An anthology of Chancery English

1427-1428SC8/25/1222Petition on behalf of the Archbishop of Canterbury

Souuerain Lord We youre Humble Liegis han late vnderstande to oure greet heuynesse / that oure good fader the Archebisshop
of Canterbury (and Primat) of al this land / shulde haue be detecte and noysed vngoodly and vnskilfully to oure
holy fader the pope / that he sholde haue been and pro(cu red) ayens the libertees of Page  208 the Courte of Rome in this
lond and other wyse haue gouerned hym in his cure / thanne hit longeth to a good prelat for to doo be cause whereof oure
holy fader was meuyd to make certain proces a yens hym in preiudice of hym and oure aller moder þe cherche of
Canterbury w(hi)ch we been alle holden to worship and susteyne in as muche as in vs is. / Wherfor
we beseche youre hieghnesse as humblely as we can for to haue (th)e saide oure aller good fader recommissed
and yeue in special commandement to youre Ambassatours that shul goo to the Courte of Rome / or ellis
write to oure saide hooly fader þe pope / to haue þe saide Archebisshop and oure moder his cherche of Canterbury
specially recommissed withowte any credence yeuyng to any swich informacions or deteccions now maad / or
to be maad in tyme to commyng ayens faith and conscience / And yif any swich processe be maad / to cassen hem and annullen
hem / as swich that proceded of an vndewe and vnskilful sug gestion / and þe trouthe not knowen

*. [ [Printed RP IV.322.18] [torn]]