An anthology of Chancery English

1455SC8/28/1363Petition of the Abbot and Convent of Seynt Germayne, Yorkshire

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To the kyng oure souerain Lorde Moost humbly besechen youre poure Chappeleyns and continuell Oratoures thabbot and
Convent of the monastery of Seynt Germayne of Selby in the diocise of york þat where it lyked your highnes
because þat the more part of spiritueltees and temporaltees of the seid monastery lying and adioynyng
to the Rivers of humbre Owse Trent Aire doune derwent and the dyke which weren the grete relyef and sustenance of
your seid Oratoures werne of long tyme and yit ben by the Invndacions of the seid waters and brekyng in of the
bankes of hem there / so amynused dyscresed depauparte and anyentysed and also taxed and surcharged to the paying
of the dysmeȝ and su(bs)idiesþat diuers yeres the proufites and reuenues of them wolde vnneth suffice to
paie the hole dismes aftre the taxe of theim which hole dismeȝ of her possessions spirituelx and
temporelx amounten to the some of iiij xx. iiij. li. and more in the provinces of Caunterbury and yorke and for other
grete charges and pitevous causes and consideracons than shewed vnto youre highnes It lyked youre most benigne grace
of grete tendernes and ȝele to youre seid monastery and merite to youre soule and to thencresing of dyuine seruice
there by youre lettres patentes the seid special causes and other meritory causes rehersing for to graunte
vnto youre seid Oratours and to their successours and to the monastery Aforeseid to be quyte and discharged for euere
of alle dismeȝ to be graunted in the seid provinces ouer the somme of .xl. li. so þat your
seid Oratours shulde paie after the graunte of euery hole disme in those provinces .xl li. oonly that is to seye .xv. li.
after an hole disme within the province of Caunterbury And so after the rate vpon euere graunt vpon eny part or quote of
any disme within the same prouince And .xxv. li. after an hole disme with in the province of york And so after the rate
there in semblable wise as it more pleynly appiereth in youre seid lettres patentes. Please it (your most habundant)
grace the premisses tenderly to considre at this tyme. And in releuacion of your seid continuel Oratours and Monastery
of youre patronage being for to prouide for your seid Oratours vpon this Act of resumpcion by thassent of your lordes
spirituelx and temporelx now in this youre present parlemet assembled in the wise and in þe maner and
fourme as folowith / At the Reuerence of god and in wey of Charite And they shal continuelly prey for youre Royal estate
and prosperite. Prouided alwey that this Act or ordinance of Resumpcion extende not ne be preiudicial
to thabbot and Conuent of the monastery of seynt Germayne of Selby in the diocise of york
(duryng þe lif of thabbot þat now is) pne to her successours of or for Any graunte Page  284 or lettres patentes of exoneracion or Acquitaill
vnto hem made of any dismeȝ or subsidieȝ aboue the somme of .xv. li. after the taxe or quantite of an hole
disme graunted or to be graunted in the province of Caunterbury And aboue the somme of .xxv. li after the
taxe or quantite of an hole disme graunted or to be graunted in the province of york and so after tha Rate and quantite of hem
more or lesse but þat the (grauntes) or lettres patentes made to hem of or for the premisseȝ mowe stonde
in her force and so be vtterly except and forprised owte of this Act of Resumpcion (Memorandum of action on dorse, in a third hand) The kyng by thavice
of the lordes spirituelx and temporelx aggreedh this provysyon as it is desyred duryng the liffe of the Abbot that
nowe is and after his discesse the kyng taketh and resumeth in to his handes all the grauntes conteyned in þe provysyon to be at his pleasire

*. [ [Printed RP V.308] [torn] [over erasure] [superior insert in a second hand] [bracketed for excision] [rubbed] #$27#$ ]