An anthology of Chancery English

1419C81/1365/3Signet of Henry V

By þe king S Worshipful fader yn god oure right trusty and welbeloued. We grete yow wel And for asmuche as we be enfourmed /
þat oure lettres patentes by þe whiche we haue granted vnto oure welbeloued squier Pierres Garueys. þe
warde of þe landes and tenementȝ tat were hugh ffastolfs knight þat is godbetaght: be nat vaillable. by
cause. þe value is nat expressed. in oure saide lett res / and also. for suche wardes been assigned for þe despens es
of oure howsholde. we wol. þat ye do make vnto oure said squier oure lettres patentes vnder oure grete seel in due
forme / of þe said warde beryng þe date of oure furst grante. nat wiþstanding þat mencion is nat maade of þ e
verraye value yerly / and also natwiþstandyng þat suche wardes been assigned for þe despenses of oure howshold.
for hit is oure wille þat he (haue) suche lettres paten tes as may be vaillable (and resonabe)þo him in þis caas.
Yeuen vnder oure signet in oure towne of vernon þe xxviij day of Auerill S (Signed) Shiryngton Page  115

*. [ [Calendared Kirby 864. See no.14 above. Grant recorded 28 Feb.1418, CPR 1416-22, p. 134.] [superior insert] ]