Chaucer's translation of Boethius's "De consolatione philosphiæ" / edited from British Museum additional MS. 10, 340 collated with Cambridge University Library MS. Ii.3.21 by Richard Morris

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Chaucer's translation of Boethius's "De consolatione philosphiæ" / edited from British Museum additional MS. 10, 340 collated with Cambridge University Library MS. Ii.3.21 by Richard Morris
Boethius, d. 524
Morris, Richard, 1833-1894
London: Oxford University Press

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"Chaucer's translation of Boethius's "De consolatione philosphiæ" / edited from British Museum additional MS. 10, 340 collated with Cambridge University Library MS. Ii.3.21 by Richard Morris." In the digital collection Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed June 10, 2024.




By this she hadde endid hire songe / whan the swetnesse of hire ditee hadde thorw perced me þat was desirous of herkninge / and .I. astoned hadde yit streyhte myn Eres / þat is to seyn to herkne the bet / what she wolde seye // so þat a litel here after .I. seyde thus // O thow þat art souereyn comfort of Angwissos corages // So thow hast remounted and norysshed me with the weyhte of thy sentenses and with delit of thy syngynge // so þat.I. trowe nat now þat .I. be vnparygal to the strokes of fortune / as who seyth. I. dar wel now suffren al the assautes of fortune and wel deffende me fro hyr // and tho remedies whyche þat thow seydest hire byforn weren ryht sharpe Nat oonly þat .I. am nat agrysen of hem now // but .I. desiros of herynge axe gretely to heeren tho remedyes // than seyde she thus // þat feelede .I. ful wel quod she // whan þat thow ententyf and stylle rauysshedest my wordes // and .I. abood til þat thow haddest swych habyte of thy thowght as thow hast now // or elles tyl þat .I. my self had[de] maked to the the same habyt / which þat is a moore verray thinge // And certes the remenaunt of thinges þat ben yit to seye / ben swyche // þat fyrst whan men tasten hem they ben bytynge / but whan they ben resseyuyd with-inne a whyht than ben they swete // but for thow seyst þat thow art so desirous to herkne hem // wit[h] how gret brennynge woldesthow glowen / yif thow wystest whyder .I. wol leden the // whydyre is þat quod .I. // to thilke verray welefulnesse quod she // of whyche thynge herte dremeth // but for as moche as thy syhte is ocupied and distorbed / by Imagynasyon of herthely thynges / thow mayst nat yit sen thilke selue welefulnesse // do quod .I. and shewe

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me / what is thilke verray welefulnesse / .I. preye the with-howte tarynge // þat wole .I. gladly don quod she / for the cause of the // but .I. wol fyrst marken the by wordes / and I wol enforcen me to enformen the // thilke false cause of blysfulnesse þat thow more knowest / so þat whan thow hast fully by-holden thilke false goodes and torned thyne eyen to þat oother syde / thow mowe knowe the clernesse of verray blysfulnesse //]

[Here the Add. MS. begins again.] QUI SERERE INGENIUM.

¶ Who so wil sowe a felde plentiuous. lat hym first delyuer it of þornes and kerue asondre wiþ his hooke þe bushes and þe ferne so þat þe corne may comen heuy of eres and of greins. hony is þe more swete yif mouþes han firste tastid sauoures þat ben wikke. ¶ þe sterres shynen more agreably whan þe wynde Nothus letiþ his ploungy blastes. and aftir þat lucifer þe day sterre haþ chased awey þe derke nyȝt. þe day þe feirer lediþ þe rosene horse of þe sonne. ¶ Ryȝt so þou byholdyng first þe fals[e] goodes. bygynne to wiþdrawe þi nek[ke] fro þe ȝok of erþely affecciouns. and afterwarde þe verrey goodes shollen entre in to þi corage.


Þo fastned[e] she a lytel þe syȝt of hir eyen and wiþdrow hir ryȝt as it were in to þe streite sete of hir þouȝt. and bygan to speke ryȝt þus. Alle þe cures quod she of mortal folk whiche þat trauaylen hem in many manere studies gon certys by diuerse weies. ¶ But naþeles þei enforced hem [fol. 15b] to comen oonly to on

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ende of blisfulnesse [And blysfulnesse] is swiche a goode þat who so haþ geten it he ne may ouer þat no þing more desiire. and þis þing for soþe is þe souereyne good þat conteiniþ in hym self al manere goodes. to þe whiche goode yif þere failed[e] any þing. it myȝt[e] nat ben souereyne goode. ¶ For þan were þere som goode out of þis ilke souereyne goode þat myȝt[e] ben desired. Now is it clere and certeyne þan þat blisfulnesse is a perfit estat by þe congregacioun of alle goodes. ¶ þe whiche blisfulnesse as I haue seid alle mortal folke enforcen hem to geten by dyuerse weyes. ¶ For-whi þe couetise of verray goode is naturely y-plaunted in þe hertys of men. ¶ But þe myswandryng errour myslediþ hem in to fals[e] goodes. ¶ of þe whiche men some of hem wenen þat souereygne goode is to lyue wiþ outen nede of any þing. and traueilen hem to ben habundaunt of rycchesse. and some oþer men demen. þat souerein goode be forto be ryȝt digne of reuerences. and enforcen hem to ben reuerenced among hir neyȝbours. by þe honours þat þei han ygeten ¶ and some folk þer ben þat halden þat ryȝt heyȝe power to be souereyn goode. and enforcen hem forto regnen or ellys to ioignen hem to hem þat regnen. ¶ And it semeþ to some oþer folk þat noblesse of renoun be þe souerein goode. and hasten hem to geten glorious name by þe artes of werre or of pees. and many folke mesuren and gessen þat souerein goode be ioye and gladnesse and wenen þat it be ryȝt blisful [thynge] to ploungen hem in uoluptuous delit. ¶ And þer ben folk þat enterchaungen þe causes and þe endes

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of þise forseide goodes as þei þat desiren rycchesse to han power and delices. Or ellis þei desiren power forto han moneye or for cause of renoun. ¶ In þise þinges and in swyche oþer þinges is tourned al þe entencioun of desirynges and [of] werkes of men. ¶ As þus. ¶ Noblesse and fauour of poeple whiche þat ȝiueþ as it semeþ a manere clernesse of renoun. ¶ and wijf and children þat men desiren for cause of delit and mirinesse. ¶ But forsoþe frendes ne shollen nat ben rekkened among þe goodes of fortune but of vertue. for it is a ful holy manere þing. alle þise oþer þinges forsoþe ben taken for cause of power. or ellis for cause of delit. ¶ Certis now am I redy to referen þe goodes of þe body to þise forseide þinges abouen. ¶ For it semeþ þat strengþe and gretnesse of body ȝeuen power and worþinesse. ¶ and þat beaute and swiftenesse ȝeuen noblesse and glorie of renoun. and hele of body semeþ ȝiuen delit. ¶ In alle þise þingus it semeþ oonly þat blisfulnesse is desired. ¶ For-whi þilke þing þat euery man desireþ moost ouer alle þinges. he demiþ þat be þe souereyne goode. ¶ But I haue diffined þat blisfulnesse is þe souereyne goode. for whiche euery wyȝt demiþ þat þilke estat þat he desireþ ouer alle þinges þat it be þe blisfulnesse. ¶ Now hast þou þan byforne [thy eyen] almost al þe purposed forme of þe welfulnesse of mankynde. þat is to seyne rycchesse. honours. power. glorie. and delitȝ. þe whiche delit oonly considered Epicurus Iuged and establissed. þat delit is þe souereyne goode. for as myche as alle oþer þinges as hym þouȝt[e] by-refte awey ioie and myrþe from þe herte. ¶ But I retourne aȝeyne to þe studies of meen.

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of whiche men þe corage alwey rehersiþ and seekeþ þe souereyne goode of alle be it so þat it be wiþ a derke memorie [but he not by whiche paath]. ¶ Ryȝt as a dronke man not nat by whiche paþe he may retourne home to hys house. ¶ Semeþ it þanne þat folk folyen and erren þat enforcen hem to haue nede of no þing ¶ Certys þer nys non oþer þing þat may so weel perfourny blisfulnesse as an estat plenteuous [fol. 16] of alle goodes þat ne haþ nede of none oþer þing. but þat it is suffisant of hym self. vnto hym self. and foleyen swyche folk þanne. þat wenen þat þilk þing þat is ryȝt goode. þat it be eke ryȝt worþi of honour and of reuerence. ¶ Certis nay. for þat þing nys neyþer foule ne worþi to ben dispised þat al þe entencioun of mortel folke trauaille forto geten it. ¶ And power auȝt[e] nat þat eke to be rekened amonges goodes what ellis. for it nys nat to wene þat þilke þing þat is most worþi of alle þinges be feble and wiþ out strengþe and clernesse of renoun auȝte þat to ben dispised. ¶ Certys þer may no man forsake þat al þing þat is ryȝt excellent and noble. þat it ne semeþ to be ryȝt clere and renomed. ¶ For certis it nediþ nat to seie. þat blisfulnesse be anguissous ne dreri ne subgit to greuances ne to sorwes. syn þat in ryȝt litel þingus folk seken to haue and to vsen þat may deliten hem. ¶ Certys þise ben þe þinges þat men wolen and desyren to geten. and for þis cause desiren þei rycches. dignites. regnes. glorie and delices ¶ For þerby wenen þei to han suffisaunce honour power. renoun and gladnesse. ¶ þanne is it goode. þat men seken þus by so many dyuerse studies. In whiche desijr it may lyȝtly be shewed.

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how grete is þe strengþe of nature. ¶ For how so þat men han dyuerse sentences and discordyng algates men accordyn alle in lyuynge þe ende of goode.


It likeþ me to shew[e] by subtil songe wiþ slakke and delitable soun of strenges how þat nature myȝty enclineþ and flitteþ gouernementȝ of þinges ¶ and by whiche lawes she purueiable kepiþ þe grete worlde. and how she bindynge restreineþ alle þingus by a bonde þat may nat be vnbounden. ¶ Al be it so þat þe liouns of þe contree of pene beren þe fair[e] cheines. and taken metes of þe handes of folk þat ȝeuen it hem. and dreden her sturdy maystres of whiche þei ben wont to suffren [betinges]. yif þat hir horrible mouþes ben bibled. þat is to sein of bestes devoured. ¶ Hir corage of tyme passeþ þat haþ ben ydel and rested. repaireþ aȝein þat þei roren greuously. and remembren on hir nature. and slaken hir nekkes from hir cheins vnbounden. and hir maistre first to-teren wiþ blody toþe assaieþ þe woode wraþþes of hem. ¶ þis is to sein þei freten hir maister. ¶ And þe Iangland brid þat syngiþ on þe heye braunches. þis is to sein in þe wode and after is inclosed in a streit cage. ¶ al þouȝ [þat] þe pleiyng besines of men ȝeueþ hem honied[e] drinkes and large metes. wiþ swete studie. ¶ ȝit naþeles yif þilke brid skippynge oute of hir streite cage seeþ þe agreable shadewes of þe wodes. she defouleþ wiþ hir fete hir metes yshad and sekeþ mournyng oonly þe wode and twitriþ desirynge þe wode wiþ hir swete voys. ¶ þe ȝerde of a tree þat is haled adoun by myȝty

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strengþe bowiþ redely þe croppe adoun. but yif þat þe hande of hym þat it bente lat it gon aȝein. ¶ An oon þe crop lokeþ vp ryȝt to heuene. ¶ þe sonne phebus þat failleþ at euene in þe westrene wawes retorniþ aȝein eftsones his cart by a priue paþe þere as it is wont aryse. ¶ Alle þinges seken aȝein in to hir propre cours. and alle þinges reioisen hem of hir retournynge aȝein to hir nature ne noon ordinaunce nis bytaken to þinges but þat. þat haþ ioignynge þe endynge to þe bygynnynge. and haþ makid þe cours of it self stable þat it chaungeþ nat from hys propre kynde.


[fol. 16b] CErtis also ȝe men þat ben erþeliche bestes dremen alwey [yowre bygynnynge] al þouȝ it be wiþ a þinne ymaginacioun. and by a maner þouȝt al be it nat clerly ne perfitly ȝe looken from a fer til þilk verray fyn of blisfulnesse. and þerfore þe naturel entencioun ledeþ ȝow to þilk verray good ¶ But many manere errours mistourniþ ȝow þer fro. ¶ Considere now yif þat be þilke þinges by whiche a man weniþ to gete hym blysfulnesse. yif þat he may comen to þilke ende þat he weneþ to come by nature ¶ For yif þat moneye or honours or þise oþer forseide þinges bryngen to men swiche a þing þat no goode ne faille hem. ne semeþ faille. ¶ Certys þan wil I graunt[e] þat þei ben maked blisful. by þilke þinges þat þei han geten. ¶ but yif so be þat þilke þinges ne mowe nat perfourmen þat þei by-heten and þat þer be defaute of many goodes. ¶ Sheweþ it nat þan clerely þat fals beaute of blisfulnesse is knowe and a-teint in þilke þinges. ¶ First and forward þou þi self þat haddest

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haboundaunces of rycchesses nat long agon. ¶ I axe ȝif þat in þe haboundaunce of alle þilk[e] rycchesses þou were neuer anguissous or sory in þi corage of any wrong or greuaunce þat by-tidde þe on any syde. ¶ Certys quod I it remembreþ me nat þat euere I was so free of my þouȝt. þat I ne was al-wey in anguyshe of somwhat. þat was þat þou lakkedest þat þou noldest han lakked. or ellys þou haddest þat þou noldest han had. ryȝt so is it quod I þan. desiredest þou þe presence of þat oon and þe absence of þat oþer. I graunt[e] wel quod .I. for soþe quod she þan nediþ þer somwhat þat euery man desireþ. ȝe þer nediþ quod I. ¶ Certis quod she and he þat haþ lakke or nede of a wyȝt nis nat in euery way suffisaunt to hym self. no quod .I. and þou quod she in alle þe plente of þi rycchesse haddest þilke lak of suffisaunce. ¶ what ellis quod .I. ¶ þanne may nat rycchesse maken þat a man nis nedy. ne þat he be suffisaunt to hym self. and þat was it þat þei byhyȝten as it semeþ. ¶ and eke certys I trowe þat þis be gretly to consydere þat moneye ne haþ nat in hys owen kynde þat it ne may ben by-nomen of hem þat han it maugre hem. ¶ I by-knowe it wel quod I ¶ whi sholdest þou nat by-knowen it quod she. whan euery day þe strenger folke by-nymen it fram þe febler maugre hem. ¶ Fro whennes comen ellys alle þise foreine compleintes or quereles of pletyngus. ¶ But for þat men axen aȝeine her moneye þat haþ be by-nomen hem by force or by gyle. and alwey maugre hem. ¶ Ryȝt so it is quod I. þan quod she haþ a man nede to seken hym foreyne helpe by whiche he may defende hys moneye. who may say nay

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quod .I. ¶ Certis quod she and hym nediþ no helpe yif he ne hadde no moneye þat he myȝt[e] leese. ¶ þat is doutles quod .I. þanne is þis þing turned in to þe contrarie quod she ¶ For rycchesse þat men wenen sholde make suffisaunce. þei maken a man raþer han nede of foreine helpe. ¶ whiche is þe manere or þe gise quod she þat rycches may dryuen awey nede. ¶ Riche folk may þei neiþer han hungre ne þrest. þise ryche men may þei feele no colde on hir lymes in wynter. ¶ But þou wilt answere þat ryche men han y-nouȝ wher wiþ þei may staunchen her hunger. and slaken her þrest and don awey colde. ¶ In þis wise may nede be conforted by rycchesses. but certys nede ne may nat al outerly be don awey. for þouȝ þis nede þat is alwey gapyng and gredy be fulfilled wiþ rycchesses. and axe any þing ȝit dwelleþ þanne a nede þat myȝt[e] ben fulfilled. ¶ I holde me stille and telle nat how þat litel þing suffiseþ to nature. but certys to auarice ynouȝ ne suffiseþ no þinge. [fol. 17] ¶ For syn þat rychesse ne may nat al don awey nede. but rychesse maken nede. what may it þanne be þat ȝe wenen þat rychesses mowen ȝeuen ȝow suffisaunce.


Al were it so þat a ryche couetous man hadde riuer fletynge alle of golde ȝitte sholde it neuer staunche hys couetise. ¶ And þouȝ he hadde his nekke I-charged wiþ preciouse stones of þe rede see. and þouȝ he do erye his feldes plentiuous wiþ an hundreþ oxen neuere ne shal his bytyng bysynesse forleten hym while he

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lyueþ. ne þe lyȝt[e] rychesses ne shal nat beren hym compaignie whanne he is dede.

SET DIGNITATIBUS. [Read dignitates]

Bvt dignitees to whom þei ben comen make þei hym honorable and reuerent. han þei nat so grete strengþe þat þei may putte vertues in þe hertis of folk. þat vsen þe lordshipes of hem. or ellys may þei don awey þe vices. Certys þei [ne] ben nat wont to don awey wikkednesses. but þei ben wont raþer to shew[en] wikkednesses. and þer of comeþ it þat I haue ryȝt grete desdeyne. þat dignites ben ȝeuen ofte to wicked men. ¶ For whiche þing catullus clepid a consul of Rome þat hyȝt nonius postum. or boch. as who seiþ he clepiþ hym a congregacioun of uices in his brest as a postum is ful of corrupcioun. al were þis nonius set in a chayere of dignitee. Sest þou nat þan how gret vylenye dignitees don to wikked men. ¶ Certys vnworþines of wikked men sholde ben þe lasse ysen yif þei nere renomed of none honours. ¶ Certys þou þi self ne myȝtest nat ben brouȝt wiþ as many perils as þou myȝtest suffren þat þou woldest bere þi magistrat wiþ decorat. þat is to seyn. þat for no peril þat myȝt[e] bifallen þe by þe offence of þe kyng theodorik þou noldest nat ben felawe in gouernaunce with decorat. whanne þou say[e] þat he had[de] wikkid corage of a likerous shrewe and of an acusor. ¶ Ne I ne may nat for swiche honours Iugen hem worþi of reuerence þat I deme and holde vnworþi to han þilke same honours. ¶ Now yif þou saie a man þat were fulfilled of wisdom. certys þou

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ne myȝtest nat demen þat he were vnworþi to þe honour. or ellys to þe wisdom of whiche he is fulfilled. No quod .I. ¶ Certys dignitees quod she appertienen properly to vertue. and uertue transporteþ dignite anon to þilke man to whiche she hir self is conioigned. ¶ And for as moche as honours of poeple ne may nat maken folk digne of honour. it is wel seyn clerly þat þei ne han no propre beaute of dignite. ¶ And ȝit men auȝten take more hede in þis. ¶ For if it so be þat he is most out cast þat most folk dispisen. or as dignite ne may nat maken shrewes worþi of no reuerences. þan makeþ dignites shrewes more dispised þan preised. þe whiche shrewes dignit[e] scheweþ to moche folk ¶ and for soþe nat vnpunissed. þat is forto sein. þat shrewes reuengen hem aȝeinward vpon dignites. for þei ȝelden aȝein to dignites as gret gerdoun whan þei byspotten and defoulen dignites wiþ hire vylenie. ¶ And for as moche as þou mow[e] knowe þat þilke verray reuerence ne may nat comen by þe shadewy transitorie dignitees. vndirstonde now þis. yif þat a man hadde vsed and hadde many manere dignites of consules and were comen perauenture amonges straunge naciouns. sholde þilke honour maken hym worshipful and redouted of straunge folk ¶ Certys yif þat honour of poeple were a naturel ȝifte to dignites. it ne myȝte neuer cesen nowher amonges no maner folke to done hys office. ¶ Ryȝt as fire in euery contre ne stinteþ nat to enchaufen and [fol. 17b] to ben hote. but for as myche as forto be holden honorable or reuerent ne comeþ nat to folk of

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hir propre strengþe of nature. but only of þe fals[e] opinioun of folk. þat is to sein. þat wenen þat dignites maken folk digne of honour. An on þerfore whan þat þei comen þer as folk ne knowen nat þilke dignites. her honours vanissen awey and þat on oon. but þat is a-mong straung folk. maist þou sein. but amongus hem þat þei weren born duren þilk[e] dignites alwey. ¶ Certys þe dignite of þe prouostrie of Rome was somtyme a grete power. now is it no þing but an ydel name. and þe rente of þe senatorie a gret charge. and yif a whiȝt somtyme hadde þe office to taken he[de] to þe vitailes of þe poeple as of corne and what oþer þinges he was holden amonges grete. but what þing is more nowe out cast þanne þilke prouostrie ¶ And as I haue seid a litel here byforne. þat þilke þing þat haþ no propre beaute of hym self resceyueþ somtyme pris and shinynge and somtyme lesiþ it by þe opinioun of vsaunces. ¶ Now yif þat dignites þanne ne mowen nat maken folk digne of reuerence. and yif þat dignites wexen foule of hir wille by þe filþe of shrewes. ¶ and yif þat dignites lesen hir shynynge by chaungyng of tymes. and yif þei wexen foule by estimacioun of poeple. what is it þat þei han in hem self of beaute þat auȝte ben desired. as who seiþ none. þanne ne mowen þei ȝiuen no beaute of dignite to none oþer.


Al be it so þat þe proude nero wiþ al his woode luxurie kembed hym and apparailed hym wiþ faire purpers of Tirie and wiþ white perles. Algates ȝitte throf he

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hateful to alle folk ¶ þis is to seyn þat al was he byhated of alle folk. ¶ ȝitte þis wicked Nero hadde gret lordship and ȝaf somtyme to þe dredeful senatours þe vnworshipful setes of dignites. ¶ vnworshipful setes he clepiþ here fore þat Nero þat was so wikked ȝaf þo dignites. who wolde þanne resonably wenen þat blysfulnesse were in swiche honours as ben ȝeuen by vicious shrewes.


Bvt regnes and familarites of kynges may þei maken a man to ben myȝty. how ellys. ¶ whanne hir blysfulnesse dureþ perpetuely but certys þe olde age of tyme passeþ. and eke of present tyme now is ful of ensaumples how þat kynges þat han chaunged in to wrechednesse out of hir welefulnesse. ¶ O a noble þing and a cler þing is power þat is nat founden myȝty to kepe it self. ¶ And yif þat power of realmes be auctour and maker of blisfulnesse. yif þilke power lakkeþ on any side. amenusiþ it nat þilke blisfulnesse and bryngeþ in wrechednesse. but yif al be it so þat realmes of mankynde stretchen broode. ȝit mot þer nede ben myche folk ouer whiche þat euery kyng ne haþ no lordshipe ne comaundement ¶ and certys vpon þilke syde þat power failleþ whiche þat makiþ folk blisful. ryȝt on þat same side nounpower entriþ vndirneþ þat makeþ hem wreches. ¶ In þis manere þanne moten kynges han more porcioun of wrechednesse þan of welefulnesse. ¶ A tyraunt þat was kyng of sisile þat had[de] assaied þe peril of his estat shewid[e] by similitude þe dredes of realmes by gastnesse of a swerde þat heng ouer þe heued of his familier. what þing is þan þis power þat

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may nat don awey þe bytynges of besines ne eschewe þe prikkes of drede. and certys ȝit wolden þei lyuen [fol. 18] in sykernesse. but þei may nat. and ȝit þei glorifien hem in her power ¶ Holdest þou þan þat þilk[e] man be myȝty þat þou seest þat he wolde don þat he may nat don. ¶ And holdest þou þan hym a myȝty man þat haþ environed hise sydes wiþ men of armes or seruauntes and dredeþ more [hem] þat he makeþ agast. þen þei dreden hym. and þat is put in þe handes of hise seruauntȝ. for he sholde seme myȝty but of familiers [or] seruauntȝ of kynges. ¶ what sholde I telle þe any þing. syn þat I my self haue shewed þe þat realmes hem self ben ful of gret feblenesse. þe whiche familiers certis þe real power of kynges in hool estat and in estat abated ful [ofte] þroweþ adoun. ¶ Nero constreined[e] his familier and his maistre seneca to chesen on what deeþ he wolde deien. ¶ Antonius comaundid[e] þat knyȝtis slowen wiþ her swerdis Papinian his familier whiche Papinian had[de] ben long tyme ful myȝty a-monges hem of þe courte. and ȝit certis þei wolde boþe han renounced her power. of whiche [two] senek enforced[e] hym to ȝiuen to Nero his rychesses. and also to han gon in to solitarie exil. ¶ But whan þe grete weyȝt. þat is to sein of lordes power or of fortune draweþ hem þat sholden falle. neyþer of hem ne myȝt[e] do þat he wolde. what þing is þanne þilke power þat þouȝ men han it þat þei ben agast. ¶ and whan þou woldest han it þou nart nat siker. ¶ And yif þou woldest forleten it þou mayst nat eschewen it. ¶ But wheþir swiche men ben frendes at nede as ben conseiled by fortune and nat by vertue. Certys swiche

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folk as weleful fortune makeþ frendes. contrarious fortune makeþ hem enmyse. ¶ And what pestilence is more myȝty forto anoye a wiȝt þan a familier enemy.


Who so wolde ben myȝty he mot daunten hys cruel corage. ne put[te] nat his nekke ouercomen vndir þe foule reines of lecherie. for al be it so þat þi lordship[e] strecche so fer þat þe contre Inde quakiþ at þi comaundement. or at þi lawes. and þat þe leest isle in þe see þat hyȝt tile be þral to þe ¶ ȝit yif þou mayst nat puten awey þi foule derk[e] desijres and dryuen oute fro þe wreched compleyntes. Certis it nis no power þat þou hast.


Bvt glorie how deceiuable and how foule is it ofte. for whiche þing nat vnskilfully a tregedien þat is to sein a maker of dites þat hyȝten tregedies cried[e] and seide. ¶ O glorie glorie quod he. þou nart no þing ellys to þousandes of folkes. but a gret sweller of eres. for many[e] han had ful gret renoun by þe fals[e] oppinioun of poeple. and what þing may ben þouȝt fouler þen swiche preisynge for þilk[e] folk þat ben preised falsly. þei moten nedes han shame of hir preisynges. and yif þat folk han geten hem þank or preysyng by her desertes. what þing haþ þilk pris echid or encresed to þe conscience of wise folk þat mesuren hire good. not by þe rumour of þe poeple. but by þe soþefastnesse of conscience. and yif it seme a fair þing a man to han encresid and sprad his name. þan folweþ

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it. þat it is demed to ben a foule þinge yif it ne be ysprad ne encresed. but as I seide a litel her byforne. þat syn þer mot nedes ben many folk to whiche folk þe renoun of a man ne may nat comen. it byfalleþ þat he þat þou wenest be glorious and renomed. semiþ in þe nexte parties of þe erþe to ben wiþ out glorie. and wiþ out renoun. ¶ and certis amonges þise þinges I ne trowe nat þat þe pris and grace of þe poeple nis neiþer worþi [fol. 18b] to ben remembrid ne comeþ of wise iugement. ne is ferm perdurably. ¶ But now of þis name of gentilesse. what man is it þat ne may wel seen how veyne and how flittyng a þing it is. ¶ For if þe name of gentilesse be referred to renoun and clernesse of linage. þan is gentil name but a for[e]ine þing. þat is to sein to hem þat glorifien hem of hir linage. ¶ For it semeþ þat gentilesse be a maner preysynge þat comeþ of decert of auncestres. ¶ And yif preysynge makeþ gentilesse þan moten þei nedes be gentil þat ben preysed. For whiche þing it folweþ. þat yif þou ne haue no gentilesse of þi self. þat is to sein pris þat comeþ of þi deserte foreine gentilesse ne makeþ þe nat gentil. ¶ But certis yif þer be any goode in gentilesse. I trowe it be in al oonly þis. þat it semeþ as þat a maner necessitee be imposed to gentil men. for þat þei ne sholden nat outraien or forliuen fro þe uertues of hire noble kynrede.


Al þe linage of men þat ben in erþe ben of semblable burþe. On al one is fadir of þinges. On alone minyst[r]eþ alle þinges. ¶ He ȝaf to þe sonne hys bemes. he ȝaf to þe moone hir hornes. he ȝaf þe men to þe erþe. he ȝaf þe sterres to þe heuene. ¶ he encloseþ

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wiþ membres þe soules þat comen fro hys heye sete. ¶ þanne comen alle mortal folk of noble seed. whi noysen ȝe or bosten of ȝoure eldris ¶ For yif þou look[e] ȝoure bygynnyng. and god ȝoure auctour and ȝoure makere. þan is þer no forlyued wyȝt but ȝif he norisse his corage vnto vices and forlete his propre burþe.

QUID AUTEM DE CORPORIBUS. [Readcorporis voluptatibus]

But what shal I seie of delices of body. of whic[h]e delices þe desiringes ben ful of anguisse. and þe fulfillinges of hem ben ful of penaunce. ¶ How grete sekenesse and how grete sorwes vnsuffrable ryȝt as a manere fruit of wickednesse ben þilke delices wont to bryngen to þe bo[d]ies of folk þat vsen hem. ¶ Of whiche delices I not what ioye may ben had of hir moeuyng. ¶ But þis woot I wel þat who so euere wil remembren hym of hys luxuries. he shal wel vndirstonde. þat þe issues of delices ben sorowful and sory. ¶ And yif þilke delices mowen make folk blisful. þan by þe same cause moten þise bestes ben clepid blisful. ¶ Of whiche bestes al þe entencioun hasteþ to fulfille hire bodyly iolyte. and þe gladnesse of wijf [and] children were [an] honest þing. but it haþ ben seid. þat it is ouer myche aȝeins kynde þat children han ben founden tormentours to hir fadres I not how many. ¶ Of whiche children how bitynge is euery condicioun. It nedeþ nat to tellen it þe þat hast or þis tyme assaied it. and art ȝit now anguyssous. In þis approue I þe sentence of my disciple Euridippus. þat seide þat he þat haþ no children is weleful by infortune.

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Euery delit haþ þis. þat it anguisseþ hem wiþ prikkes þat vsen it. ¶ It resembliþ to þise flying flyes þat we clepen been. þat aftre þat þe bee haþ shed hys agreable honies he fleeþ awey and styngeþ þe hertes of hem þat ben ysmyte wiþ bytynge ouer longe holdynge.


Now nis it no doute þan þat þise weyes ne ben a maner mysledyng to blisfulnesse. ne þat þei ne mowe nat leden folke þider as þei byheten to leden hem. ¶ But wiþ how grete harmes þise [fol. 19] forseide weyes ben enlaced. ¶ I shal shewe þe shortly. ¶ For whi yif þou enforcest þe to assemble moneye. þou most byreuen hym his moneye þat haþ it. and yif þou wilt shynen wiþ dignites. þou most bysechen and supplien hem þat ȝiuen þo dignitees. ¶ And yif þou coueitest by honour to gon by-fore oþer folk þou shalt defoule þi self by humblesse of axing. yif þou desiryst power. þou shalt by awaites of þi subgitȝ anoyously be cast vndir many periles. axest þou glorie þou shalt ben so destrat by aspre þinges þat þou shalt forgone sykernesse. ¶ And yif þou wilt leden þi lijf in delices. euery whiȝt shal dispisen þe and forleten þe as þou þat art þral to þing þat is ryȝt foule and brutel. þat is [to] sein seruaunt to þi body. ¶ Now is it þan wel yseen how lytel and how brutel possessioun þei coueiten þat putten þe goodes of þe body abouen hire owen resoun. ¶ For mayst þou sourmounten þise olifun̄tȝ in gretnesse or weyȝt of body. Or mayst þou ben strenger þan þe bole. Mayst þou ben swifter þan þe tigre. biholde þe

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spaces and þe stablenesse and þe swyfte cours of þe heuene. and stynte somtyme to wondren on foule þinges. þe whiche heuene certys nis nat raþer for þise þinges to ben wondred vpon. þan for þe resoun by whiche it is gouerned. but þe shynynge of þi forme þat is to seien þe beaute of þi body. how swiftly passyng is it and how transitorie. ¶ Certis it is more flittynge þan þe mutabilite of floures of þe somer sesoun. For so as aristotil telleþ þat yif þat men hadden eyen of a beest þat hiȝt lynx. so þat þe lokyng of folk myȝt[e] percen þoruȝ þe þinges þat wiþstonden it. who so lokid þan in þe entrailes of þe body of alcibiades þat was ful fayr in þe superfice wiþ oute. it shulde seme ryȝt foule. and for þi yif þou semest faire. þi nature ne makiþ nat þat. but þe desceiuaunce of þe fieblesse of þe eyen þat loken. ¶ But preise þe goodes of þi body as moche as euer þe list. so þat þou know[e] algates þat what so it be. þat is to seyn of þe goodes of þi body whiche þat þou wondrest vpon may ben destroied or dessolued by þe hete of a feuere of þre dayes. ¶ Of alle whiche forseide þinges I may reducen þis shortly in a somme. ¶ þat þise worldly goodes whiche þat ne mowen nat ȝiuen þat þei byheten. ne ben nat perfit by þe congregacioun of alle goodes. þat þei ne ben nat weyes ne paþes þat bryngen men to blysfulnesse ne maken men to ben blysful.


Allas whiche folie and whiche ignoraunce myslediþ wandryng wrecches fro þe paþe of verrey good. ¶ Certis ȝe ne seken no golde in grene trees. ne ȝe ne

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gadren [nat] precious stones in þe vines. ne ȝe ne hiden nat ȝoure gynnes in heyȝe mountaignes to kachen fisshe of whiche ȝe may maken ryche festes. and yif ȝow lykeþ to hunte to roos. ȝe ne gon nat to þe foordes of þe water þat hyȝt tyrene. and ouer þis men knowen wel þe crikes and þe cauernes of þe see yhidd in þe floodes. and knowen eke whiche water is most plentiuous of white perles. and knowen whiche water habundeþ most of rede purpre. þat is to seyen of a maner shelfisshe with whiche men dien purpre. and knowen whiche strondes habounden most of tendre fisshes or of sharpe fisshes þat hyȝten echynnys. but folk suffren hem self to ben so blynde þat hem ne recchiþ nat to knowe where þilk[e] goodes ben yhidd whiche þat þei coueiten but ploungen hem in erþe and seken þere þilke goode þat sourmounteþ þe heuene þat bereþ þe sterres. ¶ what [fol. 19b] preyere may I make þat be digne to þe nice þouȝtis of men. but I preye þat þei coueiten rycches and honours so þat whan þei han geten þo false goodes wiþ greet trauayle þat þerby þei mowe knowen þe verray goodes.


It suffisiþ þat I haue shewed hider to þe forme of false wilfulnesse. so þat yif þou look[e] now clerely þe ordre of myn entencioun requeriþ from hennes forþe to shewen þe verray wilfulnesse. ¶ For quod .I. (b)[I.] se wel now þat suffisaunce may nat comen by richesse. ne power by realmes. ne reuerence by dignitees. ne gentilesse by glorie. ne ioye by delices. and (p) hast þou wel knowen quod she þe cause whi it is. Certis me semeþ

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quod .I. þat .I. se hem ryȝt as þouȝ it were þoruȝ a litel clifte. but me were leuer knowen hem more openly of þe. Certys quod she þe resoun is al redy ¶ For þilk þing þat symply is on þing wiþ outen ony diuisioun. þe errour and folie of mankynde departeþ and diuidiþ it. and mislediþ it and transporteþ from verray and perfit goode. to goodes þat ben false and inperfit. ¶ But seye me þis. wenest þou þat he þat haþ nede of power þat hym ne lakkeþ no þing. Nay quod .I ¶ Certis quod she þou seist aryȝt. For yif so be þat þer is a þing þat in any partie be fieble of power. Certis as in þat it most[e] nedes be nedy of foreine helpe. ¶ Riȝt so it is quod .I. Suffisaunce and power ben þan of on kynde ¶ So semeþ it quod I. ¶ And demyst þou quod she þat a þing þat is of þis manere. þat is to seine suffisaunt and myȝty auȝt[e] to ben dispised. or ellys þat it be ryȝt digne of reuerences abouen alle þinges. ¶ Certys quod I it nys no doute þat it nis ryȝt worþi to ben reuerenced. ¶ Lat vs quod she þan adden reuerence to suffisaunce and to power ¶ So þat we demen þat þise þre þinges ben alle o þing. ¶ Certis quod I lat vs adden it. yif we willen graunten þe soþe. what demest þou þan quod she is þat a dirke þing and nat noble þat is suffisaunt reuerent and myȝty. or ellys þat is ryȝt clere and ryȝt noble of celebrete of renoun. ¶ Considere þan quod she as we han grauntid her byforne. þat he þat ne haþ ne[de] of no þing and is most myȝty and most digne of honour yif hym nediþ any clernesse of renoun whiche clernesse he myȝt[e] nat graunten of hym self. ¶ So þat for lakke of þilke clerenesse he myȝt[e] seme febler on any syde or þe

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more outcaste. Glosa. þis is to seyne nay. ¶ For who so þat is suffisaunt myȝty and reuerent. clernesse of renoun folweþ of þe forseide þinges. he haþ it alredy of hys suffisaunce. boice. I may nat quod I denye it. ¶ But I mot graunten as it is. þat þis þing be ryȝt celebrable by clernesse of renoun and noblesse. ¶ þan folweþ it quod she þat we adden clernesse of renoun to þe þre forseide þinges. so þat þer ne be amonges hem no difference. and þis is a consequente quod .I. þis þing þan quod she þat ne haþ no nede of no foreine þing. and þat may don alle þinges by his strengþes. and þat is noble and honourable. nis nat þat a myrie þing and a ioyful. boice. but wenest quod I þat any sorow myȝt[e] comen to þis þing þat is swiche. ¶ Certys I may nat þinke. P. ¶ þanne moten we graunt[e] quod she þat þis þing be ful of gladnesse yif þe forseide þinges be soþe. ¶ And also certys mote we graunten. þat suffisaunce power noblesse reuerence and gladnesse ben only dyuerse bynames. but hir substaunce haþ no diuersite. Boice. It mot nedely be so quod .I. P. þilke þinge þan quod she þat is oon and simple in his nature. þe wikkednesse of men departiþ it [fol. 20] diuidiþ it. and whan þei enforcen hem to gete partie of a þing þat ne haþ no part. þei ne geten hem neiþer þilk[e] partie þat nis none. ne þe þing al hole þat þei ne desire nat. .b.In whiche manere quod .I. p. þilke man quod she þat sekeþ rychesse to fleen pouerte. he ne trauayleþ hym nat to for to gete power for he haþ leuer ben dirk and vile. and eke wiþdraweþ from hym selfe many naturel delitȝ for he nolde lesen þe moneye þat he haþ assembled.

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but certis in þis manere he ne getiþ hym nat suffisaunce þat power forletiþ. and þat moleste prekeþ. and þat filþe makeþ outcaste. and þat derknesse hideþ. and certis he þat desireþ only power he wastiþ and scatriþ rychesse and dispiseþ delices and eke honour þat is wiþ out power. ne he ne preiseþ glorie no þing. ¶ Certys þus seest þou wel þat many þingus failen to hym. for he haþ somtyme faute of many necessites. and many anguysses biten hym ¶ and whan he may nat don þo defautes awey. he forleteþ to ben myȝty. and þat is þe þing þat he most desireþ. and ryȝt þus may I make semblable resouns of honours and of glorie and of delices. ¶ For so as euery of þise forseide þinges is þe same þat þise oþer þinges ben. þat is to sein. al oon þing. who so þat euer sekeþ to geten þat oon of þise and nat þat oþer. he ne geteþ nat þat he desireþ. Boice . ¶ what seist þou þan yif þat a man coueiteþ to geten alle þise þinges to gider. P. Certys quod she .I. wolde seie þat he wolde geten hym souereyne blisfulnes. but þat shal he nat fynde in þo þinges þat .I. haue shewed þat ne mowe nat ȝeuen þat þei byheten. boice. Certys no quod .I. ¶ þan quod she ne sholden men nat by no weye seken blysfulnesse in swiche þinges as men wenen þat þei ne mowe ȝeuen but o þing senglely of alle þat men seken. I graunt[e] wel quod .I. ne no soþer þing ne may nat ben said. P. ¶ Now hast þou þan quod she þe forme and þe causes of false welefulnesse. ¶ Now turne and flitte þe eyen of þi þouȝt. for þere shalt þou seen an oon þilk verray blysfulnesse þat I haue byhyȝt þee. b.Certys quod .I. it is cler and opyn. þouȝ þat it were to a blynde man. and þat shewedest þou me [ful wel] a

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lytel her byforne. whan þou enforcedest þe to shewe me þe causes of þe false blysfulnesse ¶ For but yif I be bygiled. þan is þilke þe verray perfit blisfulnesse þat perfitly makiþ a man suffisaunt. myȝty. honourable noble. and ful of gladnesse. and for þou shalt wel knowe þat I haue wel vndirstonden þise þinges wiþ inne myne herte. I knowe wel þilke blisfulnesse þat may verrayly ȝeuen on of þe forseide þinges syn þei ben al oon .I. knowe douteles þat þilke þing is þe fulle of blysfulnesse. P.O my nurry quod she by þis oppinioun quod she I sey[e] þat þou art blisful yif þou putte þis þer to þat I shal seine. what is þat quod .I ¶ Trowest þou þat þer be any þing in þis erþely mortal toumblyng þinges þat may bryngen þis estat. Certys quod I trowe it nat. and þou hast shewed me wel þat ouer þilke goode þer is no þing more to ben desired. P. þise þinges þan quod she. þat is to seyne erþely suffisaunce and power. and swiche þinges eyþer þei semen likenesse of verray goode. or ellys it semeþ þat þei ȝeuen to mortal folk a maner of goodes þat ne ben nat perfit. ¶ But þilke goode þat is verray and perfit. þat may þei nat ȝeuen. boice. I. accorde me wel quod .I. þan quod she for as moche as þou hast knowen whiche is þilke verray blisfulnesse. and eke whiche þilke þinges ben þat lien falsly blisfulnesse. þat is to seyne. þat by desceit semen verray goodes. ¶ Now byhoueþ þe to knowen [fol. 20b] whennes and where þou mowe seek[e] þilke verray blisfulnesse. ¶ Certys quod I þat desijr I gretly and haue abiden longe tyme to herkene it. ¶ But for as moche quod she as it likeþ to my disciple plato in his book of in thimeo. þat in ryȝt lytel þinges men sholde bysechen þe helpe of god. ¶ what iugest þou þat be

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[now] to done so þat we may deserue to fynde þe sete of þilke souereyne goode. B. ¶ Certys quod .I. I. deme þat we shulle clepen to þe fadir of alle goodes. ¶ For wiþ outen hym nis þer no þing founden aryȝt. þou seist a-ryȝt quod she. and bygan on-one to syngen ryȝt þus.


O þou fadir creatour of heuene and of erþes þat gouernest þis worlde by perdurable resoun þat comaundist þe tymes for to gon from tyme þat age had[de] bygynnyng. þou þat dwellest þi self ay stedfast and stable and ȝiuest alle oþer þinges to ben moeued. ne forein causes necesseden þe neuer to compoune werke of floterynge mater. but only þe forme of souereyne goode y-set wiþ inne [þe] wiþ outen envie þat moeued[e] þe frely. þou þat art alþerfairest beryng þe faire worlde in þi þouȝt. formedest þis worlde to þe likkenesse semblable of þat faire worlde in þi þouȝt. þou drawest alle þinges of þi souereyne ensampler. and comaundedist þat þis worlde perfitlyche ymaked haue frely and absolut hyse perfit parties. ¶ þou byndest þe elementȝ by noumbres proporcionables. þat þe colde þinges mowen accorde wiþ þe hote þinges. and þe drye þinges wiþ þe moyst þinges. þat þe fire þat is purest ne fleye nat ouer heye. ne þat þe heuynesse ne drawe nat adoun ouer lowe þe erþes þat ben plounged in þe watres. ¶ þou knyttest to-gidre þe mene soule of treble kynde moeuyng alle þinges. and diuidest it by membres accordynge. ¶ And whan it is þus diuided it haþ assembled a moeuyng in two roundes. ¶ It goþ to tourne

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aȝein to hym owen self. and environeþ a fulle deep þouȝt. and tourniþ þe heuene by semblable ymage. þou by euenlyk causes enhaunsest þe soules and þe lasse liues and ablynge hem heye by lyȝt[e] cartes. þou sewest hem in to heuene and in to erþe. and whan þei ben conuertid to þe by þi benigne lawe. ¶ þou makest hem retorne aȝeine to þe by aȝein ledyng fijr. ¶ O fadir yif þou to þi þouȝt to stien vp in to þi streite sete. and graunte [hym] to enviroune þe welle of good. and þe lyȝte yfounde graunte hym to ficchen þe clere syȝtes of hys corage in þe. ¶ And scatre þou and to-breke [thow] þe weyȝtes and þe cloudes of erþely heuynesse. and shyne þou by þi bryȝtnes. for þou art clernesse þou art peisible to debonaire folke. ¶ þou þi self art bygynnynge. berere. ledere. paþ and terme to loke on þe [þat] is oure ende. Glose.


FOr as moche þan as þou hast seyn. whiche is þe forme of goode þat nys nat perfit. and whiche is þe forme of goode þat is perfit. now trowe I þat it were goode to shewe in what þis perfeccioun of blisfulnesse is set. and in þis þing I trowe þat we sholden first enquere forto witen yif þat any swiche manere goode as þilke goode þat þou hast diffinissed a lytel her byforne. þat is to seine souereyne goode may be founden in þe nature of þinges. For þat veyne ymaginacioun of þouȝt ne desceiue vs nat. and putte vs oute of þe soþefastnesse of þilke þinge þat is summyttid to vs. þis is to seyne. but it may nat ben denoyed þat þilke goode ne is. ¶ and þat it nis ryȝt as a welle of alle goodes. ¶ For

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al þing þat is cleped inperfit. is proued inperfit by þe amenusynge of perfeccioun. or of þing þat is perfit. and her of comeþ it. þat in euery þing general. yif þat. þat men seen any þing þat is inperfit [fol. 21] certys in þilke general þer mot ben somme þing þat is perfit. ¶ For yif so be þat perfeccioun is don awey. men may nat þinke nor seye fro whennes þilke þing is þat is cleped inperfit. ¶ For þe nature of þinges ne token nat her bygynnyng of þinges amenused and inperfit. but it procediþ of þingus þat ben al hool. and absolut. and descendeþ so doune in to outerest þinges and in to þingus empty and wiþ oute fruyt. but as I haue shewed a litel her byforne. þat yif þer be a blisfulnesse þat be frele and vein and inperfit. þer may no man doute. þat þer nys som blisfulnesse þat is sad stedfast and perfit. b. þis is concludid quod I fermely and soþefastly. P. But considere also quod she in wham þis blisfulnesse enhabiteþ. þe commune acordaunce and conceite of þe corages of men proueþ and graunteþ þat god prince of alle þingus is good. ¶ For so as no þing ne may ben þouȝt bettre þan god. it may nat ben douted þan þat [he þat] no þing is bettre. þat he nys good. ¶ Certys resoun sheweþ þat god is so goode þat it proueþ by verray force þat perfit goode is in hym. ¶ For yif god ne is swiche. he ne may nat ben prince of alle þinges. for certis som þing possessyng in hym self perfit goode sholde ben more þan god. and [it] sholde seme þat þilke þing were first and elder þan god. ¶ For we han shewed apertly þat alle þinges þat ben perfit. ben first or þinges þat ben inperfit. ¶ And for þi for as moche as [that] my resoun or my proces ne go nat awey wiþoute an ende. we ouȝt[e] to graunten þat þe souereyne god is ryȝt ful of

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souereyne perfit goode. and we han establissed þat þe souereyne goode is verrey blisfulnesse. þan mot it nedes ben [þat verray blysfulnesse is] yset in souereyne god. B. þis take I wel quod .I. ne þis ne may nat be wiþseid in no manere. ¶ But I preie þe quod she see now how þou mayst preuen holily and wiþ-outen corrupcioun þis þat I haue seid. þat þe souereyne god is ryȝt ful of souereyne goode. [In whych manere quod I.] wenest þou ouȝt quod she þat þis prince of alle þinges haue ytake þilke souereyne good any where þan of hym self. ¶ of whiche souereyne goode men proueþ þat he is ful ryȝt as þou myȝtest þinken. þat god þat haþ blisfulnesse in hym self. and þat ilke blisfulnesse þat is in hym were diuers in substaunce. ¶ For yif þou wene þat god haue receyued þilke good oute of hym self. þou mayst wene þat he þat ȝaf þilke good to god. be more goode þan is god. ¶ But I am byknowen and confesse and þat ryȝt dignely þat god is ryȝt worþi abouen alle þinges. ¶ And yif so be þat þis good be in hym by nature. but þat it is diuers from [hym] by wenyng resoun. syn we speke of god prince of alle þinges feyne who so feyne may. who was he þat [hath] conioigned þise diuers þinges to-gidre. and eke at þe last[e] se wel þat o þing þat is diuers from any þing. þat þilke þing nis nat þat same þing. fro whiche it is vndirstonden to ben diuers. þan folweþ it. þat þilke þing þat by hys nature is dyuers from souereyne good. þat þat þing nys nat souereyne good. but certys þat were a felonous corsednesse to þinken þat of hym. þat no þing nis more worþe. For alwey of alle þinges. þe nature

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of hem ne may nat ben better þan his bygynnyng. ¶ For whiche I may concluden by ryȝt uerray resoun. þat þilke þat is bygynnyng of alle þinges. þilke same þing is good in his substaunce. B. þou hast seid ryȝtfully quod .I. P. But we han graunted quod she þat souereyne good is blysfulnes. þat is soþe quod .I. þan quod she mote we nedes graunten and confessen þat þilke same souereyne goode be god. ¶ Certys [fol. 21b] quod .I. I ne may nat denye ne wiþstonde þe resouns purposed. and I see wel þat it folweþ by strengþe of þe premisses. ¶ Loke nowe quod she yif þis be proued [yit] more fermely þus. ¶ þat þer ne mowen nat ben two souereyne goodes þat ben diuerse amo[n]ges hem self. þat on is nat þat þat oþer is. þan [ne] mowen neiþer of hem ben perfit. so as eyþer of hem lakkiþ to oþir. but þat þat nis nat perfit men may seen apertly þat it nis nat souereyne. þe þinges þan þat ben souereynely goode ne mowen by no wey ben diuerse. ¶ But I haue wel conclude þat blisfulnesse and god ben [the] souereyne goode. For whiche it mot nedes be þat souereyne blisfulnesse is souerey[ne] dyuynite. ¶ No þing quod I nis more soþefast þan þis ne more ferme by resoun. ne a more worþi þing þan god may nat ben concluded. P. vpon þise þinges þan quod she. ryȝt as þise geometriens whan þei han shewed her proposiciouns ben wont to bryngen in þinges þat þei clepen porismes or declaraciouns of forseide þinges. ryȝt so wil I ȝeue þe here as a corolarie or a mede of coroune. For whi. for as moche as by þe getynge of blisfulnesse men ben maked blysful. and blisfulnesse is diuinite. ¶ þan is it manifest and open þat by þe getyng of diuinite men ben makid blisful. ryȝt as by þe getynge of iustice . . .

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and by þe getyng of sapience þei ben maked wise. ¶ Ryȝt so nedes by þe semblable resoun whan þei han getyn diuinite þei ben maked goddys. þan is euery blisful man god. ¶ But certis by nature. þer nys but oon god. but by þe participaciouns of diuinite þere ne letteþ ne disturbeþ no þing þat þer ne ben many goddes. ¶ þis is quod .I. a faire þing and a precious. ¶ Clepe it as þou wolt. be it corolarie or porisme or mede of coroune or declarynges ¶ Certys quod she no þing nis fairer. þan is þe þing þat by resoun sholde ben added to þise forseide þinges. what þing quod .I. ¶ So quod she as it semeþ þat blisfulnesse conteniþ many þinges. it were forto witen wheþir [þat] alle þise þinges maken or conioignen as a maner body of blysfulnesse by diuersite of parties or [of] membris. Or ellys yif any of alle þilke þingus be swyche þat it acomplise by hym self þe substaunce of blisfulnesse. so þat alle þise oþer þinges ben referred and brouȝt to blisfulnesse. þat is to seyne as to þe chief of hem. ¶ I wolde quod I þat þou makedest me clerly to vndirstonde what þou seist. and þat þou recordest me þe forseide þinges. ¶ Haue I nat iuged quod she. þat blisfulnesse is goode. ȝis forsoþe quod .I. and þat souereyne goode. ¶ Adde þan quod she þilke goode þat is maked blisfulnes to alle þe forseide þinges. ¶ For þilke same blisfulnesse þat is demed to ben souereyne suffisaunce. þilke self is souereyne power. souereyne reuerence. souereyne clernesse or noblesse and souereyne delit. what seist þou þan of alle þise þinges. þat is to seyne. suffisance power and þise oþer þinges. ben þei þan as membris of blisfulnesse. or ben þei referred and brouȝt to souereyne good. ¶ Ryȝt as alle þinges þat ben brouȝt to þe chief of hem.

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b. I vndirstonde wel quod .I. what þou purposest to seke. but I desijr[e] to herkene þat þou shewe it me. p. Take now þus þe discressioun of þis questioun quod she. yif al þise þinges quod she weren membris to felicite. þan weren þei diuerse þat oon fro þat oþer. ¶ And swiche is þe nature of parties or of membris. þat dyuerse membris compounen a body. ¶ Certis quod I it haþ wel ben shewed her byforne. þat alle þise þinges ben alle on þing. þan ben þei none membris quod she. for ellys it sholde seme þat blisfulnesse were conioigned [fol. 22] al of one membre alone. but þat is a þing þat may nat ben doon. þis þing quod .I. nys nat doutous. but I abide to herkene þe remenaunt of þe questioun. þis is open and clere quod she. þat alle oþer þinges ben referred and brouȝt to goode. ¶ For þerfore is suffisaunce requered. For it is demed to ben good. and forþi is power requered. for men trowen also þat it be goode. and þis same þing mowe we þinken and coueiten of reuerence and of noblesse and of delit. þan is souereyne good þe soume and þe cause of alle þat auȝt[e] be desired. forwhi þilke þing þat wiþ-holdeþ no good in it self ne semblaunce of goode it ne may nat wel in no manere be desired ne requered. and þe contrarie. For þouȝ þat þinges by hir nature ne ben nat goode algates yif men wene þat þei ben goode ȝit ben þei desired as þouȝ [þat] þei were verrayly goode. and þerfore is it þat men auȝten to wene by ryȝt þat bounte be souereyne fyn and þe cause of alle þinges þat ben to requeren. ¶ But certis þilke þat is cause for whiche men requeren any þing. ¶ it semeþ þat þilke same þing be most desired. as þus yif þat a wyȝt wolde ryde for cause of hele. he ne desireþ nat so mychel þe

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moeuyng to ryden as þe effect of his heele. Now þan syn þat alle þinges ben requered for þe grace of good. þei ne ben [nat] desired of alle folk more þan þe same good ¶ But we han graunted þat blysfulnesse is þat þing for whiche þat alle þise oþer þinges ben desired. þan is it þus þat certis only blisfulnesse is requered and desired ¶ By whiche þing it sheweþ clerely þat good and blisfulnesse is al oone and þe same substaunce. ¶ I se nat quod I wher fore þat men myȝt[en] discorden in þis. p. and we han shewed þat god and verrey blysfulnesse is al oon þing ¶ þat is soþe quod .I. þan mowe we conclude sikerly þat þe substaunce of god is set in þilke same good and in noon oþer place.


O Comeþ alle to-gidre now ȝe þat ben ycauȝt and ybounde wiþ wicked[e] cheines by þe deceiuable delit of erþely þinges inhabytynge in ȝoure þouȝt. here shal ben þe reste of ȝoure laboures. here is þe hauene stable in peisible quiete. þis al oone is þe open refut to wreches. Glosa. þis is to seyn. þat ȝe þat ben combred and deceyued wiþ worldly affecciouns comeþ now to þis souereyne good þat is god. þat is refut to hem þat wolen come to hym. Textus. ¶ Alle þe þinges þat þe ryuere Tagus ȝiueþ ȝow wiþ his golden[e] grauels. or ellys alle þe þynges þat þe ryuere hermus. ȝiueþ wiþ his rede brynke. or þat yndus ȝiueþ þat is nexte þe hote partie of þe worlde. þat medeleþ þe grene stones (smaragde) wiþ þe white (margarits). ne sholde nat cleren þe lokynge of ȝoure þoȝt. but hiden raþer ȝoure blynde corages wiþ inne hire dirkenesse ¶ Alle þat likeþ ȝow here and excitiþ and moeueþ ȝoure þouȝtes.

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þe erþe haþ noryshed it in hys lowe caues. but þe shynyng by þe whiche þe heuene is gouerned and whennes þat it haþ hys strengþe þat chaseþ þe derke ouerþrowyng of þe soule. ¶ And who so euer may knowen þilke lyȝt of blisfulnesse. he shal wel seine þat þe white bemes of þe sonne ne ben nat cleer.


I assent[e] me quod .I. For alle þise þinges ben strongly bounden wiþ ryȝt ferme resouns. how mychel wilt þou preisen it quod she. yif þat þou knowe what þilke goode is. I wol preise it quod I by price wiþ outen ende. ¶ yif it shal bytyde me to knowe also to-gidre god þat is good. ¶ certys quod she þat shal I do þe by verray resoun. yif þat þo þinges þat I haue conclude[d] a litel her by [fol. 22b] forne dwellen oonly in hir first[e] grauntyng. Boice. þei dwellen graunted to þe quod .I. þis is to seyne as who seiþ .I. graunt þi forseide conclusiouns. ¶ Haue I nat shewed þe quod she þat þe þinges þat ben requered of many folke. ne ben nat verray goodes ne perfit. for þei ben diuerse þat oon fro þat oþer. and so as eche of hem is lakkyng to oþer. þei ne han no power to bryngen a good þat is ful and absolute. ¶ But þan atte arst ben þei verray good whan þei ben gadred to-gidre al in to a forme and in to oon wirchyng. so þat þilke þing þat is suffisaunce. þilk same be power and reuerence. and noblesse and mirþe. ¶ And forsoþe but alle þise þinges ben alle o same þing þei ne han nat wher by þat þei mowen ben put in þe noumbre of þinges. þat auȝten ben requered or desired. b. ¶ It is shewed quod .I. ne her of may þer no man douten. p. þe þinges þan quod she þat ne

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ben none goodes whan þei ben diuerse. and whan þei bygynnen to ben al o þing. þan ben þei goodes. ne comiþ it hem nat þan by þe getynge of unite þat þei ben maked goodes. b. so it semeþ quod .I. but alle þing þat is good quod she grauntest þou þat it be good by participacioun of good or no. ¶ I graunt[e] it quod .I. ¶ þan mayst þou graunt[en] it quod she by sembleable resoun þat oon and good ben o same þing. ¶ For of þinges [of] whiche þat þe effect nis nat naturely diuerse nedys þe substaunce mot ben o same þinge I ne may nat denye it quod I. ¶ Hast þou nat knowen wel quod she. þat al þing þat is haþ so longe his dwellyng and his substaunce. as longe is it oone. ¶ but whan it forletiþ to ben oone it mot nedis dien and corrumpe to-gidre. ¶ In whiche manere quod .I. ¶ Ryȝt as in beestes quod she. whan þe soule and þe body ben conioigned in oon and dwellen to-gidre it is cleped a beest. and whan hire vnite is destroied by disseueraunce þat oon fram þat oþir. þan sheweþ it wel þat it is a dede þing. and þat it is no lenger no beste. and þe body of a wyȝt while it dwelleþ in oon forme by coniunccioun of membris it is wel seyn þat it is a figure of mankynde. and yif þe partyes of þe body ben [so] diuide[d] and disseuered þat oon fro þat oþir þat þei destroien vnite. þe body forletiþ to ben þat it was byforne. ¶ And who so wolde renne in þe same manere by alle þinges he sholde seen þat wiþ outen doute euery þinge is in his substaunce as longe as it is oon. and whan it forletiþ to ben oon it dieþ and perissiþ. boice. whan I considre quod I many þinges I see noon oþer. ¶ Is þer any þing þanne quod she þat in as moche as it lyueþ naturely. þat forletiþ þe appetit or talent of

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hys beynge. and desireþ to come to deeþ and to corrupcioun. ¶ yif I considere quod I þe beestes þat han any manere nature of willynge or of nillynge I ne fynde no þing. but yif it be constreyned fro wiþ out forþe. þat forletiþ or dispiseþ to lyue and to duren or þat wole his þankes hasten hym to dien. ¶ For euery beest trauayleþ hym to defende and kepe þe sauuacioun of lijf. and escheweþ deeþ and destruccioun. b. but certys I doute me of herbes and of trees. þat is to seyn þat I am in a doute of swiche þinges as herbes or trees þat ne han no felyng soule. ne no naturel wirchynges seruyng to appetite as beestes han wheþer þei han appetite to dwellen and to duren. ¶ Certis quod she ne þer of þar þe nat doute. ¶ Now look vpon þise herbes and þise trees. þei waxen firste in swiche place as ben couenable to hem. in whiche place þei ne mowen nat sone dien ne dryen as longe as hire nature may defenden hem. ¶ For some of hem waxen in feldes and some in mountaignes. and oþir waxen in mareis. [A leaf lost here, and supplied from C.] [and oothre cleuyn on Roches / and soume waxen plentyuos in sondes / and yif þat any wyht enforce hym to beryn hem in to oother places / they wexen drye // For nature yeueth to euery thing þat / þat is conuenient to hym and trauaylith þat they ne dye nat as longe as they han power to dwellyn and to lyuen // what woltow seyn of this / þat they drawen alle hyr norysshynges by hyr rootes / ryht as they haddyn hyr Mowthes I.-plounged with in the erthes / and shedyn by hyr maryes (i. medullas) hyr wode and hyr bark / and what woltow seyn of this þat thilke thing / þat is ryht softe as the marye (i. sapp) is / þat is alwey hidd in the feete al with inne and þat it is defendid fro with owte by the stidefastnesse of wode // and þat the vttereste bark is put ayenis the destempraunce

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of the heuene / as a defendowr myhty to suffren harm / and thus certes maystow wel sen / how gret is the diligence of nature / For alle thinges renouelen and pupllisen hem withseed.I.-multiplyed / ne ther nis no man þat ne wot wel þat they ne ben ryht as a foundement and edyfice for to duren / nat only for a tyme / but ryht as forto duren perdurablely by generacyoun // and the thinges ek þatmen wenen ne hauen none sowles / ne desire they natech of hem by sem[b]lable resoun to kepyn þat that is hirs / þat is to seyn þat is acordynge to hyr nature in conseruacioun of hyr beynge and endurynge // For wher for elles berith lythnesse the flaumbes vp / and the weyhte presseth the erthe a-doun // but For as moche as thilke places and thilke moeuynges ben couenable to euerich of hem // and forsothe euery thing kepith thilke þat is acordynge and propre to hym // ryht as thinges þat ben contraryes and enemys corompen hem // and yit the harde thinges as stoones clyuen and holden hyr partyes to gydere ryht faste and harde / and deffenden hem in withstondenge þat they ne departe nat lyhtly a twyne // and the thinges þat ben softe and fletynge as is water and Eyr they departyn lyhtly // and yeuen place to hem þat brekyn or deuyden hem // but natheles they retornen sone ayein in to the same thinges fro whennes they ben arraced // but fyr [fleetℏ] and refuseth alle deuysyoun / ne I. ne trete nat heere now of weleful moeuynges of the sowle þat is knowynge // but of the naturel entencioun of thinges // As thus ryht as we swolwe the mete þat we resseyuen and ne thinke nat on it / and as we drawen owre breth in slepynge þat we wite it nat whil we slepyt // For certes in the beestys the loue of hyr lyuynges ne of hyr beeinges ne comth nat of the wilnynges of the sowle // but of the bygynnyngis of nature // For certes thorw constreynynge causes / wil desireth and embraceth ful

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ofte tyme / the deth þat nature dredith // that is to seyn as thus that a man may be constreynyd so by som cause that his wil desireth and taketh the deth which þat nature hateth and dredeth ful sore // And som tyme we seeth the contrarye / as thus that the wil of a wight / destorbeth and constreyneth þat þat nature desireth / and requereth al-wey // that is to sein the werk of generacioun / by the whiche generacioun only / dwelleth and is sustenyd the longe durablete of mortal thinges // And thus this charite and this Loue þat euery thing hath to hym self ne comth nat of the moeuynge of the sowle / but of the entencioun of nature // For the puruyance of god hat yeuen to thinges þat ben creat of hym / this þat is a ful gret cause / to lyuen and to duren / for which they desiren naturelly hyr lyf as longe as euer they mowen // For w[h]ych thou maist nat drede by no manere / that alle the thinges / that ben anywhere / that they ne requeren naturelly / the ferme stablenesse of perdurable dwellynge / and ek the eschuynge of destruccyoun // B // now confesse I. wel quod I. that I. see wel now certeynly / with owte dowtes / the thinges that whylom semeden vncerteyn to me / P.// but quod she thilke thyng þat desiretℏ to be and to dwellyn perdurablely / he desireth to ben oon // For yif þat that oon weere destroied // certes beinge ne shulde ther non dwellyn to no wiht // that is soth quod I. // Thanne quod she desirin alle thinges oon // .I. assente quod .I. // and I haue shewyd quod she that thilke same oon is thilke that is good // B // ye forsothe quod I. // Alle thinges thanne quod she requyren good // And thilke good thanne [þow] maist descryuen ryht thus // Good is thilke thing þat euery wyht desireth // Ther ne may be thowht quod .I. no moore verray thing / for either alle thinges ben referred and browht to nowht / and floteryn with owte gouernour

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despoiled of oon / as of hir propre heued / or elles yif ther be any thinge / to which þat alle thinges tenden and hyen / that thing moste ben the souereyn good of alle goodes / P /. thanne seyde she thus // O my norry quod she I haue gret gladnesse of the // For thow hast fichched in thin herte the myddel sothtfastnesse // that is to seyn the prykke // but this thing hath ben descouered to the / in that thow seydyst þat thow wystest nat a lytel her by-forn // what was that quod I. // That thow ne wystest nat quod she whych was the ende of thinges // and Certes that is the thing þat euery wiht desireth // and for as mochel as we han gaderid / and comprehendyd that good is thilke thing that is desired of alle / thanne moten we nedes confessun / that good is the fyn of alle thinges.


Who so that sekith sotℏ by a deep thoght And coueyteth nat to ben deseyuyd by no mys-weyes // lat hym rollen and trenden with Inne hym self / the Lyht of his inward syhte // And lat hym gadere ayein enclynynge in to a compas the longe moeuynges of hys thowhtes / And lat hym techen his corage that he hath enclosed and hyd / in his tresors / al þat he compaseth or sekith fro with owte // And thanne thilke thing that the blake cloude of errour whilom hadde y-couered / shal lyhten more clerly thanne phebus hym self ne shyneth // Glosa [Chaucer's gloss.] // who so wole seken the dep[e] grounde / of soth in his thowht / and wol nat be deceyuyd by false proposiciouns / that goon amys fro the trouthe // lat hym wel examine / and rolle with inne hym self the nature and the propretes of the thing // and lat hym yit eft sones examine and rollen his thowhtes by good deliberacioun

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or that he deme // and lat hym techen his sowle that it hat by naturel pryncyplis kyndeliche y-hyd with in it self alle the trowthe the whiche he ymagynith to ben in thinges with owte // And thanne alle the dyrknesse of his mysknowynge shal seen more euydently to [þe] syhte of his vndyrstondynge thanne the sonne ne semyth to [þe] syhte with owte forth / For certes the body bryngynge the weyhte of foryetynge / ne hath nat chasyd owt of yowre thowhte al the clernesse of yowre knowyng // For certeynly the seed of sooth haldith and clyueth with in yowre corage / and it is a-waked and excited by the wynde and by the blastes of doctryne // For where for elles demen ye of yowre owne wyl the ryhtes whan ye ben axed // but yif so were þat the noryssynges of resoun ne lyuede .I.-plowngyd in the depthe of yowre herte // this [is] to seyn how sholden men demen þe sooth of any thing þat weere axed / yif ther neere a Roote of sothfastnesse þat weere yplowngyd and hyd in the nature[l] pryncyplis / the whiche sothfastnesse lyued with in the depnesse of the thowght // and yif so be þat the Muse and the doctryne of plato syngyth sooth // al þat euery whyht lerneth / he ne doth no thing elles thanne but recordeth as men recordyn thinges þat ben foryetyn.


Thanne seide I thus // I acorde me gretly to plato / for thow remenbrist and recordist me thise thinges yit] [ Addit. MS. 10,340, fol. 23.] þe seconde tyme. þat is to seyn. first whan I lost[e] my memorie by þe contagioūs coniunccioun of þe body wiþ þe soule. and eftsones afterward whan I lost[e] it confounded by þe charge and by þe burden of my sorwe. ¶ And þan sayde she þus. ¶ If þou look[e] quod she firste þe þinges þat þou hast graunted it ne shal nat

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ben ryȝt feer þat þou ne shalt remembren þilke þing þat þou seidest þat þou nistest nat. what þing quod I. ¶ by whiche gouerment quod she þat þis worlde is gouerned. Me remembriþ it wel quod I. and I confesse wel þat I ne wist[e] it nat ¶ But al be it so þat I se now from afer what þou purposest ¶ Algates I desire ȝit to herkene it of þe more pleynely. ¶ þou ne wendest nat quod she a litel here byforne þat men sholden doute þat þis worlde is gouerned by god. ¶ Certys quod I ne ȝitte doute I it nauȝt. ne I nil neuer wene þat it were to doute. as who seiþ. but I wot wel þat god gouerneþ þis worlde. ¶ And I shal shortly answere þe by what resouns I am brouȝt to þis. ¶ þis worlde quod I of so many dyuerse and contrarious parties ne myȝten neuer han ben assembled in o forme. but yif þere ne were oon þat conioigned so many[e diuerse] þinges. ¶ And þe same diuersite of hire natures þat so discordeden þat oon fro þat oþer most[e] departen and vnioignen þe þinges þat ben conioigned. yif þere ne were oon þat contened[e] þat he haþ conioigned and ybounde. ne þe certein ordre of nature ne sholde. nat brynge furþe so ordinee moeuynge. by places. by tymes. by doynges. by spaces. by qualites. yif þere ne were oon þat were ay stedfast dwellynge. þat ordeyned[e] and disposed[e] þise diuersites of moeuynges. ¶ and þilke þinge what so euer it be. by whiche þat alle þinges ben maked and ylad. I clepe hym god þat is a worde þat is vsed to alle folke. þan seide she. syn þou felest þus þise þinges quod she. I trowe þat I haue lytel more to done. þat þou myȝty of

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wilfulnesse hool and sounde ne se eftsones þi contre. ¶ But lat vs loken þe þinges þat we han purposed herbyforn. ¶ Haue I nat noumbred and seid quod she þat suffisaunce is in blisfulnesse. and we han accorded þat god is and þilke same blisfulnesse. ¶ yis forsoþe quod I. and þat to gouerne þis worlde quod she. ne shal he neuer han nede of none helpe fro wiþoute. for ellys yif he had[de] nede of any helpe. he ne sholde not haue [no] ful suffisaunce. ȝis þus it mot nedes be quod I. ¶ þan ordeyneþ he by hym self al oon alle þinges quod she. þat may nat ben denied quod I. ¶ And I haue shewed þat god is þe same good. ¶ It remembreþ me wel quod I. ¶ þan ordeineþ he alle þinges by þilke goode quod she. Syn he whiche we han accorded to ben good gouerneþ alle þingus by hym self. and he is a keye and a stiere by whiche þat þe edifice of þis worlde is ykept stable and wiþ oute corumpynge ¶ I accorde me gretly quod I. and I aperceiuede a litel here byforn þat þou woldest seyne þus. Al be it so þat it were by a þinne suspecioun. I trowe it wel quod she. ¶ For as I trowe þou leedest nowe more ententifly þine eyen to loken þe verray goodes ¶ but naþeles þe þinges þat I shal telle þe ȝit ne sheweþ nat lasse to loken. what is þat quod I. ¶ So as men trowen quod she and þat ryȝtfully þat god gouerneþ alle þinges by þe keye of his goodnesse. ¶ And alle þise same þinges as I [haue] tauȝt þe. hasten hem by naturel entencioun to comen to goode þer may no man douten. þat þei ne ben gouerned uoluntariely. and þat þei ne conuerten [hem] nat of her owen wille to þe wille of hire ordenour. as þei þat ben accordyng and enclinynge to her gouernour

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and her kyng. ¶ It mot nedys be so quod. I. [fol. 23b] ¶ For þe realme ne sholde not seme blisful ȝif þere were a ȝok of mysdrawynges in diuerse parties ne þe sauynge of obedient þinges ne sholde nat be. þan is þere no þing quod she þat kepiþ hys nature.̉ þat enforceþ hym to gone aȝeyne god. ¶ No quod. I. ¶ And if þat any þing enforced[e] hym to wiþstonde god. myȝt[e] it auayle at þe laste aȝeyns hym þat we han graunted to ben al myȝty by þe ryȝt of blisfulnesse. ¶ Certis quod I al outerly it ne myȝt[e] nat auaylen hym. þan is þere no þing quod she þat eyþer wol or may wiþstonde to þis souereyne good. ¶ I trowe nat quod. I ¶ þan is þilke þe souereyne good quod she þat alle þingus gouerneþ strongly and ordeyneþ hem softly. þan seide I þus. I delite me quod I nat oonly in þe endes or in þe sommes of [the] resouns þat þou hast concludid and proued. ¶ But þilke wordes þat þou vsest deliten me moche more. ¶ So at þe last[e] fooles þat somtyme renden greet[e] þinges auȝten ben asshamed of hem self. ¶ þat is to seyne þat we fooles þat reprehenden wickedly þe þingus þat touchen goddes gouernaunce we auȝten ben asshamed of oure self. As I þat seide god refuseþ oonly þe werkes of men. and ne entremetiþ nat of hem. p. þou hast wel herd quod she þe fables of þe poetes. how þe geauntes assailden þe heuene wiþ þe goddes. but for soþe þe debonaire force of god disposed[e] hem so as it was worþi. þat is to seyne distroied[e] þe geauntes. as it was worþi. ¶ But wilt þou þat we ioygnen togedre þilke same resouns. for perauenture of swiche coniunccioun may sterten vp some faire sperkele of soþe ¶ Do quod I as þe list. wenest þou quod she

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þat god ne is almyȝty. no man is in doute of it. Certys quod I no wyȝt ne defendiþ it if he be in hys mynde. but he quod she þat is al myȝty þere nis no þing þat he ne may do. þat is soþe quod I. May god done yuel quod she. nay for soþe quod. I. ¶ þan is yuel no þing quod she. ¶ Syn þat he ne may not done yuel þat may done alle þinges. scornest þou me quod. I. or ellys pleyest þou or deceiuest þou me. þat hast so wouen me wiþ þi resouns. þe house of didalus so entrelaced. þat it is vnable to ben vnlaced. þou þat oþer while entrest þere þou issest and oþer while issest þere þou entrest. ne fooldest þou nat to gidre by replicacioun of wordes a maner wondirful cercle or envirounynge of symplicite deuyne. ¶ For certys a litel her byforne whan þou bygunne atte blisfulnesse þou seidest þat it is souereyne good. and seidest þat it is set in souereyne god. and þat god is þe ful[le] blisfulnesse. for whiche þou ȝaf[e] me as a couenable ȝifte. þat is to seyne þat no wyȝt nis blisful. but yif he be good al so þer wiþ and seidest eke þat þe forme of goode is þe substaunce of god. and of blisfulnesse. and seidest þat þilke same oone is þilke same goode þat is requered and desired of al þe kynde of þinges. and þou proeuedest in disputynge þat god gouerneþ alle [the] þinges of þe worlde by þe gouernementys of bountee. and seydest þat alle þinges wolen ybeyen to hym. and seidest þat þe nature of yuel nis no þing. and þise þinges ne shewedest þou nat wiþ no resouns ytake fro wiþoute but by proues in cercles and homelyche knowen. ¶ þe whiche proeues drawen to hem self hir feiþ and hir accorde eueriche [of] hem of oþer. þan seide she þus. I ne scorne þe nat ne pleye ne desseyue

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þe. but I haue shewed to þe þinge þat is grettest ouer alle þinges by þe ȝifte of god þat we some tyme prayden ¶ For þis is þe forme of [the] deuyne substaunce. þat is swiche þat it ne slydeþ nat in to outerest foreine þinges. ne ne rec[e]yueþ no strange þinges in hym. but ryȝt as parmaynws seide in grek of þilke deuyne substaunce. he seide þus þat þilke deuyne substaunce torneþ þe worlde and þilke cercle moeueable of þinges while þilke dyuyne substaunce kepiþ it self wiþ outen moeuynge. þat [fol. 24] is to seyne þat it ne moeuiþ neuere mo. and ȝitte it moeueþ alle oþer þinges. but na-þeles yif I [haue] stered resouns þat ne ben nat taken fro wiþ oute þe compas of þe þinge of whiche we treten. but resouns þat ben bystowed wiþ inne þat compas þere nis nat whi þat þou sholde[st] merueylen. sen þou hast lerned by þe sentence of plato þat nedes þe wordes moten ben cosynes to þo þinges of whiche þei speken.


Blisful is þat man þat may seen þe clere welle of good. blisful is he þat may vnbynde hym fro þe bonde of heuy erþe. ¶ þe poete of trace [orpheus] þat somtyme hadde ryȝt greet sorowe for þe deeþ of hys wijf. aftir þat he hadde maked by hys wepely songes þe wodes meueable to rennen. and hadde ymaked þe ryueres to stonden stille. and maked þe hertys and hyndes to ioignen dredles hir sides to cruel lyouns to herkene his songe. and had[de] maked þat þe hare was nat agast of þe hounde whiche þat was plesed by hys songe. so þat whane þe most[e] ardaunt loue of hys wijf brende þe

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entrailes of his brest. ne þe songes þat hadde ouer comen alle þinges ne myȝten nat assuage hir lorde orpheus. ¶ He pleyned[e] hym of þe godes þat weren cruel to hym. he wente hym to þe houses of helle and þere he tempred[e] hys blaundissyng songes by resounyng of hys strenges. ¶ And spak and song in wepynge alle þat euer he hadde resceyued and laued oute of þe noble welles of hys modir calliope þe goddesse. and he song wiþ as mychel as he myȝt[e] of wepynge. and wiþ as myche as loue þat doubled[e] his sorwe myȝt[e] ȝeuen hym and teche hym in his seke herte. ¶ And he commoeuede þe helle and requered[e] and souȝte by swete preiere þe lordes of soules in helle of relesynge. þat is to seyne to ȝelden hym hys wif. ¶ Cerberus þe porter of helle wiþ his þre heuedes was cauȝt and al abaist for þe new[e] songe. and þe þre goddesses furijs and vengerisse of felonies þat tourmenten and agasten þe soules by anoye wexen sorweful and sory and wepen teres for pitee. þan was nat þe heued of Ixione ytourmented by þe ouerþrowing whele. ¶ And tantalus þat was destroied by þe woodnesse of longe þrust dispiseþ þe flodes to drynke. þe fowel þat hyȝt voltor þat etiþ þe stomak or þe giser of ticius is so fulfilled of his songe þat it nil etyn ne tyren no more. ¶ Atte þe laste þe lorde and Iuge of soules was moeued to misericordes and cried[e] we ben ouer comen quod he. yif[e] we to orpheus his wijf to bere hym compaignye he haþ welle I-bouȝt hir by his faire songe and

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his ditee. but we wil putten a lawe in þis. and couenaunt in þe ȝifte. þat is to seyne. þat til he be out of helle yif he loke byhynden hym [þat] hys wijf shal comen aȝeine to vs ¶ but what is he þat may ȝeue a lawe to loueres. loue is a gretter lawe and a strengere to hym self þan any lawe þat men may ȝeuen. ¶ Allas whan Orpheus and his wijf were al most at þe termes of þe nyȝt. þat is to seyne at þe last[e] boundes of helle. Orpheus loked[e] abakwarde on Erudice his wijf and lost[e] hir and was deed. ¶ þis fable apperteineþ to ȝow alle who so euer desireþ or sekiþ to lede his þouȝte in to þe souereyne day. þat is to seyne to clerenes[se] of souereyne goode. ¶ For who so þat euere be so ouer comen þat he fycche hys eyen in to þe put[te] of helle. þat is to seyne who so setteþ his þouȝtes in erþely þinges. al þat euer he haþ drawen of þe noble good celestial he lesiþ it whan he lokeþ þe helles. þat is to seyne to lowe þinges of þe erþe.

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