestes, and aƚƚ bestes drede the lyon̛. ¶ So thise myghty men wolle be above poore men and symple, and spoyle hem, and robbe hem, for suche are in the forest of this world̛. ¶ Whan the arowe of pride or of lechery come to hem, anon̛ thei enclyne to hem; and therfore speketℏ holy scripture ayenst myghty men on [leaf 12] this wise, ¶ Say now, where are grete men, that somtyme reigned̛, the whiche plaied̛ withe houndes and Briddes? theyPage  58 eten̛, and dronken̛, and went to helle. ¶ The nyghtyngale that songe, is þi conscience, that aƚƚ way seitℏ to the what is to chese, and what is to fle. And therfore saitℏ the Apposteƚƚ, Aƚƚ that is done agayn̛ conscience, edefietℏ to helle. Extorcioners and theves are in the forest of this world̛. tho are pride, concupiscence of̘ eyen̛, and concupiscence of flessℏ. Auctor̛ of pride is the fend̛; auctor of concupiscence of eyen̛ is the world̛; and auctor of concupiscence of the flessℏ art thou thi self̘, that livest delicatly, and norisshest thi flessℏ. ¶ By the wise knyght ye shaƚƚ vndirstond̛ domesmen of holy chirche, and Iustices, and Sherefes. thise bere a siluer sheld̛, that is to sey, they shew faire speche as siluer̛; and it is of hem as it is of an ymage in a myrrour̛; but go from the myrrour̛, and the ymage gothe his way. ¶ Right so some symple men have the purse open̛ for to yeve hem than thei behold̛ the poore men, but and the purse be shitte, they gone her way; ¶ Of the whicℏ speketℏ luke, In a tyme they beleven, and in a tyme thei gone her way. ¶ Also the prophete Ysaye seitℏ, there is no trouthe, there is no Mercy, there is no wisedome of god̛ in erthe. there is no trouthe in poore men, for ofte theiPage  59 forswere hem [rather] than thei wold̛ lese vj. pens; there is no mercy in riche men, for thei wille have the mersement and the chaffare of lesynges; There is no wisedome in bailies, that owetℏ to deme evenly, Ne there is no trouthe in domes to be gynnen̛, ne mercy to wrecches to be holpen̛, ne wisedom̛ in pereƚƚ to be eschewed̛. ¶ Therefor̛ seitℏ ysaie the prophete, Truthe is put downe, and rightwisenesse stonde aferre. sucℏ beren̛ the Sheld̛ witℏ a pecok̘. the pecok̘ gotℏ like a theef̘; right so thei do to symple men, for thei behight mekeƚƚ, and yeve liteƚƚ; also the pecok̘ hatℏ many eyen̛ in his taile, and aƚƚ are blynde, and so are thei, for thei speken̛ many faire wordes, and aƚƚ are false and sclaunderous. ¶ Therfore, whan the arowe of penaunce cometℏ to hem, anon̛ thei fallen̛, for thei peruerten trouthe. ¶ The thirde knyght, that slougℏ the maister theef̘, Is a good̛ cristen̛ man, that trustetℏ not in mannes myght, ne in wisedome of thePage  60 world̛, that is passyng, but only trustetℏ in goddes grace; to the whiche god̛ brynge vs! Amen.