Mappula Angliae [und] Zeitrechnung [Englische Studien 10 (1887)]


(i. j. 1445 verfasst), aus MS. Harl 4011 fol. 164.*. [Diese abhandlung folgt im MS. auf die Mappula Angliae von ders. hand.]

The ȝere fro the begynnynge of þe world, þat was þat tyme þe XVIII day of Marche VM. Co. IVXX and XIXo, The fryday þe XXV day of Marche, was Cryste Jhesu conseyuyd on his blessyd moder Mary, the ȝere of hur age XIII endynge, and boron of hur afturward on þe sonday at mydnyȝt yn Bedlem, þe XXX day of December þe age of XIV ȝere endynge, The ȝere of Octauyan ȝe emperoure of Rome þat tyme XLII, That tyme kynge Lembylle of Englond rey∣nynge; þe prime goynge by II, The sycle of þe sonne by IX, and þe domyny∣calle lettur by B &c.

Thre tymys byn of the worlde, þat is for to say: Tyme before the lawe, Tyme vndur the lawe, And tyme of grace. Tyme be-fore þe lawe was from the begynnynge of the worlde on-to Moyses. Tyme vndur the lawe was from Moyses on-to the natyuyte of oure lorde Jhesu Criste. Tyme of grace is from the natyuyte of Criste on-to þe day of dome. The wch tymys be departyd yn to þese partis: XLVII athomi makyne an vnce, XII vnce1. [l. vncis.] makyne a moment, XL momentis makyn an howre. Also on mynute & an half makyne on moment, LX mynutis makyne an howre, XXIV howris makyne a naturalle day. VI howris makyne a quadrant, IV quadrantis make a day. On howre haþe2. [MS. hane.] IV poyntis, On poynt haþe X momentis or XV mynutis, þat is oon quarter of an howre. VII dayes make a weke, IV wekis make a monythe, XII monythis make a ȝere. A Page  35 ȝere hathe LII wekys & a day; LII wekis arne CCCLX and V dayes & VI howris. And so the monythe is alle-moste þe XII parte of þe yere, The weke is al-moste the IV parte of the monyth, The day is þe VII parte of the weke, The quadrant is þe IV parte of the day, The howre is the VI parte of the quadrant, The poynte1. [MS. ponynte.] is the IV parte of the howre, The moment is þe X parte of þe poynte, And þe mynute is þe XV parte of the poynte, The vnce is þe XII parte of the momente, The athomus, þat is þe twynkelynge of an ye, is þe XLVII parte of an vnce. V ȝere makythe lustrum, that is2. [MS. that is to.] þe space of V yere; III lustres makyne on indiccyoun, þat is þe space of XV yere; VI indiccyons and II lustres makyne seculum, þat is þe space of an Cm ȝere; Xe fecula makyne euum, þat is þe space of a Ml ȝere; XV eua makyne perygesym, þat is the space of XV Ml ȝere: And so yn þat tyme alle the sterris schalle come agayne to þe same poynte þat þey were made, and not erste.

The day of XXIV howris hathe IV tymys, þat is to say: þe Euyn-tyde, Mydnyȝte, Morowe-tyde, and Mydday. The euyn-tyde haþe IV tymys, þat is to say: Vesperum, the euynsonge tyme; Crepusculum, the twylyghte; Conticinium, the derke nyȝte; Intempestum, the mydnyȝt. The morowe-tyde hathe V tymis, that is to say: Gallicantum, the cocke-crowynge; Matutinum, þe maten tyme; Diliculum, þe dawnynge; Aurorem, þe brode day; Meridiem, þe mydday &c.

In þe tyme & the day of Cristis byrthe was Solsticium yemale, þat is to say the schortis day yn the ȝere: ffor þat tyme þe day be-gan to lengthe & yncrese. And yn the tyme of seynt John̄ þe Baptiste byrthe that is mydsomer∣day, was Sol(s)ticium estiuale, that is to say þe lengyste day in þe yere: ffor þat tyme the dayis be-gan to schorte & decresse, vt habetur in euangelio Illum oportet cressere, me autem minui. And yn þe Annunciacioun of oure lady yn lentoun was equinoxium vernale, þat is to say: þe day & þe nyȝte that tyme were alle lyke longe. And yn the Concepcioun of seynt John̄ the baptiste, þat is þe V day afore Mychelmas-day, was Equinoxium autumnale. But nowe hit is not so yn þus dayes: ffor alle auctouris say þat yn þe yere byn CCCo. LX. and V days and VI howris, Neuer-þe-lesse yn euery yere lakkyne VIII momentis, whiche byn a quarter of an howre saue II momentis. For yn V ȝere þe VIII momentis gaderyd to-gedur makyne an howre, And yn VIXX yere þay make a day, And yn XIVC. XLIV yere—þat is þe tyme sen god was boron to Crystenmesse-day þat laste was makynge—XII dayis and halfe an3. [MS. halfe. An.] howre and IV momentis is þis. Solsticium yemale at þus dayes4. [MS. at þus dayes. Atte þis dayes.] be-gynnys at on of the clocke of þe day goynge by-fore....; And solsticium estiuale is þe XI day halfe howre and IV momentis by-fore mydsomyr-day; And equinoxium vernale is þe XIII(!) day halfe howre and IV momentis be-fore þe Annunciacyoun of oure lady yn lentyn; And equinoxium autumpnale is on holyrode-day by-forne Mychelmes.


The firste day of January the day is VII howris and LII mynutis longe from sunne to sunne, and XII howris and IX mynutis longe from lyght to lyghte. | On þe V day of January þe day is VIII howris and oon mynute lesse fro Page  36 sunne to sonne, and XII howris and XVII mynutis longe fro lyghte on-to lyghte. | On the XXIII day of January þe day is VIII howris and XVI mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XIII howris longe fro lyghte to lyghte. | On the XXV. day of January þe day is IX howris and III mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, & XIII howris and VII mynutis longe fro lighte to lighte.


On the V day of Febreuer the day is X howris and III mynutis fro sōnne to sōnne, and XIII howris and LIX mynutis longe from lyght to lyghte | On the XI day of Feb'. the day is X howris and VII mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XIV howris and III mynutis longe fro lyghte to lyghte. | On the XXV day of Feb'. the day is a XI howris and III mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XIV howris and LXII mynutis longe fro lyghte to lyghte. | On the XXVI day of Feb'. þe day is XII howris & VII mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XV howris and o mynute longe fro lyght to lyghte.


On the XII day of Marche the day is XII howris and III mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XVI howris and III munytis longe fro lyghte to lyght. | On the XXIV day of Marche þe day is XII howris and LI mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XVII howris and III mynutis longe fro lyghte to lyghte. | On the XXVII day of Marche þe day is XIII howris longe and II mynutis fro sōnne to sōnne, and XVII howris & XVI mynutis longe fro lyghte to lyghte.


On the IV day of Apryle þe day is XIII howris and XXIII mynutis longe fro sonne to sōnne, and XVIII howris and o mynute longe fro lyghte to lyghte. | On the XI day of Aprile þe day is XIV howris longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XVII howris and XLII mynutis longe fro lyght to lyght. | On the XIV day of Aprile þe day is XIV howris and XI mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XIX howris and o mynute longe fro lyghte to lyghte. | On the XXIII day of Aprile þe day is XIV howris and XLIV mynutis longe fro sonne to sōnne, and XX howris and II mynutis longe fro light to lighte. | On the XXVIII day of Aprile the day is XV howris and o mynute longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XX howris and XXXIX mynutis longe fro lighte to lighte.


OOn the firste day of May the day is XV howris longe fro sōnne to sonne, and XXI howris and IV mynutis longe fro light to lyghte. | On the VII day of May the day is XV howris and XXIX mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XXII howris and VII mynutis longe fro lyghte to liȝt. | On the XII day of May the day is XV howris and XLIII mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XXIV howris longe fro lyghte to lyghte. | On the XIX day of May the day is XVI howris longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XXIV howris longe fro lyghte to lyght.

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Oon the XIII day of June þe day is XVI howris & halfe howre longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XXIV howris longe fro lyghte to lyghte: and there is the day at longyste.


Oon the IX day of Jule the day is XV howris and LVII mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XXIV howris longe fro lyghte to lyght. | On the XV(!)day of Jule þe day is XV howris and XLII mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XXIII longe fro lyght to lyghte. | On the XIII daye of Jule the day is XV howris & XXXVII mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, & XXII howris and XLIII mynutis fro lyghte to lyghte. | On the XXI day of Jule the day is XV howris & XXV mynutis longe for sōnne to sōnne, and XXI howris & LI mynutis longe fro lyghte to lyghte. | On the XXVII day off Jule the day is XV howris and XVI mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XX howris and LIV mynutis longe fro lyght to lyghte. | On the XXIX day of Jule þe day is XIV howris longe and LIX mynutis fro sōnne to sōnne, and XX howris & XXXVII mynutis longe fro lyght to lyghte.


Oon the III day of Auguste þe day is XIV howris & XLIII mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XIX howris & LIX mynutis fro lyght to lyghte. | On the XII day of Auguste the day is XIV howris & X mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XVIII howris & LVIII mynutis longe fro lyghte to lyghte. | On the XV day of Auguste þe day is XIII howris and LIX mynutis fro sōnne to sōnne, and XVIII howris & XLI mynutis longe fro lyghte to lyghte. | On the XXII day of Auguste þe day is XIII howris and XXXII mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne and XVII howris and LXIII mynutis longe fro lyghte to lyghte. | On þe laste day of Auguste þe day is XII howris and L mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XVII howris and XI mynutis longe fro lyght to lyghte.


OOon the II day of September the day is XII howris & XLIX mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XVI howris & LIX mynutis longe fro lyght to lyghte. | On the XV day of September þe day is a XI howris and LVII mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XV howris & LVII mynutis longe fro lyghte to lyghte. | On XXVIII day of September the day is a XI howris and V mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne and XIV howris & LIX mynutis longe fro lyght to lyght. | On the laste day of September the day is X howris & LXII mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne and XIV howris and LI mynutis longe fro lyghte to lyghte.


OOn the XIV day of October þe day is X howris & II mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XIV howris & LXIII mynutis longe fro lyght to lyghte.Page  38 | On þe XV day of October þe day is IX howris and LVIII mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XIII howris and LIV mynutis longe fro lyghte to lyghte. | On the laste day of October the day is VIII howris and LVIII mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XIII howris & II mynutis longe fro lyght to lyghte.


OOn the firste day of Nouember the day is VIII howris and LI mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XII howris & LIX mynutis longe fro lyghte to lyghte. | On the XX day of Nouember the day is VII howris and LVIII my∣nutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XII howris and XVI mynutis longe fro lyghte to lyghte.


OOn þe IV day of December the day is VII howris & XXXV mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XI howris and LIX mynutis longe fro lyghte to lyghte. | On the XII day of December þe day is VII howris & a half longe fro sonne to sonne, and a XI howris & LVI mynutis longe fro lyght to lyghte. | On the XX day of December þe day is VII howris & XXXVII mynutis longe fro sōnne to sōnne, and XII howris longe fro lyghte to lyghte: And þer is Solsti∣cium yemale, that is to say: þe day is at þe schortyste. | On seynt John̄-is day yn Crystemesse þe day is lenghtyd a quarter of an howre, and þe same day þe sōnne schalle ryse a quarter of an howre aftur VIII and goo downe a quarter of an howre afore IV þe same day.—

Januarius. On the V day of January þe day is lenghtid halfe an howre on the same day, and þe sōnne schalle ryse at VIII and goo downe at IV. | On the X day of January þe day is lynghtid III quarters of an howre. | On the XV day of Januer the day is lynghtid an howre, on the same day þe sōnne schalle ryse a quarter of an howre before VIII, and goo down̄e a quarter of an howre aftur IV. | On the XX day of Januer the day is lynghtid an howre & a quarter. | On the XXV day of Januer, þat is saynt Powlis day, þe day is lengthid an howere & an halfe, þat day þe sōnne schalle ryse halfe howre before VIII and goo downe halfe howre aftur IV. | On the XXVIII day of Januer the day is lynghtid an howre and III quarteris of ane howre. | On kandulmasse-day þe day is lynghtid II howris, one þat day the sōnne schalle ryse III quarteris of an howre before VIII and goo downe III quarters of an howre aftur IV.

Februaryus. On the V day of February the day is lynghtid II howris & a quarter. | On the X day of February þe day is lynghtid II howris & a halfe, and on þe same day þe sōnne schalle ryse at VII and goo down̄e at V. | On the XIII day of Feu'. þe day is lynghtid II howris & III quarteris. | On the XVII day of Feu'. the day is lynghtid III howris, and þat day the sōnne schalle ryse a quarter of an howre before VII and goo downe a quarter of an howre aftur V. | On the XXI day of Feu'. þe day is lynghtid III howris & a quarter. | On the XXV day of Feu'. þe day is lynghtid III howris & an halfe, on þat day the sōnne schalle ryse half an howre before VII and goo downe halfe howre aftur V. | On the laste day of Feu'. þe day is lynghtid III howris and III quarteris.

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Marcius. On the IV day of Marche the sonne schalle ryse III quartis of an howre before VII and goo downe III quarteris of an howre aftur V. | On the VIII day of Marche þe day is lynghtid IV howris & a quarter. | On the XII day of Marche þe day is lynghtid IV howris and an halfe, on that day þe sōnne schalle ryse at VI and goo downe at VI, and þere is Equinoxium vernale &c. | On the XV day of Marche þe day is lynghtid IV howris & III quarteris. | On the XIX day of Marche þe day is lynghtid V howris, and þat day þe sōnne schalle ryse a quarter of an howre before VI and goo downe a quarter of an howre aftur VI. | On the XXIII day of Marche the day is lynthid V howris & a quarter of an howre. | On the XXVII day of Marche þe day is lynghtid V howris and an halfe, on that day þe sōnne schalle ryse halfe howre before VI and goo downe halfe howre aftur VI. | On the laste day of Marche þe day is lynghtid V howris and III quarteris.

Aprilis. On the III day of Aprile the day is lynghtid VI howris, on that day the sōnne schalle ryse III quarteris of an howre be-fore VI and goo downe III quarteris of an howre aftur VI. | On the VII day of Aprile þe day is lyngh∣tid VI howris & a quarter. | On the XI day of Aprile the day is lynghtid VI howris & III quarteris, | On that day of Aprile the sunne shalle ryse at V and goo downe at VII. | On the XV day of Aprile þe day is lynghtid VI howris and III quarteris. | On the XX day of Aprile þe day is lynghtid VII howris, On þat day þe sōnne schalle ryse a quarter before V and goo downe a quarter aftur VII. | On the XXIII day of Aprile the day is lynghtid VII howris & a quarter. | On the XXVIII day of Aprile the day is lynghtid VII howris & an halfe, On that day þe sonne schalle ryse halfe howre before V and goo downe halfe howre aftur VII.

Maius. On the III day of May þe day is lynghtid VII howris and III quarteris. | On the VIII day of May þe day is lynghtid VIII howris, On þe same day þe sōnne schalle ryse III quarteris of an howre before V and goo downe III quarteris aftur VII. | On the XIII day of May þe day is lynghtid VIII howris & a quarter.| On the XIX day of May þe day is lynghtid VIII howris & a halfe, on þat day þe sōnne schalle ryse at IV and goo downe at VIII. | On the XXVII day of May þe day is lynghtid VIII howris and III quarteris, on þat day þe sōnne schalle ryse a quarter before IV and goo downe a quarter aftur VIII.

Junius. On the XIII day of June þe day is lynghtid IX howris, On that day þe sonne schalle ryse halfe howre before IV and goo downe halfe howre aftur VIII: and þer is Solsticium Estiuale, The day is at þe longyste. | In the laste day of June the day is schorttid a quarter of an howre, and þat day þe sōnne schalle ryse a quarter of an howre before IV and goo downe a quarter aftur VIII.

Julius. On the IX day of Jule the day is schortyd half an howre. On that day the sōnne schalle ryse at IV and goo downe at VIII. | On the XIV day of Jule the day is schorter III quarteris of an howre. | On the XX day of Jule þe day is schorter an howre, and þat day þe sōnne schal ryse III quarteris be∣fore V and goo downe III quarteris aftur VII. | On the XXV day of Jule þe Page  40 day is schorter an howre & a quarter. | On the XXIX day of Jule the day is schorter an howre & half, On the same day þe sonne schalle ryse half howre be∣fore V and goo downe halfe howre aftur VII.

Augustus. On the III day of Auguste þe day is schortid an howre and III quarteris. | On the VII day of Auguste þe day is schorter II howris, on that day the sōnne schalle ryse a quarter before V and goo downe a quarter of an howre aftur VII. | On þe XI day of August the day is schorter II howris & a quarter. | On þe XV day of Auguste þe day is schorter II howris and a halfe, On þat day þe sōnne schalle ryse at V and goo downe at VII. | On the XIX day of Auguste þe day is schorter II howris & III quarteris. | On þe XXIII day of Auguste the day ys schorter III howris, and þe same day þe sōnne schalle ryse III quarteris of an howre be-fore VI and goo downe III quarteris aftur VI. | On the XXVII day off Auguste the day is schorter III howris & a quarter. | On the laste day of August the day is schorter III howris and a half, þat day þe sōnne schalle ryse half howre be-fore VI and goo downe halfe howre aftur VI.

September. On the III day of September the day is schorter III howris & III quarteris. | On the VII day of September þe day is schorter IV howris, on þat day the sōnne schalle ryse a quarter before VI and goo downe a quarter aftur VI. | On the XI day of September þe day is schortir IV howris & a quar∣ter. | On þe XIV day of September þe day is schorter IV howris & a halfe, on þat day þe sōnne schalle ryse at VI and goo downe at VI: and þer is Autump∣nale, | In exultacione sce crucis. | On the XVIII day of September þe day is schorter IV howris and III quartis. | On the XXII day of September þe day is schorter V howris, and þat day þe sōnne shalle ryse III quarteris before VII and goo downe III quarteris aftur V. | On þe XXVI day of September þe day is schorter V howris & a quarter. | On the laste day of September þe day is schorter V howris & an halfe, on þat day þe sōnne schalle a-ryse halfe howre be∣fore VII and goo downe halfe howre afture V.

October. On the III day of Octobure þe day is schorter V howris and III quartis. | On the VI day of Octobure þe day is schorter VI howris, and þat day þe sōnne schalle ryse a quarter before VII and go downe a quarter aftur V. | On þe XI day of October þe day is schorter V howris and a quarter. | On the XV day of October þe day is schorter VI and a halfe, on that day the sōnne schalle ryse at VII and goo downe at V. | On the XIX day of October þe day is schorter VI howris & III quarteris. | On the XXIII day of Octobure þe day is schorter VII howris, and that day þe sōnne schalle ryse III quarteris of an howre before VII and go downe III quarteris aftur IV. | On the XXVII day of October þe day is schorter VII howris and a quarter. | On the laste day of October þe day is schorter VII howris & an halfe, on þat day þe sōnne schalle ryse halfe howre before VIII and go downe halfe howre afture IV.

Nouember. On þe IV day of Nouember þe day is schorter VII howris & III quarteris. | On þe VIII day of Nouember þe day is schorter VIII howris, on þat day þe sōnne schalle ryse a quarter before VIII and goo downe a quarter aftur IV. | On þe XIV day of Nouember þe day is schorter VIII howris & a quarter. | On the XX day of Nouembere þe day is schorter VIII howris & an halfe, on þat day þe sōnne shalle ryse at VIII and goo downe at IV. | On þe Page  41 XXVII day of Nouembere þe day ys schorter VIII howris & III quartris, and þat day þe sonne schalle ryse a quarter of an howre aftur VIII and goo downe a quarter before IV.

December. On the XII day of December þe day is schorter IX howris, and þat day þe sōnne schalle ryse halfe an howre aftur VIII and goo downe halfe an howre be-fore IV: and þer is Solsticium yemale, that is to say þe day is at the schortis &c.


C. Horstmann.