Fifty earliest English wills in the Court of Probate, London : A. D. 1387-1439 : with a priest's of 1454
Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Prerogative Court.
Frederick J. Furnivall


[To be buried in the Porch of All-Hallows, Barking. A Horse, 2 gold Nobles, and 6 silver Spoons, to W. Graveley. £2 to wife's Servant. £20 for Daughter's marriage. Residue to Wife.]

(More, 3 Commissary Court of London, lf. 265, back.)
[lf. 265, back]
Omnium Sanctorum, Berkyng. Testamentum Ricardi Graveley.
*. [ This church was one of the few London ones not burnt in the Great Fire. It was too far to the East. The Monument (1546 A.D.) of Wm. Thynne, the first Editor of Chaucer (1532, 1542), is still in the Church.—
Stow's Survey, 1633, p. 130-1. Bp. Fisher and Archbp. Laud were buried here. The whole building had a narrow escape at the Great Fire, for, as Pepys records, the dial and porch were burnt, and the fire there quenched. The church is at the East end of Tower-street.—Cunningham.]

In the name of̘ god, Amen. I Richard̛ Graweley*. [The w in the name is the same as v: cp. 'hewne' (= 'hevne,' line 17, heaven), 2 lines below.] of̘ London̛, Grocer̛, ordeyn̛ And graunte my testament in this maner: Ferst y bequetℏ my sowle to our̛ lord̛ god Almygℏty, maker of̘ hewne and of̘ yertℏ, praeyng̛ and besekyng̛ our̛ lady seynt Mary, the modyr of̘ our̛ lord̛ Ihesu, & aƚƚ the company of hevne to pray for me to our̛ lord̛ Ihesu our̛ savyour, tha[t] y may haue mercy and foryevenysse of̘ synne. Al-so y bequetℏ my body to be byriyd in þe porche of̘ the Churche of aƚ Halewyn̛, Berkyng̛, by syde the towre of̘ London̛, on Page  87the sowtℏ syde of the chircℏ. Al-so y be-quethe to my brother William Graueley of̘ London̛ an hors, þe whicℏ ys in hys own̛ kepyng̛, & ij nobles of̘ golde the whicℏ he owid me, and vj sylver spones, and an olde sylour̛ for a bedde. Al-so I bequetℏ to Margarete Knoston̛, my wyves seruaunt, xl s'. Al-so y bequetℏ to my doughtour Kateryn̛ xx ƚi to hir maryage yf̘ she leve so longe, & yf̘ she passe to god or she [be] maryed̛, y woƚƚ that my wyf haue that money. And yf̘ my wyf̘ and my dowghtour deye or [leaf 266] they*. [ ? Wife die before daughter, and daughter before she's marrid.]be maried, I wiƚƚ þat þat money be yefen̛ in Almys for my sowle, & for here sowle. and Aƚƚ the Remenent of̘ my gode & Cateƚƚ, y bequetℏ to my wif̘. And vpon̛ this testament y make And ordeyne my wyf̘ and Iohn̛ Abbey to be myn̛ Executouris, to dispose my gode, and to performe my wille, As they wille Answere a-for god.

Probatum fuit presens testamentum coram nobis, Stephano Germen̛, Commissario & c̘, viij kalendarum Februarii, Anno domini Millesimo CCCCmo xxx. Commissa-que administracio Iohanni Abbey, Reseruata potestate committendi Administracionem Executrici cum aduenerit, & c̘.